Monday, May 31, 2010

चूत की लूट Hindi Indian Sex Story

दोस्तों मेरा नाम पूमम है .मैं अप्पने मम्मी पापा और एक बड़े भाई साथ सौरभ नगर कोलीनी में रहती हूँ.मेरा फ्लैट तीइसरी मंजिल पर एक्कदम कोने पर है.दो साल पहिली ही मेरी कालोनी बनी थी.और मुख्य शहर से बहुत है दूर है। दो साल पाहिले यहाँ जंगल और खेत थे.आज तक कालोनी को जाने के लिए पका रोड नहींबन पाया है, इसी लिए रात के दस बजे तक चारों तरफ कोई आदमी दिखाई नहीं देता है.फिर कालोनी के बहुत से फ्लैट खाली पड़े हैं.मेरे पापा रेलवे में गार्ड हैं और तीन दिन के बाद वापस घर आते हैं.मेरा बड़ा भाई नरेश एम् कामकर रहा है उसकी शादी तय होचुकी है.मैं २० साल की हो चुकी हूँ .इस लिए मम्मी अगले साल मेरी भी शादी करवाना चाहती हैं.और शादी के लिए जेवर और रुपया अपने लोकर में जमा करती रहती हैं.मेरी कालोनी में अक्सर लाईट चली जाती है.इसलिए कालोनी के लोग रात में घर में ही रहते हैं।
यह इसी साल के दिसंबर की बाथे.में अपनी मम्मी के साथ उनके कमरे में थी.मेरा भाई पढ़ कर अपने कमरे में सो गया था.तभी अचानक लाईट चली गयी.रात के करीब ग्यारह बज चुके थे। तभी मम्मी को जीने पर किसी के पैरों की और बात करने की आवाज सुनाई दी.माननी ने मझे खिड़की से बाहर देखने को कहा.मुझे कोई भी दिखाई नहीं दिया.तभी किसी ने घर के दरवाजे पर जोर से दस्तक दी .मुझे लगा शायद पापा जल्दी घर आगये हैं और उनकी गाड़ी लेट हो गयी है .मैं दरवाजा खोल ही रही थी की देखें कौन है.जैसे ही मैं ने दरवाजा खोला तीन लोग दन्न से मम्मी के कमरे में घुस गयी.मम्मी मामला समझती की एक आदमी ने मम्मी के गाल पर जोर का चांटा मार दिया.मैं घबरा कर छत की सीढियों के नीचे छुप गयी .कमरे में होनेवाली घटना चुपचाप देखने लगी.तभी लाईट फिर से आगयी थी.मैं ने देखा तीनों लुटेरों की आयु लगभग २५ ३० साल बे बीच की थी.एक ने मम्मी के गले पर चाकू रखा तो मम्मी ने पूछा तुम लोग कौन हो और क्या चाहते हो.वह बोला मादरचोद देखती नहीं हम कौन हैं बड़ी भोली बनती है.हमें पता है तुने काफी माल जमा कर रखा है .ला साली लाकर की चाबी दे .और सारा माल हमारे हवाले कर दे.वरना तुझे यहीं काट कर रख देंगे.दर के मारे मम्मी ने सारे जेवर और रुपया उनको दे दिया.मम्मी रोने लगी तो एक ने दोबार मम्मी को ऐसा जोर का चांटा है ,मुझे छोड़ नहीं है नहीं मारा की वह पलंग पर गिर गई.और हाथ जोड़ कर बोलीं की अब मेरे पास कुछ नहीं है मुझे छोड़ दो.चाकू वाले ने दूसरे लुटेरे से कहा बल्लू मकान की ठीक से तलाशी ले.और उसने मम्मी के सारे कपडे उतार दिए.शर्म के मारे मम्मी ने अपनी चूत पर हाथ रखना चाहा तो चाकू वाले ने हाथ हटा दिया.वह बोला साली कहीं चूत में कुछ छुपा तो नहीं लिया है.उसने मम्मी की चूत और गांड में अपनी उंगली डाल कर देखा.दोनों लुटेरे घर में सब जगह तलासी लेने लगी तो उन्हें मैं सीढियों के नीचे छुपी हुई मिलागयी .उनमे एक जोर से चिल्लाया,सत्तो माल मिल गया.बड़ा कीमती माल है।
तभी मुझे अचानक समझ अगया की यह लुटेरे कौन थे.जिसे यह लोग सत्तो कह रहे थे मैं उसे जानती .उसका असली नाम सतीश था.वह पाहिले मेरे भाई के साथ पढ़ता था.सतीश को पहचानने के बाद मैं बाक़ी दोनों कोभी जान गयी.जिसे यह लोग बालू कह रहे थे उसका नाम बलदेव था और तीसरा अजीत था। तीनों तीनो अच्छे घर के लडके थे और कोई नौकरी न मिलने के कारण ऐसे काम करने लगी थे।
उन दोनों ने मुझे बाल पकड़ कर सतीश के पास खींच लिया.सतीश बोला हरामजादी जूठ बोलती थी की कुछ नहीं है ,यह माल क्या तेरी चूत से आगया है .आवाज सुन कर मेरा भाई जाग गया.फोरान तीनों ने उसे भी मम्मी के कमरे में घसीट लिया.और उसे मारने लगी.मम्मी बोली तुम लोगों को जो लेना था वह ले चुके अब मेरे लडके को क्यों मार रहे हो.जब मम्मी गुस्से में गाली देने लगी ,तोअजीत बोला रंडी तुझे अपने पर बड़ा प्यार है.इसलिए जबतकतुम अपने इसी लडके से नहीं चुदवायेगी हम उसे नहीं छोड़ेंगे.वरना उसे तेरे सामने ही यहीं काट कर फेक देंगेसतीश ने चाकू दिखा कर नरेश से कहा चल अपनी माँ की चुदाई कर .तुझे आज सचमुच का मादरचोद बनाए देते हैं। उन्होंने नरेश के सारे कपडे उतार दिए और मम्मी के ऊपर चढ़ा दियालेकिन शर्म के मारे नरेश का लंड खडा नहीं हो रहा था.अजीत बोला साले लंड जल्दी तय्यार कर ,नहीं लंड काट कर तेरी माँ की चूत में घुसा देंगे.फिर लंड के बिना तेरी शादी कसे होगी.मामी घबरा गयी,खडा करने के लिए नरेश का लंड चूसने लगी.यह देख मुझे नरेश का लंड बड़ा प्यारा लग रहा था.फिर भी नरेश झिझक रहा था अपना लंड मम्मी की चूत में नहीं घुसा रहा था.यह देख कर मम्मी ने कहा बेटा यह लोग जैसा कहें वैसा करो.आखिर तुम जिस चूत से निक्के हो उसे चोदने में में कैसी शर्म.आजा बेटा जल्दी से लंड अन्दर घुसा दे और अपनी माँ की इज्जत बचाले.इतना सुनते ही नरेश का लंड फनफनाने लगा.न्रेसने एक ही झटके में पूरा लंड मम्मी की चूत में घुसा दिया.और धक्के मारने लगा.मम्मी जोर जोर से ओह ओह उई उई करने लगी .तीनों बोले यार यह माँ बेटे की चुदायी देख कर अपने लंड भी खड़े हो गए हैं.मम्मी को मेरे सामने चुदवाने में कोई शर्म नही आ रही थी.वह तो नरेश के लंड का स्वाद ले रही थी.उसे भी मजा आरहा था.मम्मी को लुटाने का कोई दुःख नहीं था.वह हरेक धक्केपर अपनी कमर उछाल रही थी.जब अजीटने अपना लंड मम्मी के मुंह में दे दिया तो व उसेप्यार से चूसने लगा.मम्मी नरेश से कह रही थी बेटा कितना बड़ा संकट क्यों न हो लंड का मजा लेना चाहिए.फिर तुम तो मरे बेटे हो तुम दोगुनू ताकत से धक्के मारो.तुमने जितना मेरा दूध पीया है उतना ही अपने लंड का रस मेरी चूत में डाल देना।

यह देख कर खुद मेरी चूत गीली हो रही थी आदा घंटे तक चुदाई करने के बाद नरेश ने अपना वीर्य मामी की चूत में डाल दिया.वीर्य चूत से बाहर आरहा था.यह देख कर सतीश ने मेरे बाल पकड़ कर मेरा मुंह मम्मी की चूत पर रख दिया और बोला ,साली देखती क्या है ,जल्दी से चूत का सारा रस चाट ले.क्या तझे अपने भाई के लंड का और माँ की चूत का रस पसंद नहीं है.पी ले पी ले.इससे तुजे हमारे लंड झेलने जे लिए ताकत मिल जाए गी.और हमारे लंड लेने में दर्द नहीं होगा। अब तेरी बारी हैपाहिले किसका लंड लेगी.और तीनों में अपने लंड मेरे सामने निका कर दिखाए.सभी लंड काफी बड़े थे .मेरे सनझ में नही आ रहा था की मैं कौन सा लंड लूँ मैं माँ की तरफ देखने लगी.माँ ने बी तीनों लंड देखे और बोली तुम लोग खुद तय करो.लेकिन समझ लो मेरी लड़की ने अभी तक लंड का स्वाद नहीं लिया .अजीत बोला यह तो और अच्छी बात है आपके सामने ही आपकी लड़की की चूत का उदघाटन होगा .आपकी लड़की किस्मतवाली है.एकसाथ तीन लोगों से सुहागरात मना रही है.भविष्य में उसे लंड लेने में कोई तकलीफ नहींहोगी.हम पाहिले सबसे बड़े लंड से चूत की सील तोड़ेंगे.तुम उसे हिम्मत दिलाना.की वह लंड बर्दाश्त कर ले।
मम्मी ने मेरी चूत में अपनी जीभ डाल कर उसे चिकनी कर दी ,और बोली बेटा हरेक लड़की को एक न एक दिन लंड लेना पड़ता है.मुझे भी फले दर्द हुआ था ,लेकिन आज मैं हरेक तरह के लंड आराम से ले सकती हूँ.औरत की जिन्दगी तो सिर्फ चुदवाने के लिए होती है.चाहे उसका पति चोदे या कोई और .इसलिए तू आराम से चुदवाले मैं तेरे पास रहूँगी.और तेरी चूत फैलाती रहूँगी ताकि लंड में जगह बनाती रहे।
मम्मी के समाजाने प् मैं तैयार हो गयी और टांगें फैला कर पलंग पर लेट गयी.अजित का लंड सबसे बड़ा करीब ११ इंच का था.अजीत ने लंड का सुपारा चूत के छेड़ पर रखा और लंड धीमे धीमे घुसाने लगा.जब आधा लंड अन्दर चला गया तो मम्मी बोली पूनम शाबाश.हिम्मत राखो.अजीत लंड थोड़ा सा बाहर निकऔर एक जोर दार धक्का मारा .लंड चूत को फाड़ते हुए पूरा अन्दर चला काया.मैं जोर से चीलाई मम्मी बचाओ मेरी चूत फट रही है .यह लंड भुत बड़ा है.मम्मी बोली धीरज रखो आगे से छोटे लंड से तुम्हारी चुदायी केंगे.चूत से खून आ रहा था.लेकिन अजीत लगा तार धक्क्के मार रहा था.मम्मी भी अपनी चूत में उंगली कर रही थी.और मजे ले रही थी.नरेश का लंड दोबारा खडा हो गया था.बीस मिनट के बाद मुझे मजा आने लगा.छुट से फचाफाच फच फच की अवा आने लगी।
मम्मी बोली पूनम अब तुम चुदवाने के लिए काबिल हो गयी.और मेरी तरह रोज चुदवायाकरोगी। .बाद में दोनों बाक़ी लोगों ने मेरी जम कर चुदाई की .और मामी की दोबारा गांड मारी.सतीश मेरे भाई से बोला तुम भी पूमम की सील टूटी चूत का मजा लेलो ऐसा मौक़ा तो तुम्हे फिर और भी मिलेगा.मम्मी बोली बेटा फिन के आगी अपनी माँ को नहीं भूलना,मुझे भी लंड देते रहना.तुम्हारा जवान लंड है .अब पापा के लंड में मेरी चूत की प्यास बजाने कीताकत नहीं रही,जातेजाते तीनो लुटेरों ने सारे जेवर और रुपये वापस कर दिए और बोले आंटी आपने और पूनम ने बड़ा मजा दिया,जब भी हमारे लद की जरूरत हो याद कर लेना ,अजीत बोला पूनम की चूत बड़ी मस्त है.काश मेरी शादी पूमम से हो जाती।
मम्मी ने पूछा बोलो पूनामतुम्हें अजीत का का लंड कैसा लगा,उम अजीत से शादी करोगीई मैं तैयार हो गयी
आज मैं अजीत की पत्नी हूँ .और अजीत से रोज चुदती हूँ.बाक़ी लोग भी कभी मुझे और कभी मेरी मम्मी की की चुदायी करने आते रहते हैं। हमारा दहेज़ का खर्चा बच गया.अगर किसी लड़की को दहेज़ का खर्चा बचाना हो तो वह,पाहिले ही अपनी चूत किसी को देदे.

Tags: Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani

Sara Ki Chudai Ki Hindi Urdu Sex Story

My name is ali and this is a real story.i m 21 years old from islamabad, i m doing BBA from Fast University. i m 5.10 in height…,, Yeh un dino ki bat hai jab me Islamabad me partha tha,,,,,, meri age 22 sal ki thi,,,, me Islamabad me F 10 / 2 me aik hostel me rehtha tha,,,,,,, un dino hostel k manager ne aik Aunty Assistant rak li,,, jo hostel k food or dosri zaroryat ka khayal rakthi thi,,,,, wo aunty takreeban 38 sal ki thi or us ka fig 38-36-36 ka tha,,, me usay kafi passand kartha tha or aksar usay free honay ki koshish kertha tha,,,, me ne mehsus kiya k wo b muj me interest le rahi hai lekin mera hargiz us k sat sex kernay ka khayal dil me nahi tha,,, bas usay passand kertha tha……. gharmio k din the tu isliye wo aksar light or transparent kisam k kapray pehan k athi thi,,,,,,, humaray hostel me sab students door door se aye howay the or aksar weekend per apnay gharo ko chalay jathe the,,,,,, aik din aunty jis ka nam Sara Aunty tha apnay duty hour khatam honay k bawajood beti howi thi or kam ker rahi thi,,,, me ne pocha sara aunty aaj tu ap kafi masroof lagthi ho,,, us ne kaha ha,, aaj kam bot ziyada hai or shahed kal b ana paray,,,, me ne kaha aunty kal tu week end hai tu us ne kaha ha beta kiya karoo kaam jo bot hai,,,,,,,, us weekend ko apnay gar janay ka programme cancel ker diya me ne socha thori bot ghup shup lag jayee ghee,,, sex vex k baray me bilkul nahi soch tha…… khair agle din jab aye tu dieka or pocha k beta aj tum apnay gar nahi gaye,,, me ne kaha nahi aunty me ne socha last weekend gar gaya tha tu is dafa rok jata ho,,,, us ne kaha chalo achi bat hai,,, us ne apna pers side per raka or me us k liye pani le k aya,,,,,, meray saray romate apnay apnay cities ja chuke the,,,,,,,, me aunty k baghal wali kursi (chair) per bait gaya,,, kuch us ne meray family k back ground k baray me pucha or pir me us k family k back ground pocha,,, jis per us ne bataya k us k husband bahir hothe hai or us k do betay or aik beti hai jo universities me perthe hai,,,,,, me ne kaha aunty ap uncle ko tu kafi miss kerthi honghi,,, us ne aik lamba sans liya or kaha ha beta bot mis kerthi ho per kia karay bacho ko parana or ghar ka kharcha b pora karma hota hai jis ki waja se ap k uncle bahir hai,,,,,,,,me ne kaha k agher uncle ghar ka kharcha or bacho k perhayee k liye paisay baij the hai tu aap kion naukri kar rahi hai,,, us ne kaha k time pas k liye job kerthi ho,,,,,kafi dair tak isi terha batain hothi rahi or dopher ka time tha,,, me ne aunty se kaha k aj me kana bahir se leke aongha or sat kainghe tu us ne kaha kion takleef ker rahay ho beta,, me ne kaha koyee bat nahi,,,,, tu is duran kam kerthe kerthe wo kafi tak choki thi,,, us ne kaha beta ap k room me koyee hai ?? me ne kaha nahi aunty sab student chalay gaye hai,,,,,,,us ne kaha teek agar ap bora na manaye tu kia me ap k room me ap k bed per thori dair aram ker sakthi tab tak tum kana b le aoo ghe ????? me ne kaha kion nahi aunty aa jaye or me usay apnay room me le gaya or wo meray bed per leit gayee,,,,,,me kana lanay F10 Markaz chala gaya,,,, Kana lanay k bad me jab room aya tu aunty so rahi thi me ne usay jagaya or kaha k aunty kana table per tyar hai ao ka le… kanay k duran aunty ne kaha k meray poray badhan me dard ho raha hai,,, me ne kaha k aunty me tablets le k aoo,, tu us ne mana kiya or kaha yeh tablets se teek nahi ho gha ,, tu me ne kaha pir kaisay ap ko aram aye gha …,,, us ne kaha choray beta khud sahee ho jai gha lekin me ne kaha nahi aunty ap kuch tablets lo, us ne kaha nahi ,,, meray israr per us ne kaha ,,, beta ager zid ker rahay ho tu tablets nahi bul k mujhe apnay hatho se meray pao or sar ko daba do,,,, me ne kaha teek hai or me us ka sar dabanay laga,,,,, is duration us ne apna dupata side per rak diya or kameez ko be thora nechay ki taraf ker diya ,,, jis ki waja se us k boobs k lakheer nazar anay lagi,,,,meray jism me current sa lagne laga ,,,,sar ko 10 minute dabany k bad aunty ne kaha k ab pao daba do,,,,,pao daban k liye me us k sat bed per side pe bait gaya or pao dabanay laga,,,,,me gotno tak dabatha or wapis nechay ki taraf jatha,,, is duran aunty ne apna hat meray pao per rak diya or thora thora masalnay laghi,,,, meray badhan me current lagnay laghe or is dafa mera lun jo k 7.5 or 2.9 hai aik dam kara ho gaya,,,, me ap ko bata do k me ne shalwar pehan raki thi or open shirt pehan raki thi,,,,, chunki mera lun full kara tha tu saaf nazar aa raha tha,, me kafi sharminda sa hone laga,,,,lekin pao ko dabathe chala gaya…. Zahri bat hai aunty ne b dieka liya hoga k mera lun ful kara hai,,,, wo ahista ahista apna hat meray lun k kareeb la rahi thi,,,,,me thora sa pechay hata,, aunty ne pocha kia howa ,,, me na kaha kuch nahi,, tu us ne kaha k beta gotno se nechy ko ab choro or gotno se opar wala hisa dabao,,,, tu me ne kaha acha aunty,,,,,,,,or uske pao k muscel ko dabany laga,,, aunty ne kaha beta aik sawal pocho ,,, me ne kaha ji aunty poche,,, us ne kaha koye girl friend hai,,,, me ne kaha nahi aunty aaj tak kisi lardki k sat dosti nahi ki or na mili,,,,is par wo hans pari or kaha k beta lardki k sat dosti me bara maza atha hai,,,is duran us ka hat meray lun k sat touch ho gaya ,,,,, or bar bar apnay hat ko kisi bahany lun k sat touch karwathi,,,,,me ne aunty se pocha k aisa b kia maza ata hai lardki k sat dosti me,,, tu wo kafi frank ho gayee or kehnay lagi k beta jab lardki ko touch karo ghe tu badhan me current lagne shoro honghe,,, tu me ne kaha k aunty wo tu mujhe abhi b lag rahay hai,,,,, is dafa us ne meray lun ko zor se pekra,, me ne kuch nahi kaha,,,, tu aunty ne kaha zara meray pait per massage tu ker le,,,, me ne aunty k pait per message kerna shoro ker diya,,,,,, is duran us ne apni kameez oper ki or kaha k beta ab messag kero,,,me ne jaise he us ka gora badhan dieka,,,,, tu pagal honay laga,,, me ne kaha aunty darwaza lock nahi hai,,, us ne kaha ja k lock ker le,,,,, darwaza lock kernay k bad me us k boobs ko touch kiya or us ka kameez uthar diya,,,,, us ne kaha bra b utha loo,,, me ne bra b uthar li or us k boobs ko masalne laga,,,,,,,thori dair bad me ne us k boobs ko chosna shoro ker diya
Wo kafi garam ho gayee or zor se chosnay ko kaha,,, me kafi dair tak us k mamay chostha raha or pir us ne meri shalwar utari or meray lun ko apnay mo liya,,,,,, mujy bot maza aa raha tha,, kabi wo meray tato ko chosthi kabhi lun ko,,,,, pir us ne apni shalwar b uthar li,,,,or kaha k beta is ko choso,,,, me pehlay tu hesitate kiya pir ahistha ahistha us k choot ko chatne laga,,,,,or zuban ko us k choot me daltha or took lagatha ,,, us k moo se ssskiya nikal rahi thiaaaa, uuuufff emmm aaaa,,,,,, me or bhi garam ho raha tha,,,,,,,pir aunty or me kafi garam ho gaye the,,, aunty ne apnay pao oper ki taraf ota liye or mujhy kaha k apna lun meri pudhi me dal do,,, me ne aisa he kiya,,, me us k kareeb aya or lun ki topi us k choot per raki li,,, or ahistha ahista us ko dabanay laga,,,, aunty ki chot kafi tight thi,,, us ne bataya k us k saray bachay operation per howay the,,,,,me ne thora or zor lagaya tu usay thora dard howa or kaha k aram aram se dalo,,, me ne waisay he kiya,,,, or ahistha ahistha pora lun us k puddhi k undar dal diya,,,,,

Mujy bot maza anay laga aunty ki choot kafi garam thi,,, mera lun full tight tha,,,,ahistha ahistha jatkay taiz marnay laga …aunty ko b maza anay laga or awazain nikalnay lagi aaaaaaa eemmm uffffffffffff emmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,,, ooofff or taiz or taiz maro meri pyasi choot ko aaa bot maza aaa raha hai,,,,,,,

Aik taraf jatkay mara raha tha tu dosry janab apnay hatho se us k boobs ko daba raha tha or honto se us k lips choos raha tha jis ki waja se takreeban wo 5 minute bad chot gayee or tandi ho gayeeee,,,, lekin me laga thar jatkay mara raha tha,,,, is duran 15 minute bad mujy laga me chotnay wala hoo,,, me ne aunty se kaha k me chotnay laga ho us ne kaha k ,,, nikal loo apnay lun ko or saray pani ko meray mamo per dal do,,,,,,,,,,

Me ne aisa he kiya or sara ka sara pani us k mamo per dal diya,,,,,,, pir aunty ne kaha ,,, wa beta kia maza diya hai,,, ab pata chala k lardki k sat dosti me kitna maza hai…,,,,, me kuskuraya or aunty k oper he lait gaya,,,,

Kafi dair bad hum utay or bathroom me gaye sat nehaye,,, or apnay kapray pehnay,,,,,

Kuch he hours k bad pir se me usay apnay room me le aya,,,,,, Aunty b garam ho gayee thi or meray lun k sat khail rahi thi,, me ne kaha k Aunty ab teri Gand ki Bari hai,,,,, to wo muskoranay lagi,,,,

Kaisay lagi meri Kahani ??????????
Tu dosto gand wali kahani pir batahoongha jab aap log mujay meray kahani k baray me lekinghe,,,,,, mujhe app zaror apni arra se agha kerthe rehna or mujhe intezar rahay gha ap k emails ka k app logo ko meri chudayee kaisi lagi,,,, ???????????
Muj se agher koye lardki ya aunty kisi b shehar se ho bat karna chahay tu zaror email lik dena,,, me ap ko hundred % staisfity karongha.. u can also have phone sex with me…

agar koi larki/aunty/married/housewife in pakistan especially in islamabad,rawalpindi and nearby places wanna have safe and secure muje kisi b waqt mail kareen.Mera mail id hai so please all Females do mail me and try sex with me. Aap mujhse yahoo
Messenger par bhi chat kar sakte hai ager mujhe se phone pe sex karna ho tu email karen..secrecy will be dont hesitate females….u cant contact me and have fun…

Tags: Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Train Main Chudai Ki Hindi Sex Story

Hi Friends, I am Reema. Everyone may think as story but this is my first and sweet experience happened in train which I could not forget, this happened three year back when I was doing my nursing in Hyderabad. For summer vacation I went to Kerala. While returning from Kerala I got reservation in special train, this happened on 10th April 2007 S3 15.

As per schedule time I got in the train I found the boogie hardly 15 to 20 member, then I realized it is a summer special train. I occupied my seat kept my luggage. After a few minute a young guy with old couple came in front of my seat. Young guy will be around 21 and the couple's might be above 6. I ignored them and started reading my magazine.

The train started.

The boy was looking towards me and my leg. I was wearing cream color top and dark brown skirt. I was feeling uncomfortable so I decided to change the seat and started to search a comfortable place in the boogie, I found that guy was following me, than I thought if I will be with the old couple I will be safe so I returned to my seat and continued to read my magazine.

Canteen boy came with soft drink that boy bought a soft drink and while drinking he was watching me without any fear sometime my legs sometime my hand from short sleeve. I was feeling little bit shy, due to summer I wore this dress but his look made irritated. About that boy he may be above 6 feet exercise body broad chest big arm smooth face with dare eyes.

It was around 6 O clock canteen boy came to take order for dinner. I ordered chapatti and dal fry old couple brought their Tiffin and the boy order biriyani. After half an hour our dinner came I ate my dinner and as I went to toilet to get fresh this boy followed me. I thought I got a bodyguard without paying salary, as I am getting fresh up in toilet I can see his shadow from the door downside gap he is standing outside.

I came out ignoring him went to my seat and started to read my magazine. I was thinking when other toilet was empty why this boy waited for this toilet which I used than I thought some boys nature will be like this. After sometime he came with his short changed jeans.

By seeing him I thought if I would have changed it will be good than I changed my mind thinking that he will think I have changed seeing him. In that movement grandpa asked to change the berth as the old man can't climb to middle berth I agreed and went to middle berth with my air pillow bed sheet to cover myself water bottle and magazine. Around 7:30 lights got off and 3 or 4 blue lights were on in the boogie.

That boy was sleeping opposite of my berth. I murmur myself saying morning I should see this idiot face and wakeup. Around 9pm I felt a hand is moving around my leg as someone is trying to steal my payal. I took my cover sheet and saw the boy from his berth trying to play with my leg I looked him seriously and moved my leg and kept a look on old couples both were in deep sleep, I slept coving my face.

After few minute again the boy started to his hand over my leg I kept silent and acted as if in deep sleep thinking that he is in berth. I was feeling better and getting relaxing. Slowly his hand moved inside my skirt and started pressing my knee, I kept my leg on leg and hold tightly, he did not stop slowly his hand came till thigh while lifting skirt, he kept his face inside my cover sheet and started to kiss over my thigh.

While kissing he was lifting my skirt above panty, now I was in position to accept his kiss, then he kept his palm on my pussy over panty and was seeking panty outline with finger while kissing my thigh. I turned to side facing my hips towards him, he started kissing my hips which is uncovered by panty and moving over my thigh and tying to insert his hand between my thigh as I was holding tight.

I was getting out of control and I was afraid of sound so I push coversheet inside my mouth and opened my tops all button and pulled my bar above my breast and started screwing my nipple, he was licking my hip and moving his hand on my thigh suddenly he kept his hand on my pussy and pulled me near his mouth for a bite on hip. Immediately I turned to him without caring coversheet.

He continued to kiss on my pussy above panty and rubbing my hip hardly and trying to put his hand between my hips, I hold his hand and brought to my breast, he started screwing nipple, folding my breast and licking my pussy above panty, his tongue was going inner thigh and wet part of my panty, so I kept one hand on my pussy and other on his hair.

Now he was licking my hand and his tongue was trying to lift my finger up I pulled his head near my novel, he kissed my novel and started playing with my navel with tongue and with other hand gentle folding my breast and I was stopping his other hand not to touch the wet part and not to put inside panty, he was strong to make him week I use to bite his lips.

He left my hand while kissing on my lips he rubbed my hips and moved his hand up towards my bra hook and unhooked it, than he removed my hair clip and freed my long hair, his hand was moving around my neck, now his one hand is around my neck and other on my breast, my both hand on his head grooming the hairs. My one leg was straight and other I supported to the wall of boogie.

Suddenly he took off his hand from breast and put between my thigh and rubbing my hips and pulling me near him. I was enjoying all his naughty. His finger was on my panty elastic, he was slowly pulling down, I got my legs near so that he can remove it. As he brought panty near knee, I covered my pussy with skirt and pushed the panty down and got free.

Now he started sucking my breast and chewing my nipple with lips and I was kissing and biting on his shoulder. He forcibly removed my hand from my pussy and started to rub my clit softly and gently, I guided his one finger inside my pussy and hold his head tightly on my breast, he fingered my pussy for few minutes and took off his finger and stopped sucking my breast moved two step back and licked his finger.

I got covered myself and look him seriously and covered my face. I was expecting him again near me, but he did not came, after few minute I saw he was sitting in a seat of next row and signal me to come over, I node my head saying no and covered my face. Again I saw him, now he was smelling my panty and licking it, he again signalled to come over, I covered my face.

This time when I removed my sheet I found him near me, I hugged through his neck and started kissing his lips and cheek, he silently lifted me like small baby and took me to the next row, he made me to stand I hugged him tightly, his elected cook was pressing my stomach my nude breast was tightly stick on the lower chest, he was rubbing my hips keeping hands inside the skirt, he slowly lifted me up, holding my hips. My breast was rubbing on his strong chest, I was kissing through his neck chin, lips, cheek, eyes, forehead holding on his shoulder, now he got my nipple on his mouth, he was sucking like a small kid, he continued to lift me up, I was without support so hold the chain of upper berth, he was kissing on my stomach, navel and lower abdomen.

I kept both my leg on his shoulder and rested my back on walk of boogie, he with one hand holder my hips and with other covered his head with my skirt, and started to lick my pussy. He was licking my pussy and ass his nose was poking my clit. I removed my leg from his shoulder now slowly he is letting me down, as I came to his face to face I locked his waist with my legs and whispered on his ear "Fuck me", and bitted his ear with lips, he slowing made me to sit on lower berth and stood before me, I pulled his short down, I saw a erected cock, I hold the cock, in the mean time the train got slow, we saw each other's eye, then we realised station is coming he put on his short and I asked him to hook my bra, and I put all button and we both went to out berth.

The train stopped for 15 minute there and when the train started a man occupied the next row seat. I thought I lost the chance of getting fucked and trying to sleep. After one hour, handsome pinched on my hand and signalled me to come to toilet and he went. After two minute I went to toilet, I opened the toilet no one was there, than I opened the opposite toilet, I saw the handsome sitting nude on the western closet rubbing his cook.

I locked the door and stood between his both leg, holding my hand on his nude shoulder looking his brood chest, his 2 pack stomach and long cock, he was opening my tops button, in few second he made me nude. On knee started to kiss on his chest slowing coming to his stomach my breast was touching his cook, he was moving his hand on my back, he made me stand holding my shoulder and spreader my leg with his leg, and pulled me near him and made me to sit on his thigh, his cock was standing between out stomach, we both hugged tightly, he was kissing my lip and all over my face, I too was kissing all over his face, I whispered on his ear "Fuck me", than he whispered on my ear " it's yours do as you wish" .

As I stood up my breast rubbed his nude chest, and I started rubbing my breast on his chest his cock was rubbing my clit, he whispered in ear "This is not fucking "I replied I know, than he said "then fuck", I hold his cock and guided to my pussy, slowly I inserted his cock head inside my pussy, it was 11:44 and started a slow rid, his hand was under my hip pushing me up.

After four five rid he hugged me tightly and his cock sprayed on my pussy and lower thigh, I did not stop I was trying to rid but he hold me tightly for some time. And then whispered "I am getting sleepy'. I stood up and cleaned my pussy and thigh with water and cleaned his cock, he hooked my bra and we got dress up, I asked my panty he told he will give latter and we went to our berth to sleep.

I was not getting sleep. He was sleeping like a donkey, 1 O clock a station came I had a coffee, and tried to sleep, the train started and took it speed, I was thinking, I am not getting sleep and that idiot is sleeping like a dead man, I should not allow him to sleep. I pinched his hand and signalled him to come to toilet and went to the toilet kept the door opened. As I was opening my hair he got inside and closed the door, I hugged him tightly and without saying anything I cried, my tears wear flowing and I started opening my tops button, he hugged me and holding my chin lifted my face and kissed on my eye, he hold my hand and stopped opening button, I looked at his eye, he nodded with his head no, I pulled his short down and sat on knee, looking on his face, than he took his cock and started rubbing on my lips.

I tightly closed my lips, I was feeling as I am getting urine so I folded my skirt as if it won't get wet but urine was not coming, in the mean time he pressed my both cheek and made open my mouth and inserted his cock inside my mouth and started pushing inside by holding my head, I was breath less I hold his hip tightly and my nails were poking his hip flesh, then he pulled his cock out.

I pulled him near so that his cock can go inside my mouth again, this we did for few minute. Then he sat on closet and asked me to rid, I was removing my skirt he stopped and made me to sit on his thigh, I started to remove his T shirt he stopped, I looked his face and said please, than he agreed and I removed his T. Shirt and removed my top and bra, and I started to rub my breast on his bare body.

He whispered "Get real taste of fucking by putting cock inside you pussy", than I guided his cock head to pussy, he was holding his cock and I was slowly moving up and down, in few minute the entire cock went inside my pussy, he removed my skirt through my head and whispered "ride fast", his both hand on my both breast folding and my both hand on his knee for support and I started jumping madly.

My pussy go dried and got a burning sensation, and unknowing I was sounding, immediately he pulled me to his side and kept his palm side inside my mouth, now my speed decreased, he asked me lye on his chest and if I want I can bite his shoulder, he kept his both hand on his back and took support of closet side gap and started to fuck me hardly.

He was fucking me fastly, hitting my pussy strongly my breast was jumping happily, and I felt as if I am flying in air like a small bird, without my knowledge I got urine and it flow all over his thigh, he stopped for a while, I hugged him and said "sorry", he said you are enjoying and continued to take the speed. After sometime he asked shall we change position, I said I can't sleep down, he asked me to get bend holding the sink and he will fuck from back.

And I agreed, and he started fucking me from back and kept his finger in my mouth, after few minute he sprayed all his sperm inside my pussy. And sad relaxed on the closet I too sat on his lap hugging on his neck kissing on his cheek, he spread my leg and opened my pussy lips it became full pink colour, than I washed myself and washed his cock and got dressed, I asked for my panty he said he will give latter and we went to our berth.

Now I got a deep sleep, and I covered myself giving handsome a flying kiss I went in deep sleep. Around 4:30 am I felt something flowing from my pussy; I touched and smelled, it gave a bad order. I understood it was handsome sperm, I cleaned with my skirt and woke up, get down of my berth and opened my suitcase and took a set of inner wear, dress, towel, soap, brush, past and my make up kit and went to bathroom to get fresh, handsome also wake upped and he also came with me along with his brush, as we both entered the bathroom he locked the bathroom and opened his short urgently and started to do pee, I hugged from his back and hold his cock to do pee, after pee he asked me to shake well so that every drop fell down and I did the same.

Then I moved his skin back and cleaned with water and put his cock inside the short, he asked me to do pee, I said I am not getting but I was getting urine in pressure, he requested please, than I sat on closet for urine, he said not here, do urine sitting down and he sat on closet, as I was sitting for urine, he said to face him and do urine. I felt shy, he request again.

And I did as he said, while I was going to wash he said he want to wash then I allowed but he was unable to do, I stood up and took my brush and paste and started to brush my teeth, he hugged me from back. And started to open my tops button, I allowed and said no more fucking now, he asked while removing my top "you don't like my fuck" than he started moving his hand on my stomach, I asked what is your name he said "Rajesh"

Rajesh: you have not answered my question
I: what is your age?
Rajesh: 19 years
I: What you do?
Rajesh: doing my 1st year engineering
I: in 19 year you have done good
Rajesh: your name and age

I: Reema 21 year
Rajesh: what you do/
I: I am staff nurse
Rajesh: I think you have good experience
I: no it is my first time and you
Rajesh: All girls answer the same, I did many time before

I: Mother promise it is my first time, are you in love with anyone
Rajesh pulled my skirt down to the floor, and touch my lower abdomen and said No I don't have lover, but I am regular to call girls and he asked "If first time blood not came"
I: I don't know, are you not afraid of aids
Rajesh: I use condoms but with you it is first time without condoms

I: where is my panty?
Rajesh: it is in my pocket, but I will not give you
I: okay keep it with you, I have other one

He unhooked my bra and made to stand nude with open hair, I washed my face and dried with towel and wear the towel around my breast and I started to comb my hair.

Rajesh: you look beautiful in towel too
I: I know I am beautiful, you don't wear underwear?
Rajesh: I wear, but when I enter in boogie I saw you, and I had decided to give you kiss, when I taking bag for the short, I saw your cream panty wet, so I decided not to wear underwear. He took my panty from pocket and made me to wear and removed towel and covered my breast with bra

Rajesh: what you do when you get mood?
I: what you do? e took out his cock out and started to shake, I hugged him, he said reema I want to fuck you without removing the panty, I asked him how, he said to keep my one leg on closet and from side of panty he inserted his cock inside pussy and slowly started the motion, in few minute he completed his job, and asked shall I remove you panty,

I said okay he removed and cleaned my pussy with panty and was going to clean his cock. I hold his hand, and with my tongue I cleaned his cock, I was sucking his cock like cone ice cream.

He removed my bra, than he kept my bra and panty in his pocket.

Rajesh: do you have contact number
I: yes I have mobile
Rajesh: can you give me, my number is 9*********

I: I can't keep your number in memory; I will give you my mobile you feed it
Rajesh: one request
I: what?
Rajesh: Today till you get down of train don't change your dress and don't wear inner I: Why?
Rajesh: let's make this day a sweet memory
I: okay

Rajesh by hearing this he left the toilet, I got fresh up, and make up and did as he said, After going to my seat I gave my mobile number, we were sitting opposite and started to do sms chatting, maximum seat got occupied in Guntur, in sms he asked have you wore the inner or not show, I turned to window as air flowed inside top he confirmed that I have not wore bra, he asked in sms what about panty,

I closed his window and climbed to upper berth so that he can see everything by sitting. At Secunderabad station the boogie got empty I went to change dress, he too came and dressed me. My station came and I said bye to Rajesh. I took auto rishaw and went to hostel, but I lost my mobile in that auto, and my communication got lost.

Tags: Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hindi Indian Sex Ka Maza Australia Main

I have been a great fan of couples and group stories for long and it has for long fuelled my fantasies. We have been married for nearly five years and had been together for a year before that.

We both are highly educated professionals, currently based in Australia.

I am Sandeep a 31 yrs, athletic about 172 cms tall, wheatish complexion from a North Indian background. My wife Preeti is 29 yrs hottie with a huge sexual appetite and curvaceous body to match it. She is definitely a head turner wherever she goes. She is around 155 cms tall, fair, with dark brown hair which blonde streaks, measures 34 inches around her bust, 28 around her waist and an ample 36 around her butts. Likes to flaunt her body by wearing revealing outfits, which amplify her assets.

As I said we had been fantasizing about swapping for a long time and had fucked all our friends in fantasies. We always had been hesitant in taking the actual step and had been hindered by the fact that it was difficult to find a compatible couple.

Through Internet, we started chatting with a Srilankan couple Shane 39 yrs and Dee 36 yrs who sounded compatible on all counts. They were professionals with two kids, well settled and grounded in their lives. We decided to meet them after a couple of phone calls and chats on yahoo messengers. We met them for drinks on a balmy Melbourne evening and clicked immediately. Shane was about 165 cms pleasant clean-shaven man with average build who had a good sense of humour. Dee was a voluptuous female with slightly roasted colored skin who put all of us at ease by her easy manner. This couple had been swinging for a while and enjoyed the spice it added to their lives immensely. We spent the evening listening to their sexual escapades, which made us feel comfortable about our decision to leap into it. We parted with the plan to catch up in a week's time.

Shane rang me later that night, eager to plan the night. I could sense the lust and desire he had for Preeti in his voice. The thought of actually playing out our fantasies was acting as a shot of adrenaline, which resulted in me keeping Preeti awake on that night, fucking her in all possible ways.

Moving on, we decided to meet the following Saturday. It was arousing to see Preeti getting prepared for the sexual encounter with a male who she had met just once. She waxed her body, paid particular attention to her pussy area where she asked my help to give her a bikini and a partial Brazilian. She left a strip of pubic hair, which almost matched the pussy of a porn star. I immensely enjoyed preparing Preeti's body for the pounding she was going to get in next couple of days by another male. I hoped that Shane was preparing Dee for me as well as I was polishing Preeti for him. I shaved off my body hair as well, because Dee wanted to feel a smooth skin something, which she had indicated on our meeting. Shane booked a room in a hotel, which was about 20 kms from our house.

The evening arrived, Preeti chose a white sexy body hugging dress which amplified her sensuous curves and gave a teasing glimpse of her luscious boobs. I chose my favourite pair of white lingerie and the Chanel No 5 for her to wear that night. I couldn't wait to see that pair of lacy sexy lingerie to be torn of her amazing body which I knew was going to be licked, sucked and eaten by Shane who I knew would get uncontrollably aroused while devouring Preeti's body which smelt of Chanel no.5. Well this perfume had this effect on me and I was making all the efforts to make Preeti the most desirable women in the world that night. I wore my best fitting Calvin Klein jocks, jeans and T-Shirt together with a generous application of Armani black code perfume.

It is difficult to describe how we felt while driving down to the hotel. It was a strange mixture of anxiety, fear, excitement, heightened sexual tension and possibly guilt, which was pleasurable and draining at the same time.
We knocked on the room, which was opened by an eager Shane who welcomed us with a broad smile. I could see Dee at the back arranging the drinks. I spent some time trying to scan her sexy body while I allowed Shane to drool over the hard work Preeti had put in to prepare herself.

I could see him swallow his own saliva as he managed to keep his composure while trying not to appear too lustful while ogling at Preeti's assets. Preeti seemed to enjoy the attention and appeared to get aroused at the thought of laying her hands on Shane. Dee was dressed in a blue coloured dress with a deep cut which showed half of her boobs. I could see the sexy black colored lace from her bra lining which was extremely inviting. Her silky straight jet-black shoulder length hair matched perfectly with her roasted skin, which appeared to be waxed free of any visible hair and looked smooth and inviting. She smelt of an unknown perfume, which worked well to flame my desires further for her body. I could see complementary emotions in her eyes and she appeared to like what she saw.

We quickly poured ourselves drinks and gathered around the table for some small talk, to dissolve the inhibitions. This seemed to go on forever and thanks to Shane who finally broke the ice and asked us if we were comfortable with the lights on or off. He suggested that even though there were two queen sized beds in the room we could use just one.

Preeti felt comfortable with his suggestion that we could start with our own respective partners and once we all felt okay the boys could swap the places and carry on the job to its delightful destination. Their experience showed in the way they quickly took themselves to the bathroom for a quick brush of their teeth and Listerine mouth wash. We followed after they had finished as it made sense to keep the mouth free of any odor, which could adversely impact on the pleasure factor. Shane in the mean time showed his skills and had arranged condom packs on both sides of the bed and a pack of lubricant, which made me wonder if he was planning to bang Preeti's ass.

He had knocked off all the lights except for the sidelights, which made the room look more cosy and comforting. He certainly had planned it well and probably had read Preeti's preferences well. We nervously took to the right half of the bed and I started kissing Preeti's lips feverishly while sneaking a glimpse at Shane and Dee who were kissing noisily next to us in the same bed. Alcohol certainly had worked as an aphrodisiac and a good anxiolytic as it did not take long for Preeti to start moaning with pleasure a sign that she was full of juices downstairs.

I could sense anticipation she displayed in her body language for taking in Shane's dick had made her more horny than usual. It took me couple of minutes to figure out that Shane's hand had started to explore Preeti's left half of the body which obviously had contributed in starting her pussy fountain earlier than expected. In process of exploring Preeti's body our hands met as well, almost competing for territory while squeezing her right boob.

It was a strange to feel a stranger's rough hands on my wife's boobs. It felt stimulating and gave me confidence to extend my hands on to Dee's luscious knockers, which I was dying to feel. She certainly had bigger boobs than Preeti, which I couldn't wait to devour with my mouth. Soon Shane and myself were feeling the girls' bodies, which they seem to enjoy. It probably was after few minutes that Dee asked Preeti if she was ready to swap. The time had come! Preeti nodded, and it took us, the boys, less than two seconds to jump across which was reflective of the sexual tension in the room. I immediately took to Dee's lips and sucked on them hungrily or a while.

She reciprocated by kissing me back and pulling me closer by putting her hands across the back of my head. I could not see but could listen Preeti's moans & sqeals, which seemed to have gotten louder and lustier since the change of positions. I quickly sneaked a look and saw her juicy tender lips locked with lips of Shane. That image is still as fresh as it was at the time I registered it for the first time. That sight gave me an unbelievable rush of blood flowing through my dick and strengthened my belief about my cuckold tendencies.

I focused that sexual energy on moving downwards on Dee's smooth fragrant body and spent some time licking and kissing the side of her neck with occasional nibbles on her soft earlobes something which made her virtually scream with pleasure. Shane who obviously had been distracted by the pleasurable screams of his wife went on to imitate those moves on Preeti with equally impressive effects. Preeti meanwhile had stripped his vest off and was feeling every inch of Shane's partially hairy body.

Shane with his expert hands had managed to pull off her dress downwards to expose her lacy white lingerie, which I had chosen for that day. Preeti's body looked fantastic in that dim light and the white bra and panty shone and stood out. Shane spent a minute scanning what he had just uncovered and drooled at the idea of fucking someone who was almost 10 years younger than him. I am sure he couldn't believe his luck.

I meanwhile had followed his lead and removed Dee's dress and was busy admiring how well she had looked after herself while having mothered two children. I eagerly kissed and licked her body for next few minutes with a complementary response. She had freed me of my vest and to my delight paid attention to my nipples, my erogenous zones. I loved the way she circled her tongue and mixed it well with little nibbles and sucking movements. She must have spoken with Preeti beforehand to find out my likes and dislikes.

I lay on my sides with Dee sucking my nipples while I allowed my right hand to knead her fleshy bum. This position gave me a wonderful view of Shane on top with Preeti's hands encircling his hairy back. He had expertly taken off her bra and was busy sucking hungrily the firm brown right nipple of Preeti while massaging the left boob.

Preeti's moans and screams got louder every time he dug his teeth into her boobs and virtually ate them while leaving dark red bite marks on her fair glistening skin. Preeti enjoyed a bit of pain with pleasure and seem to encourage rough handling of her boobs. I could see her hands roaming around Shane's butts and occasional spanks, which she delivered on his butt cheeks. Shane had responded by mauling her boobs and sucking at them as if there was no tomorrow. It certainly was like my dreams and fantasies coming true.

After getting the satisfaction of my nipples, Dee took the initiative and pulled my jocks down to free my manhood, all of the six inches of which was aching with pleasure. She expertly encircled my thick dick and gave it a good squeeze while feeling my balls with her other hand. Taking the cue, I pulled down her black lacy panties to reveal the V shaped honey pot, which was dripping of honey, asking to be licked and slurped.

She had taken care to make her pussy as inviting as possible, it was waxed clean of any hair and I could see the wet and shining pink folds and beautifully shaped clitoris standing out as a jewel in the crown. She did not waste time and expertly started licking the glans, cleaning out the blob of salty pre-cum, which had come out to welcome her sensuous lips and tongue. I must say I am not a great fan of blowjobs, but she showed her years of experience and made me wanting for more. She engulfed my whole dick in one go without gagging and expertly moved her head up and down smoothly while playing with my balls and butt. I just let my inhibitions go and laid letting Dee do what she was doing.

It also gave me an opportunity to catch up to see what my own wife was up to with the guy she had met just once. Shane had moved downstairs after sucking on her boobs to his heart's content, had already freed her of her wet panties and was admiring to sight of Preeti's pubic mound, which she had prepared well to keep her mating partner for the night happy and horny for her. Shane couldn't keep his drooling mouth off it as the sight of a hairless, tight, wet and pink pussy was too hard to resist. I could see him burying his head into Preeti's honey pot and this rushed some more blood into my already rock hard dick. Preeti's moans and screams got louder as Shane continued his act.

She started to writhe almost involuntarily, lifting her hips off the bed as if trying to take Shane's tongue in her. It was giving me a strange sense of pleasure and I almost felt involuntarily drawn towards her and gave a long, wet kiss while Shane continued to lick downstairs, she orgasmed as soon as she got two males giving her body the attention it deserved. Her whole body writhed spasmodically for next 1-2 minutes and she begged Shane to stop, who ignored her requests by continuing the pussy-eating act. I let my wife's lips go as it was my turn to please Dee who had moved back up to reclaim my lips as if trying to fight for territory. After a long satisfying wet kiss, I decided to go down on her and taste her hone pot.

I still vividly remember the sight where both men were in the same positions eating away the pussies while the girls lay on the bed feeling each other's bodies. Dee came soon after I started to lick her clitoris, which was throbbing with pleasure and her pussy walls reacted by gushing streams of honey while she pulled my head closer as if trying to take me in. Preeti I could see was enjoying and I was surprised to see her sucking on Shane's fingers while he continued to eat her pussy.

I started to see how much she needed two men at the same time to satisfy her. Shane being experienced with his forty years of experience did not take long to pick this clue and as an expert in one swift motion quickly changed his position, almost forcing his 5-6 inches dick into Preeti's mouth who did not seem to be minding the rough handling at the hands of Shane.

She almost gagged on it as she did not expect it but soon started what she did best, sucking and licking, Shane meanwhile after having planted his black dick into Preeti's mouth leant downwards again, grabbed hold of her white fleshy buttocks and buried his mouth again into her honey pot. The sight of Preeti's juicy red lips clasped around his black cock was enough for me to grab the condom pack.

I could not wait any longer to relieve myself of the sexual tension. I asked Dee, out of courtesy, if she was ready. She indicated her willingness by grabbing the condom pack from my hands and making me lie down on my back, while she expertly opened the condom pack, totally oblivious of her husband's action who was lying inches away on top of Preeti eating her away while she continued to suck on his cock hungrily. They obviously had a lot of years of experience of swinging behind them.

She rolled over the pink durex condom on my cock while I lay on my back enjoying the sight. Then she came over me letting her massive boobs hang over my face, I responded by sucking on them again, while she positioned herself over my cock and gently lowered herself on to it. There obviously was no need to use the lubricant, which was kept on the side table. She was wet and slippery all the way in, probably not as tight as Preeti but nonetheless good at making up for it by squeezing her pussy walls around my dick.

She continued to ride me like a cowgirl while I sucked on her melons, it was not long before she came violently and collapsed on top of me. Meanwhile Shane after almost licking Preeti's pussy dry got his condom pack and quickly put it on. I could see Preeti's intoxicated eyes getting hornier at that sight. She was about to get fucked by another male, not the last time, I hoped. He started rubbing his condom covered dick on her wet pussy lips while he kissed her lips, this seemed to ignite Preeti further and I could see her garb his cock with her right hand while her left had grabbed his butts almost forcing him to enter her tight pussy.

I could see Shane was making most of his luck. I am pretty sure he noticed very quickly the difference in the tone and tightness Preeti's pussy had compared with Dee. He entered her slowly and Preeti's pussy seemed to invite the new cock with eagerness which was evident by her hips getting raised off the bed forever.

It was not long before Shane started to bang her away. The tiny hotel bed started to creak and rock, after all it wasn't made for gangbangs! Preeti's moans and screams got louder and it was not long before I moved into the missionary position giving Dee some much needed rest. I could feel Shane's hairy body against me as he lay on top of Preeti squashing her boobs with his hairy chest.

It was a strange feeling his hair against my body and it certainly was not enjoyable. I lost count of number of times Preeti and Dee came while our bodies slammed against theirs. I must admit I couldn't resist any more when I saw Preeti riding Shane while he sucked on her boobs. I came violently inside Dee and continued to convulse for a long time, one of my best orgasms. While I lay exhausted on top of an equally exhausted Dee, I almost forgot that my wife was still getting slammed with Shane back in missionary position.

It was impressive for a 40 yrs male I thought to carry on for that long. Soon his thrusts seemed to get stronger and I saw him bury his head into Preeti's neck, what I didn't realize was that he gave her deep love bite while he convulsed and ejaculated inside her. Preeti had embraced her long longs around his butt while she convulsed with pleasure underneath him. We lay exhausted in that position for God knows how long before gathering ourselves and getting back with our respective partners. Everyone smiled while looking at each other and no one on that room looked unhappy with what all of us had experienced in last hour or so.

Shane and Dee left after we had the dinner while we stayed that night in the hotel trying to discover each other again.

I hope I have been able to do justice to what we had experienced, however, I must say I have struggled to put into words, the emotions I felt that night.

Tags: Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hindi Stories Indian Sex Stories Stories In Hindi Erotic Stories Urdu Stories Desi Stories Hindi Kahani

I am a 42 years old lady, Rathna, a widow living in Bangalore. Husband passed away few years back. I have just one daughter who is studying in residential school. I am leading a quiet life. My only goal in life is to see better future for my daughter. My sex life was nil and forgotten. I spend most of the evenings visiting temples and my earnings are through my own rented buildings.

One day I was invited by my friend who lives in other part of Bangalore for her daughter's wedding. She insisted me that I come in the night before and spend whole night there and be part of all wedding proceedings. I had asked her what I will do in that as pious occasion. Since she forced me to attend that, I agreed and as I did not know the location of the marriage hall.

She had arranged her nephew Sachin who would come and pick me up as my area comes on the way from his home. She had told me that he has a red car Swift and he has seen me, all I need to do is just waiting at the bus stop at evening 6 o'clock. I had forgotten when I had attended the public function last. Since she was my best friend it was my duty to attend that. I wore good saree and also I kept one silk saree in my vanity bag for next day's occasion. My make up little more than what I do generally.

I came to the said bus stop with my vanity bag at sharp 6 and waiting for the car. Every red car pass by I bend and try to look at the driver's eye. One red swift car was coming bit slowly and I bent a little tried to look at the driver. He stopped me and asked me to get in and opened the door for me. I sat in the car and he zoomed away. I had seen her nephew long back as a child was wondering how that child has grown so well. He was very naughty as a child.

He looked at me asked me where we will go? I smiled back and said will you take me to hotel? Take me where I am supposed to go. He just looked at me with a strange expression and asked me, will you come to my apartment as he is alone or do I have any own place like hotel? How much do I charge for a whole night? Suddenly 1000 Volts current passed through me. I was sure he has misunderstood me as call girls who wait at bus stop and attract customers. Suddenly I felt urgent urge to pee.

I fell silent for a while and murmured looking at my cell phone asked if he is a Sachin? He said "No". He is Venu and asked me if had I an appointment with by the name Sachin? I just nodded. I was in the speeding car. He asked switch off that mobile, I will pay you more than what that Sachin would have paid. I was still unable to visualize what I am going to through. My urge to pee was high and inadvertently my hand reached my cell and switched it off. I was holding both my leg closed to control the urge of pee.

He was watching me with probing eyes. Suddenly my all sexual desires have woken up. To me it was a lifetime opportunity as I did not know who this guy is; tomorrow morning he will leave me free, then again we will be unknown to each other. My heart was telling me not to miss this opportunity, just go ahead. Let there be misunderstanding. No one is waiting for me at home and marriage proceedings will anyway takes place. I adjusted my hair and looking out of window.

He broke silence and said that he will pay me Rs 5000 for a night if I can come to his apartment and the hotel bill can be saved and I can have that money too. He said that I can fuck my customer tomorrow or any other day. I was hypnotized by the event and was silent through the journey. His apartment came, he warned me not make any noise just be silent and follow him. Urge to pee was mounting I was unable to walk freely.

I was walking with both knees held together and I felt anytime I would drop out. I walked behind him to the lift. I was losing my last chance to escape from there. I was observing how my body is hungry for sex. No other thoughts come to my mind at all. We entered his apartment. It was not tidy. Items were here and there. He told me his wife is away for a week. He signalled me to bedroom. I entered there. It had an attached bathroom.

I rushed there and pulled my panty down and lifted saree up and was about sit. Venu forced in, smilingly he came and held my head to his stomach as I relieved. I just held him tight as I started moaning already. He was caressing my back all through. He pulled me up started kissing all over my face. He pulled my saree and put that in hanger and removed the strings of lehnga that just fell down. Panty was already at my ankles. He pressed my buttocks very hard and surprised to see lot of pubic hair,

He asked me if any customer complained about it. I replied "by that time they reach there. It is too late". He said that he is in no hurry. Made me to sit on the commode he took shaving jelly sprayed around it and took razor and started to shave. When it was done, I was surprised, it looked so young and fresh, and I started to feel young also. I removed my blouse and bra and hugged him tightly. I already started enjoying my new status as "call girl". I was disparate to have a session first.

He lifted me with his both hands and brought me to bed. My hands were garlanding his neck and all naked. The huge mirror he had in his bedroom reflected all. I was not shy to look at me in the mirror now. He threw me at the soft bed and immediately I came to position with leg wide spread and with opened hands invited him to jump on me. He removed all his dress, sat between my legs asked me to spread my legs some more. I did, he was inspecting my pussy without touching it. I folded my legs with exposing more pussy to him. It was so wet;

I felt I am coming already. He asked me "where are the condoms?" I replied that I do not have. He mentioned that I am supposed to have in my Vanity bag all the time. I was sheepish. He said "now it is too late to get it from outside". His cupped my boobs and bent and kissed my pussy. I was in heaven. I crossed both my legs around his neck and pulled him deep inside my pussy. I don't know when it was ended.

He was moving up and up. He was holding my face tightly and kissing deep in my mouth. I grabbed his dick and slid it into my pussy by the time. He took out that and asked me give blow job. I requested him that we have whole night ahead of us, I will do that later please enter me first as I cannot tolerate what is going on now. He was kind enough enter and fucked me vigorously. As I was horny, I came very fast and asked him to stop and tried to move him out of me.

He asked me hold on for few more minutes and continued his task with more frequency. I was motionless; he continued for 10 more minutes and came deep inside me. He separated and slept beside me. I turned and hugged him tightly and moving my hand all over his chest. Time was already night 9 o'clock. He asked me if I was hungry. I was hungry. He called nearby hotel and ordered food. He gave one his wife's nighty to wear for me. He wore only his night pajama. He went and sat in hall sofa and made some calls.

I walked wearing only nighty and sat beside him. I was playing with his body all the time. Food came, I opened the door, received the delivery. Meanwhile, he said one of his friends called him and wants to spend night with him here as Bhabhi is away. He asked me if I don't mind and he can call him. They can pay extra for the service. I kissed him hard and said "you are enough for me" We had food together. As if it was my home I cleaned the table and went to the bed. He was naked again.

This time I played with his for dick some time and took that in my mouth. He said that I am the most decent call girl that he has ever seen. He asked me that if am I new to the business. I nodded as I was busy in eating out his dick. He moved the nighty upwards playing with my ass and pussy. He positioned my pussy to his mouth to my pussy and I was enjoying the blow job. I had very rarely done blow job to my hubby though he requested me many times.

Whenever I had done to my hubby it was not more than a minute, but here I was doing it almost 15 minutes. I felt sorry for my late hubby. I gave a hint that I will come top of him. He agreed. I started to fuck him. My lone nighty was somewhere on the floor. I was moving over him as if no tomorrow for me. Suddenly he placed his hands under my thighs and lifted me up in the air and fucked me in the midair. He was so strong that he held me in the air till he came again inside me. I just collapsed and slept over him.

In midnight I got up and reached for his dick and started give the blow job. He woke up and fucked me again. In the morning also, I prepared coffee for him. After having coffee he did fuck me again. We both were dried out by them. I took shower, changed the saree, and received the payment from him. He asked me my number. I told him I can be seen on the same bus stop at usually same time.

I caught an auto and reached wedding hall. It was getting crowded. My friend saw me and was annoyed bit. I could not listen what she asked me as it was very noisy. I also muttered something and joined the party. After sometime, I saw from the balcony that same "Red Swift" came and stopped and my last night lover Venu opened the door with a bouquet. I collapsed on the chair. I dedicate this story to my all fans who liked my previous stories and encouraged me to write more. One of the fans gave some inputs to this story and wanted to be hero in the story. I hope he liked it.

Tags: Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pyari Chachi Ki Pyari C Choot - Hindi Stories

Meri age 50 saal ki hai. Yeh waquya aaj se kareeb 25 saal pahle hua tha. Us samay mein IIT Bombay ka student tha. Mere chacha Toronto me the. Shaadi karne India aye the. Us samay meri age 21 thi. Chach ke aane se pahle hi mein hone wali chachi ke ghar aya jaya karta tha. Chacha mere se sirf 5 saal bade hein. Aur chachi meri hee age kee hein. Shadi ke baad Chacha Canda wapas chale gaye aur chachi Visa ka intzaar kar rahi thee. In dinon mein Chachi ke ghar kafee aana jana karta tha. Hum log kafi achchhe dost ban gaye. Movie bhi saath saath jate the. Mujhe apnee nai chahci bahut hee pyari lagtee thee par kabhee unke barey mein koi galat khayal nahin aya. Just normal chachi bhateeja ki dosti see thee. Phir kuchh dinon mein chachi Canada chalee gayee. Mujhe India bahot soona soona lagta tha unke bina, par tab bhee koi galat khayal unke liye nahin aya. Main bhee IIT wapas gaya aur Chacha Chachi se letters se contact raha. (Un dinon e-mail ti thee hee nahin, India se telephone bhee bahot mushkil tha).

Kareeb do saal ke baad mera bhi USA jana hua. Buffalo New York mein. India se us samay naya naya aya tha aur US ke ladkon ladkiyon ke jo akrte dekhta tha , bas roz muttha mara kiya karta tha. AB Chacha Chachi se phone par bhee kafee batein hua karti thee. Par phir bhee Chachi ke baray nein koi galat khayal anhin aya. Phir ek baar Chacha ki conference New Yrok mein thee to Chacha Chachee Buffoalo hote huye New York gaye mein bhee saath tha. Us samay Chachi ko dekh kar pahlee bar laga ki who kitni khoobsurat hain, aur kash mein unko chod sakta. Par guilty feelings ke saath yeh vichar mein mann se hata diya. Chachi us samay 4 mahine se pregnant thee. Jab Chach conference mein hote the mein aur chachi New York ghoomte aur ek doosre ke aur karreb aa gaye. Chachi mujhse apna pet (stomach) chhulwatee aur hone wali ladki ki kicking feel karwati. Ek bar Chach jab conference mein the , Chachi ko headache hua to mein unka head massage karne laga. Thodi der mein who so (sleep) gayee to
meine unka stomach sahalya aur stomach ko kiss kiys. Par unko pata nahin chala. Meine turant bathroom mein jakar muttha lagaya. Ek hafte baad hum log wapas apne apne cities mein chale gaye. Is trip me Chachi ke prati mere dimag mein bahut gande gande vichar bhar diye. AB jab bhee mein USA ke couples ko dekhta, ghar jakar Chachi ko yaad karke muthha lagatha.

Kucch dinon mein Chachi ke bachchee huyee, par mein 3-4 mahine tak unke paas nahin ja sake kyonki bahut kaam badh gaya tha. Summer mein gaya Toronot 2 mahine ke visit ke liye. Aur us visit ne hamare poore relation hee change kar diye. Chacha to roz hee apne job jate the mein aur Chachi ghar par hote the. Unfortunatelt landlady (a old Candaian lady) aksar ghar par aa jati thee aur hamko bore kartee thee. Par jab akele hote mein aur Chachi khoob ghul mil gaye. Mein unki help karta tha. Kabhi kabhi unke clothes bhi fold karta tha clotehs mein bra aur panty bhee hotee thee. Fold karte samay kabhee kabhee panty ko smell karta. Kabhee washing machine mein dalte samay gandee panty bhi smell karta, par Chachi ko nahin pata tha. Kai baar Chachi ne poochha , koi girl friend mili. Meine kaha aap jaisee koi girl hee nahin miltee. Who mere cheeks mein pich kar ke hansene lagi. Meine unko chumma de diya galon par, kintu unhone us chumme ko bahot importance nahin dya.

Ek din mein jab unke bedroom mein gaya, to dekha ki who chotti se Sweta (daughter) ko breast se milk pila rahee thee. Mein sorry kah ke lautne laga, to Chachi ne bola, koi baat nahin aa jao. Aur ek towel se apne breast chhupa kar Sweta ki doodh pilate pilate batein kartee rahee mujhse. Mera lund to ek dam sher ke tarah tan gaya. Meine kaha excuse me Chacho aur jaldee se bathroom menin jakar muttha lagaya.

Phir ek din jab mein bed room ghuas to dekha Sweta doodh pee kar Chachi ke breast se khel rahi thee aur Chach neend mein so gayee thee. Mein paas baith kar Sweta ke annhe se haath se khlene laga aur uske haath ke saath saath apna haath bhi Chachi ke nipples ke pas le gaya. Mera lund phir ek dum se kahada tha. Mein dheere dheere Chachi ke boobs sahalta raha who gahree neend mwin thee. Jab unki neend khulee to mera haath unke boobs sahla raha tha. Who ek dum ghabra gayee, aur apne breasts chadar se dahk liye. Mein bhee dar gaya, aur jane laga. To who boli kya kar rahe the Vicky. Meine kaha Sweta se khel raha tha. Who muskura uthee. Phie boli ki Sweta ko crib mein sula do aur mera head massage karo please. Meine Sweta ko bed se uthaya to chadar Chachi ke boobs se slip ho gaya, par Cahchi ne boobs nange hee rahne diye. Jab nein Sweta ko crib mein rakh kar bed par gaya tab bhee Chachi ke boobs waise hee nange chamak rahe the aur eyes closed thee.

Who boli baith kar mera head daba do. Meine unka head massage kiya dheere dheere unke cheeks bhee sahalne laga. Lund maharaj phir kahde ho gaye the. Chachi ne mera dossra haath pakda aur sahlane lagee. Unke lips ek dam sowellen ho gaye. Bahut hee khoobsurat lag rahee thee meri aadhee nangi Chachi. Phir unki eyes khulee aur unhone mere lund to pant ke upar se sparsh kar ke kaha �Yeh bichara abhee tak tumhare hands se hee satisfy ho saka hai�. Mein shocked ho gaya itna explicit baat sun kar. Phir Chachi ne mujhe kheench kar apne paas lita liya aur nesheele nigahon se mujhe dekhne lagi. Mein bhee ape se bahar ho chukka tha. Khoob passionately unki eyes aur face ko choomne laga. Who bhee mere cheeks ko choomte choomte apne jeebh mere mouth mein dal kar ghumane lagi. Meine kaha Chachi meri pyari chachi. Aur unki sari ke andar haath dal kar unki choot ko sahalne laga. Chachi boli �Aaj tumhare lund ko aslee choot ka swad milega, mere pyare bhatije� Aur mere lund ko pinch karne lagee. Meien uni sari poori utar dee aur unhone mere sare clothes utar diye. Ufffff kitni sunder dikh rahee thee meri Chachi ki komal choot. Who bareek si lakeer ki aaj bhi 25 sal baad jab yaad aate hai dil khush ho jata hai. Chach ne mera lund apnee choot se ragadna shuru kiya. Tabhee landlady ki awaz ayee. Chach jhatpat sari pahan kar bahar gayi. Landlady boil � I am going shopping. Do you need anything�. Chachi boli �No�.

Phir Chachi wapas bedroom mein aye aur sari utar kar bistar par chadne lagee. Mein ek minute pyari chachi. Aur unhein khade khade mein uni choot chatne laga. Who mere head ko sahlati rahee. Poori nangi kahdi thee mere samne. Mein bhi kahda ho gaya. Chachi mere lund ko hanthon me lekar meri jeebh choosne lagi. Meine phir unko boobs choos kar bichari Sweta ke hisse ka thoda sa doodh piya. Chachi bahut hee uttejit ho chki thee. Uchak kar meri kamar se apne tangon to lipta liya. Lund maharaj ko choot maharni ka chhed to jaise apne aap hi mil gaya. Hum Chachi-Bahtije ka ek naye sambandh ki shuruat hui. Chachi jhtka de de kar chudtee rahi pahle kahde kahde. Jab hum thak se gaye khade kahde chodte, to bed par let kar chdai kee. Kabhi mein upar kabhi chahci upar. Bahut hee khoobsurat lag rahi thee meri nangi chachi. Mere lund ko pahlee bar choot mili. Pahle to mein unki jhanton par hi jahd gaya. Woh mere cum ko apnee choot par phaila kar mere lund ko choot ke ander le gayee.

Hum dono bahot zor zor se rhythm ke saath hil rahe the. Itne mein crib mein nanhi Sweta ne rona shuru kiya. Chachi dheere se boil �Koi baat nahin thoda so roakr chup ho jayegi, tum to bas mujhe chodte raho�. Meine poore takat se unak nanga badan daba kar zor se chodna zari rakha. Chachi boil �Vicky Vicky mere pyare bhatije Vicky. Itne salon se kabhee kyon nahin choda mujce, mere pyare�. Mein unke boobs se doodh nikal kar peeta raha. Aise karte karte hum dono jhad gaye aur bistar par tamam ho gaye. Abhee Chacha ko gahr aane mein 3-4 ghante the. Hum dono premi ek doosre ke nange sharer par dher ho gaye.

Tags: Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani

Sagai Se Pehly Hi Chudai Hogai - Brother Sister Stories

My age is 23 year old. I m doing job in Hyderabad and choti (my own sister, I say choti) is age is 21. she is beautiful & very sexy. she is 5.6. she is like ASH(ashwarya) .she was doing modling. Choti ki shagai thik ho gaya . mai Hyderabad se gar jane me 36 hour lagta hai. Mai gar pahucha. Wo gar per akele te. Mere ma or papa dushre town gaye te shopping karne. Wo log dushre din aane wale te. Mai or Choti (sister) gar per akele te. Mai thaka hara gar pahucha or fresh hone laga room me. Mai as usual mai apne cloth nikal ker change ker raha tha room me. Mai room ka door close karma bhul gaya. Mai underbear me se land ko nikal ker hila raha tha ( mera room T.V room ke bagal me hai.) choti TV dhekha rahe te. Wo ek dam se room me kucha puchane aa rahe te. Wo mujhe dhekhe ki mai land ko hila raha tha. Choti thore der tak dekhate rahe or sorry kahi or chale gaye. Mai sarma gaya or jalde se cloth change kiya or fresh ho ker TV wale room me aaker T.V dekha ne laga. Chote mere liye khane ke liye kucha le aaye. Wo mujha se najar nahe mila rahe te. Mai ne khaya or T.V dhekha ne laga.

Evening ke time me mai T.V dekha raha tha to wo bole bhaya mera photo lo na digital cam se. (my hobbies is photography) . Kal bare bhaya aayege to jins nahe pahan sakte ho. Mai bola ok. ja tayar ho ja mai cam nikal ta ho. Choti ne black jins or black t-sirt pahan ker aye. Wo kaya lag rahe te. Mai dekha to dekha te rah gaya . mai photo lene laga. Wo naya -2 pose de rahe te. Wo bole tum ruko mai dusare clothes change ker kea ate hoo. Wo aaye sirf t-sirt change ker ke .t-sirt pardarse tha .andar black bra pahane te dikha raha tha.mai pasha gaya or kaha u looks like sexy. Choti ne smile diya or kaha I know. I m sexy. Mere per bahut larke marte hai. Mere ko fuck karne ka man karne laga. Mera land khara ho gaya or iron ki tarha majbut ho gaya or laga ki pain ko phar ker bahar ajaye ga. Mai ne dekha ke chote terche najar se maire land ko dekha rahe hai. Mai ushake pass gaya or bola tu apne t-sirt ko thora upper karo choti karne lage mai dekha raha tha .choti ne upper kiya or bola hogaya na lo photo nikalo. To maime kaha nahe thora aur upper or mai ja ker upper karne laga . maine jab choti ka jishm ko touch kiya to 440 volt ka current laga. Mai choti ka bailey per hand ko move karne laga.choti ne thore der ke liye eye ko close ker liya. Choti bole kaya ker rahe ho. Mai bola kucha nahe payar ker raha ho mere jaan. Pher maine ushako lips per apna lips rakha diya aur kiss kerne laga after 15 min.she is some excited. Pher mai choti ka neck per kiss kiya aur check per kiss karne time mai apne hand se uske boob ko dabne laga. Awaj aane lage uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ufffffffffffffff fff aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhh���different types of awaj. Choti jada hot ho gaye. Mane pahale choti ka t-sirt ko nikal diya aur boob ko masaj karne laga maine phir choti ke bailey ko dheri se kiss karne laga aur bra ko nikal diya . choti ke boobs dekha ker mai apne aap ko shambhl na shaka kaya boob tha. Ek larke me jo hona tha usha types ke boobs tha. Pure hot lag rahe the. Mai ek boob ko mouth se choosha raha tha aur dushare ko mai daba raha tha. Choti pure excite ho rahe thee. Maine choti ka jins or panty khol diya to choti sharma gaye aur apne hand se band kar liya . maine dhere se choti ka hand hata ker kiss kerne laga .mai pahle bar kise larke ko pura nage dekha raha tha.

Chote ne pher mere body per se cloth nekal diya. choti jab mera underbear khol ker mera land dekhe to bole mai phale bar kese larke ka land dekha rahe ho.kitana bara hai lagta hai 7 inch ka hoga aur dekhe to dekhate rah gaye. Maine land ko choti ke hand me diya aur bola mouth me lo aur upper niche karo .upper niche karne lage mai excited hone laga. 10 min. ke bad mere lad se mony nekla aur sara mone pegaye. Pher maine uske boor me middle finger dal kar move karne laga choti bole kaya kar rahe ho. Mane uske lips ko kiss karne laga . chote thore der bad pure tarh excited hogaye or bole bhaya chodo mujhe�jalde se��.nahe to mai mar jauge�to mane apna land choti ke boor me dal diya, choti jor se chillaye �baya nikalo nahe to mai mar jauge bahut pain ho raha main e choti se kaha ke pahle thora sa pain hoga pher maja aayega�.. pher maine dere -2 speed tej kiya.. chote jo se awaj ker rahe thee baya nahe chor do..bas karo�.rahne do�nikalo���. Say different types of words�.pher thore der ke bad choti maja lene lage aur bole baya jo se chodo aapne chotiu ko� mere boor ko phar do , bahut maja aaraha hai�� phale tumne koyo nahe choda choti ko.. bahenchod apne choti ko pura man laga ker chod..10 min ke bad bole bhaya mai thak gaye hoo�choti ke boor se pane nikal raha tha. Mera bhe mone nikalne wala tha maine mony choti ke mouth me dal diya aur choti ne pura mony pileya pher mai or choti 30 min. take k dushre ke satha nage bed lete rahe. pher fresh hone mai or choti batharoom gaye . batharoom me choti ko ek bar pher se choda.

Rat ko dinner saath liye aur choti ne kaha bhaya u r great. Aaj mai bahut happy ho. Tumne mere ko jindge ka maja de diya. I m really happy. I love u aur aakar ushne kiss ker liya . usha rat ko mai aur choti donone ek he bed per rat gujare. Pure rat mai choti ko 4 times choda in different pose me.

Tags: Brother Sister Stories, Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani

Meri Maa Meri Chudai Main Guide - Mother Son Stories

Mai Priyanka umar 32 saal,height 5-5,figure 38 29 38,rang gora,chudai ki shokeen Mumbai mai rahiti hoon..Meri shadi huye koi 9 saal ho chukai hai or ek beta bhi hai 7 saal ka.Aaj mai aap ko apni real story suna rahi hoon.Yai baat tab ki hai jab mai 14 yrs ki thi or mera first period shuru hua tha.Us Waqt mai meri mom or choti sister saath mai rahitay thai.Mere Papa ki death jab mai 9 saal ki thi ho gai ko unki jagah job mil gaya.Humari mom nai hum logo ko baray pyar sai paala or sex ki or har baat ki jaankari hum logo ko deti thi,just like friend.humai nahilati bhi thi or har ang ka mahatva batati thi,us waqt meri chunchiyian bahut chotay thi aur choot par halke bhure baal aa gai the.Nahatay huye jab sabun lagati to hum dono bahino ki choot ko ragad ragad kar saaf karti aur kabhi kabhi unki ungli humari choot mai chali jaati.Tab bahut hi accha mehsoos hota. Meri mom bhi kabhi kabhi hamare sath nangi ho kar nahati thi. Aur hamse apni chunchiyan par aur peth par sabun laga kar jor jor se ragadne ko ya dabane ko kehati thi. Ek din mainay mom se kaha ki aapki choot har time saaf rahti hai aur meri par baal aa gai hai to unho nai hair remover nikkala aur choot par mal diya aur thode time baad saaf kar ke boli ab to teri choot bhi meri choot jaisi choot ho gai na. .MOM ko chudai kiye kaafi time ho gaya tha,woh kabhi kabhi muz sai apni choot chatwati aur meri choot mai ungli daal kar mujhe *bhi gharam kar ke apni zeeb meri choot me daal deti.Is tarah hum logo ka time nikal raha tha ki ek din humare chacha kuch dino ke liyai humarai ghar aayai. Chahcha upar wale kamre me thahre the. Hame sula ke mom unke kamre me gayi , mujhase kaha mujhe kuch bate karnei hai. Bahut der hone ke baad mai bhi unke piche upar gayi. Maine Mom ko unsay lipatay dekha aur kiss kartai bhi.Chacha mom se keh rah the ki bhabhi kab tak apni is zalim jawani ko barbaad karogi aur ise samhal kar kaise rakhogi? Mere paas aa jao mai tumhari pura khyal rakhunga, aur tumhari is nazuk choot ko bhi pura maja dunga. Lekin mom ne mana kar diya aur kaha ki mai bachche ke sath yahi thik hoon. Tumhari ye lamba lund jab bhi tumhe pareshan kare tab tum yahan aa kar meri choot ki chatni bana kar use bhi hari kar diya karnamai ye baten chhup kar sun rahi thi.uske baad unhone darwaja band kar diyia. Aur sari raat mom wahan chudwati rahi. Subah mom ki halat se pata chala ki wo kuch langda ke chal rahi hai. Lekin unke chehare par bahut khushi thi.dusare din jab.Raat hui mom ne khanna banaya aur sab ne hamesah ki tarah saath mai khaya.Mom bartan rakhnay kichen me gayi to chacha ki nazar muz par padi aur wo bole ab to tum bhi jawaan ho gayi ho aur meri khuli gori chikni jangho par haath gumanay lage fir idhar udhar dekha aur meri choti chunchi ko daba di aur gaal par kiss kiya mujhe ye bahut achcha laga. Fir hum log yane mai aur meri choti behan sone chale gaye mom ne fir kaha ki mujhe aaj bhi tumhari chacha se kuch private baten karne hai tum log so jaao.. Maine dekha chacha mom ke room me chale gaye. *Raat ko mujhe *neend nahi aa rahi thi aur kuch der baad mom ke room se kuch awaze aa rahi thi. Mai uthi aur mom ke room ke paas gayi. Maine dekha ki andar halka light hai aur mom ne chacha ka lund apne muh me liya hua hai.aur use chus rahi hai. Chacha ka lund bahutu mota aur lamba tha. Maine pehali baar kisi mard ka lund dekha, lekin aaj bhi mai keh sakti hoon ki chacha ka lund meri zindagi me sabse lamba aur mota lund aur chacha dono nange the. Chacha mom ki chunchiyan ko daba rah the.. nipple ko ungli me masal rah the. Aur mom ne pair faila rakhe the isliye dusare hath se unki choot me ungli daal rah the. Mom keh rahi thi.. "tumhari lund bahut mota aur kadak hai mere mmuh me ata hi nahi" chacha ne kaha "bhabhi tumhari chunchiyan aur choot bhi to shandar hai. Tumhari choot to abhi bhi gulabi hai.. ekdum nayi naveli lagti hai" "tumhari bhaiya ka lund bahut chota tha aur wo thik se kar bhi nahi pate the.. isliye iski thik se chudayi nahi huyi, tumne kal raat ko choda tha, abhi take meri choot fuli huyi hai.bahut dino se meri choot kisi ne nahi choda isliye ab to aur tight ho gayi hai kal tumne fir se meri seal todi devar ji. Mai to bhul hi gayi thi ki lund kaisa hota hai, lekin kal tumhari is mote aur lambe lund ne meri choot ko fir se lalchi bana diya isliye itna dard hone ke baad bhi aaj chudwane aa gayi hoon..aaaahhh… dheere..dard hota hai" shayad chacha ne jor se ungli andar daal di thi. Chacha ne kaha tum fikar mat karo bhabhi mai tumhari choot ko khush kar dunga, aisi chudayi karunga aaj raat bhar ki tumhari choot panah mangegi. Aur chacha ne fir se choot me ungli dali aur mom ssssss..aaahhh. . kiya. Ye sab dekh kar meri choot se pehali baar paani nikla aur meri panty gili hone lagi thi.. Maine meri skirt upar ki aur panty ke side se meri choot me ungli dali aur ragadne lagi.maine dekha chacha ka lund 8 inch ke kareeb tha, mom ko use chusate dekh mera dil hua ki mai bhi use chusu.,par mazboor thi.Koi 15 minutes baad chacha kai lund sai white rang ki *virayki pipchkari nikali aur sidhe mom ke munh par gayi. aur mom usko chaat gayi phir bhi mom ne lund ko nahi chhoda *wo use choosti hi gai. Kareeb 10 min ke baad Chacha ka lund phir khada ho gaya or phir unho ne mom ki kamar pakad kar unke chutad apne chehare ke paas kiya dono pair apne sir ke baju me liye aur mom ki choot ko chatne lage, pehale unhone unki gaand se choot take kiss kiya fir mom ki choot chatni shuru kar di mom,Ahhhhhh… mmmmm… oohhh.. shhh kar rahi thi aur keh rahi thi … chato raja kab se pyasi hai, meri choot ka pura pani pee jao..aahhhhh kehate huye mom ne apni choot chacha ke muh par dabayi aur kahan mai..gayiiiiiiiii. . mera pani nikalll raha haiiiii… aaahh.. kehate huye wo chacha ka lund aur jor se chusne lagi. phir chacha ne mom ko palang par litaya unki gaand ke niche takiya lagaya... unke pair faila kar uska bich me baithe aur hath se choot ko thapthapaaya. . . kiss kiya.. fir dher sara thook apne lund par aur mom ke choot me lagaya.. aur lund ko choot ke upar rakh kar ek dhakka diyia.. mom chilla uthi..aaaaaaaahhhh. . dheere… abhi bhi dard hai devarjiiii.. chacha ne mom ke honto par honth rakhe aur unko kas ke pakda aur dusra dhakaka diya aur apna mota aur lamba lund mom ki choot mai pura daal kar dhakke lagane shuru kar diyai mom chila uthi aaa,ooooohhhhhaaaaa phad dalo devar ji meri choot ko. Chacha pura lund bahar nikalte aur jor se andar ghused deta aise hi kareeb *15-20 minutes mom ki jabardast chudayi karne ke baad chacha nai kaha bhabhi mera hone wala hai.. aahhhh.. mom ne kaha dalo raja meri choot me sab dal do.. aur chacha ne apne lund ka paani mom ki choot mai udail diya aur dono ne ek dusare ko jakad liya unki chudayi dekhate huye mai bhi 3 baar jhad chuki thi aur meri choot ka pani meri jangho se beh raha tha, panty gili ho chuki thi. Uska baad mai bina awaz kiye bathroom gayi.. aur fir wapas aa kar dekha dono abhi bhi nange the. Aur mom ne fir se chacha ka lund muh me liya tha... us raat chacha ne aur 2 baar mom ki chudayi ki.. maine sabhi chudayi dekhi. Mom ko apne lund par bitha kar chacha ne sawari bhi karwayi. Meri choot bhi pani chhod chhod kar pareshan ho gayi thi. Raat ke 3 *baje mai apne room me jane lagi tabhi maine suna. Mom bahut khush thi *unhone kaha "devar ji tumne mujhe khush kiya hai bolo tumhe kya chahiye jo mangoge wohi dungi".Tab chacha ne kaha bhabhi agar bura na mano to ek baat kahoon,mom nai kaha bolo kya chahate ho.Tab chacha ne kahi ki Priyanka ab jawaan ho gayi hai mai uski choot ki seal todna chahta hoon. Bolo dogi uski Kunwari choot."mom ne kuch socha fir kaha woh tumhara itna bada lund sahan nahi kar paayegi abhi uski choot kachchi hai phat jaayegi.Tum usko apna lund chuswa sakte ho. mai usko uthati hoon par chodna mat.jab mainay ye suna to jhat se apne room me aa gayi.Mom kuch der baad mere Room me aayi aur mai sonay ka naatak karnay lagi,tabhi mom ne meri choot par haath rakha aur jab unho ne meri choot mai ungli daali to dekha meri choot gili ho rahi thi,woh kuch hairaan ho gayi or mujhko uthya aur boli teri choot kaise gili ho gayi hai mainay kaha mom maine aap ko chacha se chudwate dekh liya hai,aap ki to pyas bujh gayi par mai garam ho gayi hoon mujhai bhi chacha sai chudwa do plzz. Maom ne kaha "Beta chacha ka lund bahut bada hai or mota bhi teri choot ka kachumar nikal jaayega,ja sirf chacha ka lund choos le or saara maal pi lena, kyu mom? Beta mard ka makhkhan pine sai health achchi rahati hai,mom agar choot mai giray to?" "To pregnet ho sakti hai"
"to aanay to saara ander lia hai naa"
",meri baat alag hai."
Usne mujhe apne room me chacha ke pas bhej diya. chacha kai paas ja kar mai khadi ho gayi, chacha nange hi lete huye the. Aur apne lund ko sehla rah the, jo ki adha khada tha.unho ne mujhe chuma aur meri choti choti chunchiyan sehlate huye meri shirt khol di fir meri sameej bhi nikal di. Meri santre jaisi kadak chunchiyan uska munh ke samne thi. Fir usne meri skirt bhi utar di aur panty ke upar se meri mulayam gaand ko dabaya. Fir aur pas khincha aur meri panty bhi nikal di. Usne dekha meri panty gil hai. Usne panty ke choot wale hisse ko chuma fir muskuraya. Ab usne mujhe puri nangi *kar diya tha. Usne mujhe apni god me khich liya, aur apna 8 inchi lund mooh mai lene ko kaha aur maine uska mote lund ko hath me liya.. bahut garam tha.. maine apna munh khola.. uska supada bahut bada tha.. kis tarah maine use pura meri jeebh se chata.aur fir *kisi tarah apne chote se muh me le kar choosna shuru kar diya,chacha ne meri gili choot me hath rakha aur choot ke dane ko dabaya. , mera to pura badan kamp gaya.. pure badan me current daud gaya. Mai halka sa machali.usne choot ko sehlate huye usne ungli daal di mai dard se tadap uthi..chachaa. .aaaaahhh dard hota hai.. dheere karo na.. usne kaha thik hai.fir choot ke pani ko ungli me lagaya aur muh me dal liya aur kaha Priyanka teri choot to bahut namkeen hai.. maja aa gaya..usne fir se ungli choot par rakhi, is bar thoda andar dala aur *hilanay lage. Meri choot tight hone ke karan ungli andar nahi jaa rahi thi, aur meri seal bhi nahi tuti thi abhi take. Lekin meri choot ab maja le rahi thi. *Mai bahut hi utaijit ho gayi aur lund ko jor sai choosnay lagi. Uska lund aur ful gaya aur bahut sakht ho gaya. Mere muh me uchalne laga. 10 minutes mai chacha ka lund merai mooh mai jhar gaya. Uska makhkhan bahut sara nikla tha.aur ek azeeb sa swad tha . mujhe achcha laga. Aur *maine sab pee gai. Ab chacha ne mujhe apne aur pas khich kar kiss kiya. Wo abhi bhi meri choot sehla raha tha. Ab uski ungli thodi andar jaa rahi thi. Meri choot bhi pani chhod rahi thi. Aur achanak mujhe aisa laga ki meri peshab nikal jayegi. Maine kaha ..chacha mujhe bathroom jana hai.. usne kaha kyu? Maine kaha mujhe jor se peshab lagi hai. Usne kaha yahi mut de. Maine kaha nahi. Usne kaha abhi ruk ja teri peshab nikalta hoon, keh kar usne mere choot ke dane ko ragda aur ungli andar bahar teji se kiya, mera pura badan akad gaya aur choot se fauwara nikal pada. Chacha ka pura hath gila ho gaya aur chadar bhi. Mujhe thakan jaisi lagi. Chacha mujhe pyar karne lage. Meri choti choti chunchiyan ko sehlane lage. Mere chne jaise nipple ko ungli aur anguthe se masla.. mai fir se garam hone lagi.. maine Chacha ko kaha jaise mom ko choda hai mujhko bhi chodo,unho ne kaha ki ye mota aur lamba lund teri choti choot me ander le paayegi? Maine haan kaha aur phir chacha ka lund pakkad kar fir se mooh me le liya, mere chusne se uska lund thodi der me khada hone par chacha ne mujhe khinch kar bed par litaya meri gaand ke niche takiya rakha. Meri choot upar uth gayi. Meri choot dekh kar chacha khush ho gaya. Meri gulabi bina balo wali choot ke honth chipke huye the.usne meri choot ko chuma, mai sihar uthi. Fir meri dono choti choti chunhiyon ko pura ka pura muh ke andar le kar chusne laga, katne laga. Muje maja aa raha tha. Dard bhi ho raha tha. Ab usne mom me dressing table se cream ki bottle uthaya aur ungli se meri choot me aur apne pure lund par cream lagaya. lund meri choot ki faank par rakha or jatka diya ooohhhoo mar gaiii isko bahar nikalo nahi to mai mar jaao gi chacha ne kaha ghabra mat pehali baar *dard hota hi hai bas kuch der ruk phit tum hi kaho ki aur chodo, itna keh kar chacha ne agla jatka dia ki mai chilla padhi, meri aankh se aansu nikal aye.. meri choot me aisa laga jaise kisi ne garam loha ghused diya ho oooohhhaaaaahaa, chachaaaa… mai mar gayiiii… nikalooo.. lekin chacha ki pakad mazboot thi. Aur pura lund meri Kunwari choot ki seal todkar andar ja chukka tak meri choot phat chuki thi or chadar khoon sai latpath ho gai thi,chacha thoda ruke aur fir se dhakke shuru kar diye.. mera dard thoda kam hone laga . aur maja ane laga.. mai chilla uthi.. chodo chacha.. aur jor se..aah.. kya lund hai tumhari.. meri choot bhar gayi puri..aur mai niche se chutad hilane lagi thi.. mai khud unki chudayi se 2 baar jhad gayi.. lund gila hone laga..aur maine mehsus kiya chacha ka lund andar ful raha hai , tabi chacha ka jhadne ka waqt ho gaya to unho ne apna lund bahar nikala aur mere munh ke pas la kar hath se hilane lage.. unka makhkhan mere munh aur chunchiyan par pichkari jaisa nikala.. aur maine unke lund ko munh me lekar pura chat liya..Us din mai chacha se ek baar aur chudi.par mom ko to unhone saari raat mere saane choda. Mom chacha ka lund khud bhi *choosti aur *mujhse bhi chuswati aur *kabi wo meri choot ko chatati *kabhi mujhse apni choot chatwati.Jab tak chacha humare ghar rahai mom bhi chudti rahi.mujhko ab Chudwane ka chaska pad gaya meri choti behan ko bhi chacha god me bithakar apna lund pakadwate aur kabhi kabhi chuswate , use chacha ne choda nahi kyuki wo bahut choti thi, lekin *maine uske baad *kayi lund ka swaad liya.Meri mom nai meri shadi 20 saal ki umar mai hi kar di,taki badnaami na ho aur mai sasuraal aa gai.yahan bhi mai devar se chudwati hoon kyu ki mere husband jyada tar tour par hi rahtay.hai. jab ghar aate to thake hote aur unka lund bhi bahut chota aur patla hai. Mere devar ka lund kafi mazboot aur mota hai aur wo chudayi bhi achcha karta hai. Lekin chacha ka lund sabse achcha tha.

Tags: Mother Son Stories

Desi Chudai Ki Hindi Urdu Sex Story - Hindi Stories

Naghma jamal ki bahoon main thi lakin who khud ko churanay ki koshish kar rahi thi jamal mujay choor do tum yeah kiya kar rahay hoo main abb shadhi shudah hoon choor do mujay laikin who to mast ho giya tha abb naghma ne ghusay main usay kha ke kuttay choor mujay warna main teri jaan le loon ghi us ne pass para hoa guldaan utha liya jamal ne daar kar usay choor diya aur zara sa pichay hat giya abb naghma ghussay main usay ghaliyaan nikal rehi thi harmi tum ne phalay mujay neendh ki hooligan de kar mera rape kiya tha tumri isi kamini harkat se meri zindghi khrab ho jati laikin mera hobby ne meri baat par yaqeen kar liya ke main virgin thi mujay pata hai ke who sab jantay hain laikin unhoon ne mujay khuch nain kha who bhoot achay hain abb kabhi tum ne dubaray meri taraf Gandhi nazaar se dekha to main tumain maar doon ghi kuttay insaan pahlay jo khuch hoa who rape tha aur mujay pata hai is main tumari sisters bhi shamil thain unhoon ne hi tumari madaat ki thi laikin abb tum khuch bhi nain kar sako ghay main darwazay se hat giya aur wapis TV lounge main chala giya laikin main sooch rah tha ke naghma ke sath bhoot bura hoa jo bhi hoa aur meray dil main us ke liya piyaar aur bhar giya us main naghma ki kiya ghalti thi usay to anjanay main neendh ki gooliyan khula kar rape kiya giya tha mera ghusa barta ja rah tha mera dil kar rah tha ke jamal ka khoon kar doon par main hoosh khona nain chata tha aur na hi itni asani se usay choor deta main usay isi punishment dena chata tha ke who sari zindghi yaad rakhay main apnay khiyaloon main hi khoya tha ke naghma room main ayi who normal lagh rehi thi lakin us ki ankhoon main abhi bhi gusay ki jhalak thi who meray pass ayi aur boli tony chaloo ghar chaltay hai bhoot dair ho ghi hai main ne time na zaya kartay hoay uncle aur aunty se ijazaat manghi aur nikal paray rastay main mujay naghma par bhoot piyaar aa rah tha main ne us ka hath pakar kar hothoon se laghaya who chunk uthi main ne phir us ke hath par kiss kiya to who boli kiya baat hai tony ajj bhoot piyaar aa rah hai main ne kha ke mujay to hamesha tum par piyaar atta hai tum ho hi itni khubsuraat ke dil karta hai tumain duniyaan ki nazroon se chupa loon aur sath he main ne jhuk kar us ke honthoon ko kiss kiya to who boli meray piyaray hobby shaab app ghari challa rehay hain nazar rastay par rakhain aur ghar ja ke app khoob arman nikal lijiaye ga aur main ne phir rastay par nazar kar li hum tori dair main ghar phonch gaye main ne uter kar ghari bandh ki aur naghma ki taraf aya aur khuch khaye baghaire main ne usay apni bhaoon main utha liya aur us ke honthoon par kiss kiya who boli kiya baat hai ajj app ko kiya ho giya hai ghar ke ander to chalain koi dekh le ga app kiya kar rahay hain mujay nichay utarain nain main tumain nichay nain utaroon ga aur agar kisi ne dekh liya to kiya tum meri biwi hoo aur main usay uthaye hoaye ghar ke under chala giya main usay shidhay apnay bedroom main le giya rastay bhar main ne us ke honthoon to chumta rah bedroom main ne usay bed par litaya aur main us ke uper ho giya who abb meray nichay thi aur main paghloon ki tharah usay kissing kar rah tha who bhi kafi gharam ho chuki thi us ne pink rang ki sari peni hoi thi who bhi bahri kaam wali to boli mujay kapray to change karnay dain nain naghma ajj main tumain asay hi piyaar karoon ga sari raat aur main ne phir apnay lips se us ke lips to look kar diya meray hath us ke boobs ko caress kar rehay thay main ne phir apnay hath se us ki sari ko uper uthaya aur meray hath us ki panty par tha us ne aik moan kiya ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh main ne us ki panty ke uper se hi us ki choot ko masalna churoo kar diya jis se who gharam ho ghi aur moan par moan kar rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhh tony ahhhhhhhhhhhhh app ko ajj kiya ho giya hai ahhhhhhhhh phir main ne apna hath us ki panty main dal diya mera hath us ki choot par tha abb main ne easy honay ke liya us ki panty ko utaar diya aur panty ko zameen par phenk diya ahh main us ki pinkish choot par hath phair rah tha who moan kar rehi thi phir main ne us ki choot ke lips ko apni middle finger se masala aur phir us ki clit par jab meri unghli ghi to who madhosh ho ghi aur mujay apni bhaoon main kas liya aur boli ahhhhhhhhhhh tony app ajj mujay paghil kar dain gaye ahhhhh aur main ne khuch dair us ki clit ko apni finger se masla phir main ne apni finger us ki choot main daleni churoo ki wow us ki choot bhoot ziyadah ghili ho ghi thi meri finger jesay makhan main gharam churi jati hai wasay hi chali ghi us ne phir aik zoordaar moan kiya ahhhhhhhhhh tooooonnyyyyyyyyyy app ne mujay paghil kar diya hai ahhhhhhh abb muj se rah na giya main ne apni paint ko khola loura bhair nikala aur paint ko utaray baghaire main ne apna loura us ki ghili choot par rakh diya aur aik zoordaar Dhaka diya mera loura 4inch tak us ki choot main ghus giya us ne aik big moan kiya ahhhhhhhhhh tonyyyyyyyy aur main ne aik aur Dhaka diya aur mera lora 6 tak gus giya mujay itna josh aya hoa tha ke main chata tha ke pura loura aik hi dhakay se us ki choot main daal kar zor zor se usay chodoon laikin loura khuch bara tha is liya aik dhakay main ander nain jah rah tha takreeban 5 ya 7 dhakoon ke bhad mera pura loura naghma ki choot main tha kiyoon ke us ki choot bhoot ghili ho chuki thi loura asani se pura chala giya aur usay ziyaadah dard bhi nain hoa aur who bhi bhoot josh main thi bas phir kiya tha hum isay aik dusray main kho giya jesay do animals main usay long and hard dhakay laga rah tha who apni choot ko uper utha utha ke meray dhakoon ko welcome kar rehi thi main ne us ke honthoon ko chumana churoo kar diya sath hi sath zoordaar tarikay se usay chood rah tha main ne josh main aa ke us ka balause pahr diya aur sath hi us ki bra bhi phar di abb us ke boobs thay aur mera muhn main ne us ki pink nipples ko chusna churoo kiya who moan kar rehi thi ahhhhhhhhh tonyyyyyyyyyyyyy app ne mujyay paghil kar diya hai I love you tony tum mujay kabhi na choorna warna main maar jaoon ghi I love you tumain phalay din dekhtay hi main ne tum par dil haar diya tha I love you tonyyyyyyyyyy us ki batoon ne mujaay madhoosh kar diya tha I love you too naghma I love you aur phir tori dair ke bhad hi who jharnay wali thi ohhhhhhhhhhh tony main jharnay wali hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony aur zoor se choodo apni naghma ko ahhhhhhhhhhhh aur who jhar ghi aur abb main bhi jharnay wala tha main ne kha naghma main bhi jharnay wala hoon ahhhhhhhhhh aur us ne apni donon legs se meri kamer ko pakar liya aur apni choot ko uper ki taraf Dhaka denay laghi main ne aik zoordaar Dahka laghaya mera loura us ki choot main gharayi tak uter giya aur main ne us ki choot main sara cum choor diya aur phir main us ki body par ghir giya aur hum donon ghari sansain le rehay thay jesay kuttay hanptay hoon main us ki naghi chathi par para hoa tha us ke boobs meri chathi se presse ho rahay tha humain khuch hoosh nain tha shadhi ke in 10 days main yeah phali baar hoa tha ke hum ne itni zoordaar chudhai ki thi ke hoosh bhi na rah aur humain pata bhi na chala kab hum soo gaye subah ja ke hum dono ki ankh khuli who abb bhi meray nichay hi thi aur mera loura us ki choot main tha main us ke uper se hat giya us ne meri ankhoon main dekhtay hoa bola tony app ne kiya jadhoo kar diya tha raat ko mujay hosh hi nain rah main ne us ke lips ko kiss kiya aur bola naghma darling tum ne bhi to mujay madhoosh kar diya tha abb ja ke hoosh aya hai acha abb zeeyadah maska na laghain chalain uthain kitna time ho giya hai mari nazaar jab clock par pari to my god din ke 11 bajnay wlaay tha main aik jhatkay se utha to who bhi uth ghi laikin jab us ki nazaar apni sari par pari to my god us ki to halat khrab thi (sari ki baat kar rah hoon) wh boli app ne meri kimti sari paar di hai puray 20 000rs ki thi main ne kitnay shook se kharidhi thi koi baat nain darling main tumain is se bhi achi sariyaan le ke doon ga aur main ne us ke lips ko kiss kiya aur hum ne sath hi shower liya aur who kitchen main chali ghi nachta bananay ko aur main phir ghari sooch main ghir giya aur sochnay lagha ke nain ne naghma ki cousin sisters aur us harami jamal ki family se naghma ka badla lena hai aur plan sochnay lagha ke itnay main mujay naghma ki awaz ayi aur main apni shochoon se bhair aya who mujay nachtay ke liya bula rehi thi main nichay dinning room ko chal para who mera intezaar kar rehi thi main us ke pass bath giya aur hum ne nachta kiya phir main ne naghma se kha ke chaloo shopping ke liya chaltay hain to who boli main to mazaak kar rehi thi sari ka meray pass bhoot sari hai app fikar na karain nain naghma main ajj tumain apni pasand ka tofa dena chata hoon aur hum loog shopping ke liya nikel paray jab hum shopping kar rehay thay to meri nazar aik sonay ki set par pari main ne foraan who khreed liya aur naghma ko gift kiya who boli app bhi paghil hain itna kimti set lenay ki kiya zaroorat thi naghma tumaray liya to main jaan bhi de skhta hoon yeah set kiya cheez hai to who foraan boli app ko meri umer bhi lag jaye app phir kabhi asi baat nain karna please acha baba nain karoon ga chaloo maaf kar doo hum jab shop se bhair niklay aur phir main ne do achi si sarian naghma ko dilwai hum ne socha ke chaloo phalay naghma ke mummy dady ke ghar jatay hain un se milnay aur phir lounch kisi achay se restaurant main kartay hoay ghar wapis jain gaye uncle aunty ne humaray baray tapak se istakbaal kiya aur shikayat bhi ki ke kiya baat hai tum dono nazaar hi nain attay ajj bhi shadhi ke bhad first time aye hoo chaloo khana to khao gaye na humaray sath to naghma foraan boli nain mummy hum logoon ne ajj khana bhir khanay ka socha hai haan chai bana dain aur who dono kitchen main chali ghain main aur uncle batain karnay lag hay khuch time ke bhad naghma aur aunty chai le kar ayain aur hum sab ne chai pee aur phir hum ne restaurant ke liya nikal paray reasturant main hum ne corner wali table li aur khanay ka odder detay hoay jab meri nazaar door par rari to naghma ki cousin sisters restaurant main dakhil ho rehi thain laghta hai who bhi shopping kar ke ayi thain naghma ki nazaar bhi un par ghi to boli yeah yhaan kiya kar rehi hain aur un dono ne humain dekh liya aur humari table par aa ghiyeen thi hum ne uhain bethnay ke liya kha aur dono ne bathnay main daire nain lagayi main ne un ke liya bhi khanay ka odder diya khanay ke bhad jab hum sab resturant se bhair aye to main ne pucha kiya car layi ho ya taxi main ayi hoo to who boli ke taxi par ayi thain main ne kha ke chaloo hum tumain choor dain gaye ghar par main un dono ke kareb hona chata tha ke naghma ka revenge bhi to lena tha donno sisters se main donno sisters ko khuch ziyadah hi bhaoo de rah tha aur who khuch hoo rehi thain jab un ko ghar utara to who boli ayain chai humaray sath piyain hum ne bhaoot mana kiya par who dono nain mani aur humain kheench kar ghar main le gain abb main app logoon ka donno sister se perichay kara doon baray wali ka name komal age 26 years figure 38 30 36 rang gora aur aik bachay ki amman isi liya us ke boobs bhari bhari tha size bhi acha tha 38 ab chotti wali who ki age 19 thi gora rang aur who bhi bhoot sexy thi bari bhan ki thara figure 34 28 32 hoga name sitara tha is liya us ka tharouf karwaya ke app ko khani main mazza aye to hum donno jab sitting room man giya to chotti wali kitchen main ghus ghi chai bananay ke liya aur bari wali hum se baatain karnay laghi aur main ne daikh liya ke yeah to aram se chudwa le ghi kiyoon ke who mujay bar dekh rehi thi aur us ke honthoon par sharati si smile thi main ne bhi us ki ankhoon main dekhta tha naghma se nazer bacha ke naghma khuch daire bhad kitchen main ghi aur main ne time nain waist kiya aur komal se kha ke app bhoot khubsurat lag rehi hain salwaar kameez main us ne Sharma nay ki acting ki aur boli shukriya app bhi bhoot smart lag rehay hain aur naghma aur app ki jori bhoot khubsurat hai main ne thanks kiya aur bola wasay aghar app bhi hoti to bhi khoobsurat jori hoti who Sharma ghi aur boli app khuch late ho giya hai main to abb aik bachay ki maa hoon main ne door ki taruf dekha koi hai to nain kisi ko na pa ke main apni seat se utha aur us ke kareeb giya aur us ko hath se paker kar uthaya aur sath hi us ke lips ko chum liya aur sath hi mujay naghma ki awaz ayi kitchen se who bhair hi aa rehi thi main foran apni seat par wapis aa giya who abb bhi mujay dekh rehi thi jab hum wapis ghar ke liya niklay to main ne us ke kareeb hotay hi kha ke main kaal tumara intezaar karoon ga naghma apnay parents ko milnay jaye ghi aur main ghar main akela hoon ga tum 10 bajay aa jana who khuch nain boli ghar phonch kar main ne naghma ko sari raat choodha aur subah 9 bajay who apni mummy daddy se milnay chli ghi aur boli raat ko app mujay lenay anna dinner mummy papa ke sath karain gaye aur who mujay kiss kartay hoye chali ghi main ghari dekhi to us ke anay main 30 min rehtay thay main foraan bedroom giya aur apna handy camera set kiya aur long play par set kiya aur wapis sitting room main aa giya aur television dekhnay lagha time was passing it was 10:15 jab door bell baji main ne bhag kar darwaza khola to komal ko door par kharay paya main ne usay ander anay ko bola aur usay sitting room main le aya to boli app ne mujay kiyoon 10.00 bajay anay ko bola tha kiya koi kaam tha app ko main ne us ki ankhoon main dekha aur bola haan kaam tha tum se aur who kaam tum achi thara karoo ghi mujay maloom hai acha who kiya kaam hai main ne bola chaloo phir phalay tumain kaam bata deta hoon aur usay liya main bedroom chala aya aur sath hi usay kha ke throo main tumain awaz doon ga to ander ana who bedroom ke door par khri thi main ne bedroom main jatay hi camera on kar diya aur sath hi usay awaaz di komal aa jao who jab ander ayi to boli yeah to app ka bedroom hai yahan kiya kaam hai app ko main ne us ki ankhoon main dekha who ghulabi ho rehi thain who gharam thi bas acting kar rehi thi main ne kha ke who kaam in bed par hi to karna hai tum ne to boli asa kon sa kaam hai jo mujay is bed par karna hai komal darling tumain isi bed par chudhwana hai app ne kiya samja ke main isi wasi larki hoon jo logoon se chudhwati phirti hai kiya main ja rehi hoon who door ki taruf chali to main ne us ka hath pakar kar usay bed par legiya aur usay bed par push kiya who bed par ghiri aur mujay dekhenay laghi main ne kha ke natak band karo mujay pata hai ketera shoor keyi month se country se bhair hai aur tumain chudai ki zaroorat hai abb natak nain chaloo aur kapray utaroo aur shath hi main ne bhi apnay kapray utarna churoo kar diya who bed se uthi aur kapray utarnay laghi aur sath sath mujay bhi deth rehi thi main ne kha ke jaldi utaroo kapray ajj main tumari asi chudai karoon ga ke tumain zindghi bhar nain bhulay ghi chaloo jaldi karoo abb who meray samnay bilkul nude khari thi jab us ki nazaar meray laouray par ghi to us ki ankhain khuli ki khuli reh ghi aur who boli soo big aur phir us ne meri ankhoon main dekha us ki ankhoon main daar tha sath hi sath mera loura dekh kar who hot bhi ho ghi thi main ne ja ke usay hair se pakra aur us ke lips ko kissing karna churoo kar diya aur mera hath us ke 38 size ke boob ko press kar rah tha abb us ne moan kiya ahhhhhhhhhhhh tony ahhhhhhhhh main ne aur zoor se us ke boobs ko press kiya to ahhhhhhhhh un main se dhood nikalna churoo ho giya main ne us ke lips ko choor diya aur us ke boobs ko mhun main le kar suck karna churoo kiya wow there was plenty of milk in her boobs main bhukhay bachay ki thara us ka milk pee rah tha who moan kar rehi thi ahhhhhhhhh tony kiya meray boobs ko ajj khali kar doo gay ahhhhhhhhh who to acha hoa ke main ne apnay bachay ki boob feeding choor di warna who to bhukha hi reh jata ahhhhhhhhh tony pee loo sara milk ahhhhhhhh main aik boob khali karnay ke bhaad dusray boobs ko bhi khali kar diya who moan par moan kar rehi thi jab main us ke milk pot khali kar chuka to main ne usay bed par push kiya abb who bed par leti thi aur main ne us ki legs ko V shape main kiya aur us ki choot ko chatna churoo kiya jab meri zubaan us ki clit par ghi to who aik dum se meray sar ko pakar kar apni choot par duba diya main ne bhi apni puri zubaan us ki choot main ghusa di us ne phir moan kiya aaaaaaaaaa tony meray hobby ne kabhi meri choot nain suck ki ahhhhhhhhhhhh mujay kiya pata tha ke is main itna mazza hai ahhhhhhhhhh suck my pussy ahhhhhhhhhh meri choot ko suck karoo ahhhhhhhhhhhh aur thori hi daire main who jharnay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhtonyyyyyyyyyyy main jharnay wali honnnnnnnnnnnnnn its first time ke main sirf sucking se jharrrrrrrrrrr rehi hoonnnnnnnnnnnnnn ahhhhhhhhhhh aur who meray mhun main jhaar ghi main ne bhi us ka cum pee liya who apnay hoosh kho chuki thi abb bhi who keh rehi thi ke kiya maazzaaa hai sucking main mujay pata hi nain tha main ne usay kha ke abi to tumain main ne aur bhi kiyi mazay dena hain aur akhri mazza to tum kabhi nain bhuloo ghi abhi dekhti jaoo aur main ne usay phir hair se pakar kar apna loura us ke mhun main de diya aur bola ke suck it bitch aghar aur maza lena hai to suck it who meri ankhoon main dekhti hoi mera loura suck karna churoo kar diya main ne us ke baal dono hathoon mian pakar kar abb usay mouth fucking kar rah tha aur sath hi sath ausay keh rah tha ke sali chal jaldi suck kar ahhh tu to randiii hai meri main tujay sara din aik randi ki thara chudoon ga chal randi suck you bitch suck my loura hard aur who randiiii ki tarah mera loura sucking kar rehi thi aur about 5 min later main ne kha ke ahhhhhhhhhhhh randiiiiii main anay wala hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mera cum pee jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhhhhh main ne loura jitna us ke mhun main ghus sakhta tha gusa diya aur apna sara maal us ke mhun main choor diya aur who bhi kisi prof.. Randii ki thara mera sara maal pee ghi aur who meri ankhoon main dekh rehi thiamine ne kha ke abhi chal aur mery liya coffee bana ke la main ne usay kitchen ka bataya aur khan par sara saman rakha hai who bhi par usay kha ke coffee without milk lana who chali ghi main whain bed par intezaar karnay laga who 10 min bhad coffee le kar ayi aur mujay di main ne coffee letay hoa kha ke abb is main milk daloo to who boli milk to main nain layi tum ne hi kha tha ke coffee main milk nain dalna main ne us ka boobs pakartay hoay bola ke cow milk bola tha na dalna tumara milk chaiya mujay daloo is main aur main ne cup us ke boobs ke pass legiya aur us ke boobs ko dubaya to doodh ki dhaar niklli aur cup main janay laghi aur us ne pain main dubhi moan ki ahhhhhhhhhhhh main ne phir zoor se us ka boob press kiya aur asay hi chand bar kiya too mera cup milk se bhar giya main ne us ka boobs choor diya aur usay kha ke main coffee peta hoon tum mera loura suck karoo phir main tumain asa chudoon ga ke tumain nani yaad aye ghi chaloo chusoo mera loura aur who mera loura chusnay laghi aur main coffee peta rah jab coffee khatam hoi to main ne usay kha ke bed par let jaoo and open your legs abb tumari chudai ho ghi chaloo who randi ki thara mera hokum man rehi thi who foraan bed par lait ghi and she opened her legs for me I came in between us ki ankhoon main khoof tha jab main ne apna loura us ki choot par rakha to who boli please tony apnay loura par oil ya cream laga lo please main ne kha ke theek hai chaloo main oil laga leta hoon main ne apni wife ka body oil liya aur khuch apnay louray par aur us ki choot par lagaya aur phir se us par agiya jab main ne loura us ki choot par rakh kar Dhaka lagaya to who cheekh pari ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aameriiiiii choot phat ghiiiiiiiiii main ne parwa nain ki aur aik zoor daar Dhaka aur lagaya aur us ki phir se cheekh nikel ghi us ki ankhoon main ansoo thay meray dil ko khuch sukoon mila meri naghma ko dhukh denay waloon main yeah bhi shamil thi main ne dakhay par dakhay diya jab tak mera loura full us ki choot main gus giya tha phir main ne us ki ankhoon main dekha who abb bhi roo rehi thi main ne kisi saand ki thara usay chodna churoo kar diya who bhoot chikhi chilai par main ne chudai nain chori takreeban 5 min bhaad who moan karnay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhh tony abb maza aa rah hai ahhhhhhhhhhh aur chodoo haaaaaaaaaaaa meri choot phar do tony kiya maza hai ahhhhhhhhhhh itna bara loura meri choot main hai ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mujay yaqeen nain ho rah hai ahhhhhhhhhhouiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa meri choot main ghoray ka loura hai ahhhhhhhhhhhh mujay chodoo is louray se ahhhhhhhhhhh main ne bhi apni speed bhara di she was in pleasure and she meaned like hell ahhhhhhh tony aur phir chand min bhad hi who jharnay wali thi ahhhhhhhhhhh tony main jhaar rehi hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhh us ki choot tight ho ghi aur meray louray ko kas liya aur who jharnay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtony main jhaar rehi hoon haaaaaaaaaaaaa aur who shaant ho ghi par main ruka nain khuch hi samay bhad who phir se sath denay laghi chudai main who apni gaand ko utha utha ke meray loura ka sath de rehi thi aur who phir se jharnay wali thi main ne apni speed ko bara diya who phir se chilanay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony main phir jharnay wali hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur who jhar ghi aur main ne usay lagataar 45 to 50 min tak fuck kiya jis main who 4 baar jhar chuki thi abb main bhi jharnay wala tha aur main ne kha ke main jhaarnay wala hoon she said please tony meri choot main nain jharna main safe nain hoon meray boobs par gira doo ya meray mhun main jhar doo laikin meri choot main nain jarnay main ne kha ke main to teri choot main hi jharoon ga aghar bacha ho giya too nain tony bhair jharoo main ne us ki aik na suni aur apna sara maal us ki choot main jhaar diya aur us pe ghir giya hm 10 min tak asay hi paray rehay who meray nichay thi aur mera loura us ki choot main tha phir main us ke uper se hat giya to who boli tony tum ne meri choot main kiyoon jhar diya main pregnant ho ghi to meray hobby bhi country se bhair hai main kiya karoon ghi aray tum kiyoon ghabrati hoo kiya is city ke saray doctor mar giya hai bacha gira dena chaloo shower letay hain phir abhi to tumari bhoot chudai honi hai ajj ka sara din tumain chodoon ga ji bhar kar tumari choot maroon ga chaloo bathroom jab who uthi to us se chala nain ja rah tha main ne usay shara de kar bathroom le kar giya aur shower khool diya hum ne khoob garam pani se shower liya aur wapis bed par aa giya din ke 2 baaj chukay thay main ne usay kha ke khana kha letay hain phir tumari chudai karoon ga chaloo kitchen main aur khana gharam karoo who kapray phannany laghi to main ne kha ke nain asay hi rehoo kapray nain penana ajj tum meray pass naghi hi reho ghi sirf jab ghar jao ghi to kapray penanay ki ijaazat ho ghi aur who necked hi kitchen ko chali ghi main khuch dair ke bhad kitchen main giya to who khana table par laga chuki thi main ne dekha ke us ki necked body bari hi shandar thi jab who chal rehi thi to us ke boobs jesay water melon hoon aur gand to dekhtay hi apna loura gusanay ko dil karta tha par main ne tora sabar kiya ke ajj sali ki khoob chudai karoon ga gand to marini hi hai laikin who akhair main maroon ga main ja ke table pe baith giya who bhi meray samnay wali kursi par baith ghi khana khanay ke bhad main ne usay kha ke table se bartan utha loo aur kitchen main rakh kar aoo us ne foraan hi meri baat par amal kiya aur chand minute main table ko saaf kar diya jab who wapis ayi to main ne usay hath se paker kar table par betha diya aur usay kha ke apni tangeen khollo who jo main kheta who hi karti ja rehi thi aik randii ki tharah meray har hukum man rehi thi main ne phir us ki choot ke lips ko apnay hathoon se khola aur us ki choot ko cusnay laga jab meri zuban us ki clit par ghi to who moan karnay laghi ahhhhhhhhhh tony bhoot maza aa rah hai main ne us ki clit ko apnay dantoon se halka sa kata to us ne aik aur moan di ooooiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaa main ne khuch dair us ki choot ko chata par main us ki tangoon ke beach main khara ho giya aur apna loura us ki choot ke lips main pansa ke aik zoordaar jhatka diya aur mera loura us ki choot main gharai tak uter giya aur us ke muhn ke aik cheekh nikel ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh main mar ghiiiiii meriiii choot path ghi tony ahhhhhhhhhhhh main ne kha ke zara sabar karoo abhi khan pathi hai abhi to isay pathna hai tonay tum mujay berahmi se choot rehay hoo subah se haaaaaaaaaaaa us ki cheekh jab bhi main sunta tha mujay sakoon milta tha main ne abb apni puri taakat se us ki choot marni churoo kar di who pleasure aur dard ke maray moan kar rehi thi sath hi sath apni gand ko meray loura ki taruf dakheel rehi thi abb sali randii ko mazaa aa rah tha us ne zoor zoor se moan karna shuroo kar diya tha sath hi sath mujay aur teezi se chodnay ka bool rehi thi ahhhhhhhhh tony aur chodoo meri choot ko ahhhhhh tony paaar do meri choot ahhhhhhhh meray uper reham nain karna ahhhhhhhhhhh meri choot kab se piyasi thi ahhhhhhhhhh aur khuch hi dair main who jhaar ghi main ne usay uthaya aur apna loura us ke muhn main de diya who bhi kisi randii ki thara mera loura chusnay laghi main ne us ke saar ko apnay hathoon main liya aur usay mouth fucking karnay lagha aur khuch hi dair main us ka mouth apnay cum se bhar diya us ne aik drop bhi zayaa nain janay diya aur sara maal pee ghi phir main ne usay kha ke chaloo kitchen main saray bartan dhoo kar aur kitachen ko saaf karke jaldi se bedroom main aoo us ne meri taruf dekha jesay keh rehi hoo main koi nukrani to nain par who jo main keta aho hi karti ja rehi thi main usay kitchen main hi choor ke bed room main aa giya kiyoon ke mujay tori se rest chaiya thi raat bhar main ne naghma ko choodah tha aur abb is randii ko bhi kiyi baar chood chuka tha aur abhi aur bhi chodna tha abhi to is ki gand bhi marni thi who bhi camera ke samnay mian ne camera do dekha who nazar se chupa hoa tha who usay nain dekh sakhti thi main ne usay bed par zoom kiya hoa tha phir koi 20 min ke bhad who bed room main ayi

To dosto jab who 20 min bhad bedroom main ayi to main ne usay kha ke jaldi karoo mera loura tera intezaar kar rah hai isay teri gand main jana hai chaloo jaldi se bed pe aoo aur.. meray louray ko suck karoo phir yeah teri gand maray ga chal randii jaldi se aa aur who jaldhi se bed pe ayi aur khuch khaye bina meray louray ko suck karnay laghi 3 ya 4 min ke bhad main ne usay kha ke bas abb gand meri side pe ghumao aur dogy ban jaoo who kisi randii ki thara subah se mera kha man rehi thi abb bhi us ne who hi kiya ab mera loura us ki gand ke hole par tha main ne zara si cream us ke hole pe laghi aur khuch apnay louray par aur phir se apna loura us ki gand ke hole pe rakha aur aik zoor daar jhatka diya mera louray ki topi us ki gand main ghus ghi aur sath hi us ke mhun se dard ke maray cheekh nikli ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh main ne aik aur jhatka diya mera loura adha ander chala giya aur who chilla rehi thi ouiiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaa main mar ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhh main ne reham na kartay hoay jhatkay pe jatkay lagha rah tha jab tak mera full loura us ki gand main nain chala giya.
aur main phir bhi na ruka main ne loura half bhair nikala aur phir aik zoor daar jhatkay se us ki gand me wapis push kiya main us ki gand marta rah ruka nain khuch waqat ke bhad who normal ho ghi abb who itna nain chala rehi thi par usay abb bhi dard ho rah tha after 20 min jab main jharnay ke kareeb tha to main ne usay kha ke us main jharnay wala hoon randiii ahhhhhhhhhh kiya tight gand hai teri sali ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ajj to maza hi aa giya aur khuch jhatkon ke bhad main ne us ki gand apnay maal se bhar dii who bed pe gir ghi aur mera loura us ki gand se nikel giya main ne dekha ke meray louray pe khuch khoon laga hoa tha main ne us ki salwaar se apnay louray ko saaf kiya aur bed se uth giya who wasay hi bed pe lethi hoi thi laghta tha ke who hilnay ke kabil nain thi us ki gand ka hole abb bhi khula hoa tha jesay kisi glass ka mhun kula hota hai.
main ne camera nikala aur usay tv pe play kiya jab us ne apni chudhii dekhi to us ka rang ur giya who jaldi se uth ke bed par beth ghi aur tv screen par dekhnay laghi aur kabhi who mujay dekhti ajj full day ki chudhii ki film ban chuki thi who boli tony tum ne humari chudahii ki film kiyoon banai tumain pata to hai main shadhi shudah larki hoon aghar kisi ne dekh li to meray kiya ho ga tum asay abhi jala doo main ne kha ke rani isay main ne jalanay ke liya nain record kiya hai abb tum who hi karoo ghi jo main khaoon ga samji sali randii jab tak tum meri sari batain nain manoo ghi tab tak yeah meray pass rehay ghi aur aghar tum ne ghar bar ki to is ki aik copy tumaray susral aur aik tumaray ghar aur aik main tumaray sab jananay waloon ke ghar bhej doon ga samji randii abb tum sirf aik randhii hoo sali kuttiya chal abb apnay kapray phan aur main ne who film safe main rakh ke usay lock kar diya who sirf dekhti hi rehi us ki ankhoon main ansoo thay main ne phir usay kha ke chal jaldi se apnay kapray phan le aur main bathroom chala giya.
jab main fresh ho ke bathroom se nikla to who kapray phan ke bed par bethi hoi thi mujay dekhtay hi who boli tony tum muj se kiya chatay hoo kiyoon tum ne film banai hai main ne usay sab khuch bata diya who kesay us ne aur us ke bhai ne naghma ko luta hai abb us ki aur us ke ghar waloon ko main lutoon ga abb main kiya chata hoon to who sunoo sali jab main tumain khoon ga to tumain apni chooti bhan ko lana ho ga meray pass main usay chodoon ga aur phir main tumain yeah tape de doon ga to who boli nain main asa nain kar sakthi main usay kesay laoon ghi nain please tum mujay tape de doo please main tumaray paon parti hoon jo tum keh rehay hoo who muj se nain hoga to main ne usay kha ke nain ho ga to phir theek hai main ajj hi aik copy tumaray susral bhej deta hoon nain tum asa nain karoo gay who boli main asa hi karoon ga abb tum bataoo kiya khiyaal hai meri baat manoo ghi ya nain to who boli theek hai kab lana ho ga usay main ne kha jab main tumain phone kar ke bata doon ga chaloo abb chalti banoo mujay bhi khain jana hai aur who challi ghi main bhi khuch time ke bhad apnay susral chala giya din ghuzartay rehay laikin moka nain mil rah tha laikin isi duran main ne film ki aik copy kar li thi.
aur phir aik din aunty (naghma ki mom)ka phone aya aghar naghma aur tum free ho to who humain sath lejana chati hain un ke aik rishtay daar ki shadhi main ne kha aunty app naghma ko lejain main to busy hoon app naghma se baat kar lain aur main ne phone naghma ko de diya laikin who meray bina nain jana chati thi main ne usay samja buja ke shadhi main bhej diya unhain 2 dinoon ke liya jana tha shadhi kisi door ke gaon main thi naghma na chatay hoay bhi chali ghi aur main ne aik min bhi waste nain kiya aur komal ko phon kiya ke kal bhan ko le ke aa jana kiyoon ke ghar main koi nain ho ga sab shadhi pe chalay ghain hain who boli humaray ghar walay bhi giya hai sirf main sitara aur bhi nain gaye to yeah aur bhi acha hai kal shuba usay le kar aa jana aur main ne phon band kar diya next day who 10:30 bajay sitara ko le kar aa ghi main ne darwaza khola aur unhain ander aanay diya aur jab hum sitting room main aye to main ne komal se kha ke chaloo sab ke liya chai banaoo who bina khuch bolay chai bananay challi ghi aur main sitara se batain karnay lagha main ne usay kha ke tumain pata hai na ke tumain ajj yahan kiyoon bulaya hai to who boli mujay komal ne bata diya hai lakin main app ki baat manoon ghi to app usay who film wapis kar dain gay main ne kha ke haan kar doon ga promiss to who boli theek hai app jo khaoo gay main karoon ghi acha to phir aoo meray pass main ne usay apnay pass bulaya who apnay sofa se uth kar meray pass ayi aur main ne usay kha ke chaloo zameen par bath jaoo aur who meray paon ke beach zameen par beth ghi.
main ne apnay louray ko bhair nikala aur usay kha ke chaloo chusoo isay meray louray ko mhun main le kar suck karoo who khuch deer sochti rehi phir us ne meray louray ko hath main liya aur phir apnay mhun main le liya aur usay suck karnay laghi khuch hi deer main komal chai le kar aa ghi jab who darwazay ke pass phonchi too apni chotti bhan ko mera loura suck kartay dekh kar who ruk ghi main ne usay kha ke komal chaloo aoo dekhoo tumari bhan kesay loura chuss rehi hai chal jaldi se aaa who jab sitting room main ayi to sitara ne aik nazar us pe dali aur phir se sucking karnay laghi main ne komal se kha ke chaloo sali randii apnay kapray nikal aur naghi ho ja chal jaldi kar aur us ne apnay kapray nikal diya abb who nanghi khari thi main ne usay kha ke chai main doodh to nain dala na who boli nain dala chal mera cup le kar aaa meray pass us ne aik cup meray pass laya main ne usay apnay pass betha liya aur us ke boobs ko dabana shuroo kiya to us ke boobs main se doodh nikalna shuroo hogiya main ne apnay cup ko us ke boobs ke pass laya aur us ka doodh apnay cup main ghirnay lagha jab meray cup main doodh daal liya to usay kha ke chal apni bhan ke cup main bhi doodh nikal us ne dusra cup utha ke apnay boobs ke pass layi aur aik hath se apna boob press karnay laghi jesay hi us ne boob ko press kiya doodh ki aik dhaar nikli aur cup ko bharnay laghi sitara abb bhi meray louray ko suck kar rehi thi kiya sucking kar rehi thi sali laghta tha ke us ne sucking main masters kiya hoa hai abb main bhi jharnay wala tha main ne komal se kha chal randhiiiiiiiii apna cup meray pass la tumain doodh main pilaoon ga chal jaldi kar ahhhhhhhhh aur who jaldi se cup meray pass layi aur main ne apna loura sitara ke mhun se nikal ke sara maal komal ke cup main jhar diya aur usay kha ke chal pee ja sali randii mera amrat hai pee ja aur main ne dubara sitara ke mhun main apna loura daal diya.
chall randii too abhi meray loura suck kar jab tak main ruknay ko na khaon chal aur who phir se mera loura chusnay laghi jab ke komal meray cum se bhari hoi chai peenay laghi 5 min ke bhad main ne komal se kha ke chal ghori banja main teri gand maroon ga phir sitara ko chodoon ga chal jaldi kar aur who zameen par dogy ban ghi main us ke pichay aya aur apnay louray ko jo ke sitara ke chusnay se ghila ho giya tha us ki gand ke hole par rakh ke zoor se push kiya aur ki cheekh ke sath hi meray louray ki topi us ki gand main chali ghi main zoor zoor se dhakay lagha rah tha mera loura pura us ki gand main gus giya tha who abb bhi chila rehi thi main ne kha ke sali chila kiyoon rehi hai itna phali baar to gand nain marwa rehi hai ajj dusri baar hai chal mhun band kar randii ki aulad aur main ne us ki gand bhar poor traikay se mari jab ke sitara apni bhan ki chudaii hoti dekh rehi thi main ne usay kha ke chal tu bhi apnay kapray nikal ke meray pass aa who apnay kapray utarnay laghi main ne komal ki gand se loura nikal ke us ki choot main daal diya khuch deer tak main ne us ki choot mari aur phir main ne loura wapis choot se nikal ke us ki gand main de diya abb who chila nain rehi thi abb usay maza ana shuroo ho giya tha who apni gand ko pichay ko dekhail rehi thi mera loura full us ki gand main ghusa hoa tha kabhi who ander jata tha to kabhi bhair atta tha isi doran sitara full necked ho chuki thi.
wow kiya beauty thi sali ki boobs size 37d kamar 30 gand 38 to ho ghi lagh bagh mujay komal ki gand aur choot chodhtay hoay 30 min ho giya tha isi doran who do baar jhar chuki thi abb main bhi jharnay wala tha main ne loura us ki gand se nikala aur us ke mhun ki taruf aa ke us ke mhun main de diya who usay suck karnay laghi meray louray ne aik zoordaar pichkari us ke mhun main mari phir dusri asi tharah kiyi pichkariyaan us ke mhun main ghi us ne aik bhi drop zaya nain kiya saray ka sara maal pee ghi main wapis sofay par aa ke bath giya aur sitara ko apni ghood main beth liya komal humain dekh rehi thi main ne komal se kha ke chal apnay kapray phan aur chalti ban sitara ko kal aa ke le jana laikin main isay akela nain choor sakhti hoon bhai ko kiya bataoon ghi jo tera jee karay bata dena wasay meray pass aik hal hai tum usay phone karoo aur batoo ke tum dono ajj kisi dost ke pass rehoo ghi aur kal wapis aoo ghi us ne phalay apni aik dost ko phone kiya ke kiya who raat us ke ghar tharay ghi aur phir us ne bhai ko phon kiya ke who aur sitara apni aik dost ke ghar raat guzaray ghain aur who munay ko whan choor de (komal ka beta) 2 bajay tak abhi aik bajj rah tha us ne kapray phan ke sitara se kha ke who kal ghar jatay hoay usay leti jaye ghi aur who ghar se nikal ghi.
main ne sitara se kha ke chal ja ke darwaza band kar aur khana gharam kar khanay ke bhad tumari chudaii hoo ghi main donoo bhanoon ko kisi salave ki thara handle kar rah tha jesay who meri ghulam hoon aur main us ka malik hoon aur who bhi meri har baat maan rehi thi jesay ke komal manti rehi hai khana khanay ke bhad main ne usay apnay bed room main le kar giya aur usay bed pe lita diya usay kha ke open your legs abb tumari chudaii hoo ghi kiyoon ke who necked thi aur main bhi necked tha aur mera loura kisi hajgar ki thara phunkaar rah tha.

main us ki tangoon ke beech main aa giya aur apnay loura ko us ki choot par masalnay laga who moan kar rehi thi kiyoon ke main apnay louray ko us ki clit par ghuma rah tha phir main ne apnay louray ki topi ko us ki choot main pansa ke slowly push karnay lagha aur mera loura us ki choot main janay lagha who chila to nain rehi thi par dard us ki bardashat se bhair ho rah tha jab mera loura khuch aur ander giya to my god she was a virgin meray louray ko us ki choot ki jheli rook rehi thi ander jannay se main apni luck par khushi se phulay nain sama rah tha ajj phir aik virgin choot chodnay ko mili thi whi bhi kai arsay ke bhad main ne aplay louray ko zara sa bhair nikala aur phir aik zoor daar jhatkay se ander push kiya mera loura us ki virginity ki dhajiyaan uratay hoay us ki choot main chala giya aur us ki cheek nikal ghi.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa main mar ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh meri choot phat ghiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tony bhoot bard ho rah hai please nikalooooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please nikalooooooooooooooonaaaaaaaaaaa apnay louray kooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhh warna main mar jaoon ghiiiiiiiii ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh bhoot dard ho rah hai abb main kahan us ki sunta mera loura us ki choot ki gharaiyoon main uter chuka tha main ne usay kha ke bas sitara abb mera loura tumari choot main pura ja chuka hai abb dard nain ho ga abb main khuch time tak Dhaka nain lagaoon ga is thara tumari choot khuch khul jaye ghi aur phir tumain dard nain ho ga sirf maza milay ga aur main us ke uper leet giya aur us ko kissing kar rah tha aur phir us ke boobs ko apnay mhun main liya aur chusnay lagha kuch time laga usay normal honay main abb us ne siskariyaan leni shuroo ki with pleasure.
ahhhhhhhh tony ahhhhhhhhhhhh meray boobs suck karooo ahhhhhhhh aur phir main ne dekha ke abb usay maza mil reh hai to main ne loura zara sa bhair nikala aur phir slowly wapis push kiya us ki choot main abb us ne aik mazay se bhari hoi siskari li ahhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm aur us ne kha ke tony chodoo apni sitara ko 24 ghantay hain tum bas mujay chodtay hi rehna kal thak aik min bhi na rukna chodoo mujay ahhhhhhhh aur main ne bhi abb dhakay laghana shuroo kar diya meray loura us ki tight choot main bari muchkal se ander bhair ho rah tha virgin choot ka apna hi maza hota hai dostoo kiya tight choot thi asay laghta tha ke mera loura do pathron ke beach main aa giya hai kiyoon ke abb usay maza mil rah tha to us ki choot se us ka maal nikal rah tha jis ki waja se abb mera loura aram se us ki choot main aa jaa rah tha us ke mhun se sirf moan nikal rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhh tonyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhh chodoo ahhhhhhhhhhhh mujay randhi ki tharah chodoooooooooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ajjj mujay itna chodoo ke main chal bhi na sakhoon aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh main jharnay wali hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhh tony I am coming ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh main jharnay wali hoonnnnnnnnnnnnnahhhhhhhh.aur who jhar ghi laikin main to abhi jharnay ke kareeb to kiya door bhi nain tha.
main ne chudhai jari rakhi aur 10 min ne bhad who phir se chilanay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony main phir se jharnay waliii hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh chodoo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur who phir se jhar ghi ahhhhhhhh tony ahhhhhhhhhhhh bhoot maza mil rah hai ahhhhhhhhh main ne usay kha ke abhi tum ne dekha kiya hai abhi too tumain aur bhi maza milay ga aur main ne apna loura us ki choot se nikal liya aur usay kha ke chal kutiya ki thara apnay hathoon aur paon par jaooo jesay kuttiya hoo abb main teri choot pichay se maroon ga chal dogy main hoo ja who dogy main ho ghi main us ke pichay ja ke us ki choot main phir se apna loura daal diya aur usay chodhnay lagha us ke muhn se siskariyaan nikal rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhh mhhhhhhhhh aooooo tony kiya maza hai ahhhhhhhh zoor se chodoo meri choot ko paar doo ahhhhhhhhhhhhh aur teez ahhhhhhhhhh aur teezzzzzz chodoo ahh tony chodoo ahhhhhhhhhhh aur main apni full speed se usay chood rah tha khuch 5 ya 7 min usay dogy main chodnay ke bhad who jharnay wali thi aur abb main bhi jharnay wala tha main ne usay kha ke ahhhhhhhhhh sitara sali main jharnay wala hooon ahhhhhhhhh main teri choot main jhar rah hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhh aur who bhi jhar rehi thi aur sath sath keh rehi thi ahhhhhhhh tony meri choot main jharoo meri choot ko apnay maal se bhar dooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhh mujay chodoo ahhhhhhhhhh bharoo meri choot ko.
aur main ne aik zoordaar Dhaka lagaya aur apna sara maal us ki choot main jhar diya aur sath hi us ne bhi siskariyaan le rehi thi aur jhar rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhh tony main jhar rehi hoon ahhhhh tumara maal meri choot main chala giya hai mujay mehsoos ho rah hai kitna gharam hai ahhhhhhhhh aur who bed par ghir ghi aur main us ke uper ghir giya mera loura us ki choot main hi rah main us ke uper hi leta rah khuch deer ke bhad mera loura sukarna shroo hoa aur phir us ki choot se nikal aya main us ke uper se hat giya aur us ke bagal main aa giya humari sansain abb bhi teez chal rehi thi main ne usay apni side par kiya aur us ke lips ko choom liya kiya mast choot hai teri sitara ajj tum aurat ban ghi hai sali mujay nain pata tha ke tu kanwari hai sali phalay main tumain chodta komal ko nain chaloo dair aye drust aye main ne time dekha to main chunk giya humain chudaii kartay hoay 2 ghantay se ziyadah ho chuka tha pata bhi nain chala jab ke hum bedroom main aya tha to 3 bajj rah tha abb 5 bajj rahay thay main ne usay kha ke chaloo shower le letay hain aur tum apni choot se khoon ko dhoo loo meray loura bhi us ke khoon se bhara hoa tha hum ne shower liya aur wapis bed par aa giya.
phir main ne us se pucha ke tumara kitna hath hai naghma ki barbadhi main tum ne bhi apnay bhai ki madat ki thi to who boli haan ki thi par mujay nain pata tha ke bhai aur komal bajji asa karain gay muj se sirf kha tha ke chai main yeah doa dal dena aur phir tum sonay chali jana laikin who to mujay bhad main pata chala ke bhai ne komal ki madat se naghma ko chodah tha aur kis kis ko pata hai mom ko bas aur kisi ko nain mom ne jamal ko khuch nain kha ke us ne asa kiyoon kiya nain who to khud chati thain ke kisi thara naghma humaray ghar dhulan ban ke aya kiyoon ke who maa baap ki aikloti aulad hai aur sara business bhad main usay hi milna hai par phir app loog aye aur uncle ne naghma ki shadhi app se kar dee main ne khuch nain kha main khuch aur hi sooch rah tha main ne sitara ko phir chodah aur hum loog soo giya meri jab ankh khuli to raat ke 10 jab rehay thay main ne usay uthaya aur usay phir se chodaii ki phir khana kha kar hum main ne usay us ki bhan ki thara dinning table par chodah aur main room main aa giya aur main ne phir se camera set kiya bed par aur usay chaloo kar diya aur bed par chala giya .
30 min bhad who kitchen ka kaam khatam kar ke room main ayi aur meray pass late ghi main ne usay phir se kissing churoo kar di phir us ke neck par kissing kartay hoay main ne us ke boobs ko chusnay lagha who abb moan kar rehi thi ahhh tony ahhhhhhhh suck them baji ke boobs ki tharah in main se doodh nikal dooo aahhhhhhhhhh suck them aahhhhhhhhhh chusoo ahhhhhhhhh a daaaaaaabaoooooooo meray mamoon ko ahhhhh bhoot maza mil reh hai ahhhhhhhh phir main us ki choot ki taruf bhara aur main ne apnay donoo hathoon se us ke choot lips ko khola wow kiya pinkish choot thi sali ki muj se rah na giya aur main ne us ki clit par kaat liya who chila pari ahhhhhhhhhhhh tony kiya kar rehay hoo dard hota hai main ne phir us ki clit par zuban pheri abb us ne moan kiya ahmmmmmmmmmm kiya maza hai tony suck it ahhhhhhhh eat it chusoo ahhhh main ne zuban us ki choot main dal di aur us ne aik zoordaar siskari bhari ahhhhhhhhhhh tony main paghil ho jaoon ghi hhaaaaaaaaa aur chand min bhad hi who jhar ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony main jhar rehi hoon haaaaaaaaaaa aur main ne us ka sara cum pee liya kiya namkeen cum tha maza aa giya phir main ne usay apnay loura ki taruf kiya aur loura us ke muhn main de diya who kisi kittiya ki tharah usay chaat rehi thi sali sucking bhoot acha karti thi apni bhari bhan se bhi acha jab meray loura puri thara tan giya to main ne usay kha ke abb phir se teri chudaii honi hai.
late jail aur apni tangoon ko khool doo us ne wasa hi kiya aur main us ki tangoon ke beech main aa giya aur apna loura us ki choot par rakha aur Dhaka lagaya mera loura adha us ki choot main chala giya aur phir dusray dhakay se pura loura us ki choot main chala giya kiyoonke us ki choot usi ke maal se bhari hoi thi aur rasta chikna tha louray ko ander janay main koi dikat nain hoi who moan par moan kar rehi thi abhi 2 min hi hoa tha usay chodtay hoay ke phone ki bell baj uthi main ne side table se phone uthaya aur hello kha hi tha ke dusri taruf se naghma boli hello tony darling kiya hall hain app ke main khuch daar giya ke sali sitara ne aghar nichay se siskari li to usay pata na chal jaye main jitni jaldi ho sakay phone band karna chata tha laikin naghma to mood main thi boli tony tumaray bhghair bhoot boor hai yean yaar tum bhi chalay atay to kiya maza atta dear main to yahan bhi mazay main hoon abb tumain kiya batoon main ne sath hi sitara ko dekha us ke honthoon par muskan thi acha tony kiya kar rehay hoo main naghma khuch main yaar who bathroon ke basan ki nali bandh ho ghi thi who hi khool rah tha abhi main ne danda nali main dala hi tha ke tumara phone aa giya danday ko nali main hi choor ke tumara phone attend kar rah hoon acha app ka shukriya ke app ne mera phone attend kiya acha aik kiss do na tony mujay neendh nain aa rehi thi tumain to pata hai na jab tak tumari bhaoon main na jaoon to mujay neendh nain atti chaloo aik kiss do phone par

Jab dono bhannain film le kar chali gain to main sochnay lagha ke abb kiya kiyya jaye kiyoon ke abhi un ki mom aur un ke bhai se bhi badla lena tha main ne socha ke chaloo phalay ja ke dusri film to dekhoon ke achi bani hai ke nain main ne film dekhi bhoot achi bani thi abb meray pass dono bhanoon ki film thi jis se main un ki maa chood sakhta tha main ne plan banana churoo kar diya tha jab main apni hi sochoon main gum tha ke phone ki bell hoi main ne bedroom ka phone uthaya to dusri taruf naghma ki surili awaz aii hello tony kiya hall hain app ke main kiya bataoon darling tumain to pata hi hai ke jab tum meray pass nain hoti to mera kiya hall hota hai ohhh my poor baby kiya sach much app mujay miss kar rahay hain naghma aghar tum is waqat meray pass hoti to main tumain apna dil nikal kar dikhta ke dekhoo is main sirf tum hi hoo my lovely wife ohh tony main kitni khuch kismet hoon ke app meray husband hain nain naghma main khush kismat hoon ke tum meri biwi hoo chaloo aik kiss doo jaldi se phone par who boli ken ain abhi nain de sakhti kiyoon ke sab loog sitting room main hi hain .
acha mom app se baat karain ghi aur us ne aunty ko phone de diya main ne unhain salam kiya aur hall hawahal ke bhad who bolain ke beta humain chand din aur laghain ge hum next week wapis ayain ge kiya naghma humaray sath reh sakhti hai aghar tum ijaazat do to warna bhai aur bhabhi ajj wapis aa rehay hain hum naghma ko un ke sath baj dain nain aunty app kesi baat karti hain naghma app ki beti hai sirf meri biwi hi to nain aur is main ijaazat ki kiya baat hai app loog jab bhai ayeen who app ke sath hi aye ghi thank you beta tum ne mera maan rakha aunty app mujay charmindah kar rehi hain main bhi to app ka beta hoon acha beta phir baat ho ghi aur unhoon ne phone rakh diya main sochnay lagha ke chaloo aik week ka time aur mila aur sath hi meri luck to dekhoo ke naghma ke uncle aunty ajj wapis aa rehay hain aur main plan bana chukka tha main ne foran us par kaam churoo kar diya main ne apnay do dostoon ko phone kiya jo ke khuch achay nain thay kiyoon ke who dono ghunday thay laikin kiyoon ke who meray bachpan ke dost thay aur is kaam ke liya bilkul fit thay aur mujay barosa bhi tha ke who baat ko bhair nain nikalain ge aur main ne unhain sab samja diya tha ke unhain kiya karma hai aur jab main khoon ga tab who karma hai uhnonny kha ke tumaray liya khuch bhi kar sakhtay hain yaar tu hukam to kar phir next day main ne naghma ke uncle ke ghar phone kiya to itefaak se aunty ne phone uthaya main ne kha ke main tony bhool rah hoon salam doa ke bhad main ne aunty se pucha ke bakhi ghar walay khan hain mujay pata to tha ke uncle aur kamal job par hoon gaye sitara collage ghi ho ghi ghar main sirf aunty aur komal hi hoon gaye.
unhoon ne who hi bataya jo main sooch rah tha par who bolain ke ajj komal bhi susral ghi hai khuch dinoon ke liya who ghar main akeli hain main ne unhain bola ke aunty kiya app khuch dair ke liya meray ghar aa sakhti hain app se khuch baat karni hai bhoot zaroori baat hai naghma ke baray main aunty laghta hai main ne koi ghalat faisla kiya hai jo naghma se shadhi kar li beta mujay pata tha ke naghma tumaray laik nain hai main un ke dil ki batain kar rah tha mujay pata hai ke who naghma ke maa baap ki jaidaat ke pichay pari hai etc etc…
Jo app loog phalli khaniyoon main phar chukay hain who boli ke beta main 10 o’clock tak a jaoon ghi main bola ke aunty main intezaar kar rah hoon aur pnone rakh diya aur theek 10 bajay aunty meray ghar main thi who boli beta main preshan ho ghi hoon main bola aunty asi koi baat nain hai main bas app se baat karma chata tha app free to hain na haan beta main shaam tak free hi hoon tum bataoo kiya baat hai main bola ke bataoon ya dikhaoon main samji nain beta kiya baat hai main ne kha ke sofay pe beth jain aur main ne film laga di jab un ki nazaar screen par pari to who apni jagha se uchal pari kiyoon ke jo seen pe chal rah tha us main mera loura komal ki choot main tha aur who uchal uchal ke choodwa rehi thi muj se who apni shadhi shudah beti ko muj se chudwatay dekh rehi thi kabhi who screen ko dekhti aur kabhi mujay phir main ne dusri cassette laghi jis main main sitara ko chood rah tha.
who phir se uchal pari kiyoon ke jab main sitara ko chood rah tha to komal pass bhethi hoi thi bed par main ne film chalnay di who dekhti rehi khuch lagh bagh aik ghantay ke bhad who boli ke tum ne meri dono betiyoon ko my god aur us par tum ne dono ki film bhi bana li tum ne asa kiyoon kiya aur us ki nazaar phir screen par ghi jahan par main komal ki gand mar rah tha who shot chal rah tha us ki ankhain aur khul ghain 10 min tak who khuch bool nain sakhi pir us ne muhn khola ke tony tum kiya chatay hoo aur in filmoon ko aag lagha doo kisi ne dekh li to meri bitiyoon ki zindghi khrab ho jaye ghi aunty itni jaldi kiya hai cassettes ko agg bhi laga dain ge par us ki keemat app kiya dain ghi tony main kiya doon tumaray pass itna pesa hai hum to ghreeb hain tum logoon ke mukablay main main ne kha ke aunty pesa kon mang rah hai app se app ko ajj ka din meray sath ghuzarna hai jesa main khoon wasa karna hai meri ghulam ki thara mujay kiya karna ho ga chaloo phalay kapray to utaroo kiya tum hoosh main to hoo tony main tumari maa ki umer ki hoon kiya tum mujay chodoo gay.
haan aunty app to abhi young laghti hoo app kisi bhi thara 35 year se ziyadah kin ain laghti hoo chaloo kapray utaroo aur necked ho jaoo cassettes chaiya ya nain dekhoo tum meri baat maan loo aur cassettes le kar chali jaoo warna main aik copy tumaray beti ke susral bej doon ga aur dono cassettes ko net par chala doon ga sari duniya dekhay ghi tumari bitiyoon ki chudhai chaloo faisla jaldi karoo aur who mujay ghaliyaan bakhtay hoay apnay kapray utarnay laghi do min ke bhad who meray samnay bilkul naghi khari thi wow kiya cheez thi who laghta hi nain tha ke 3 bachoon ki maa hai bilkul apni betiyoon khi thara young lagh rehi thi abb main us ki figure abb ko bata doon who boobs 38 size kamer 34 gand 36 ho ghi kiya laghti thi usay dekhtay hi mera loura khara ho giya main ne waqat ziya nain kiya aur foraan apnay kapray bhi utar diya aur sofay par beth giya aur bola ke aunty chaloo meray pass aoo who meray pass ayi main ne us ka hath pakar ke apni taruf khancha who kisi pakay phal ki thara meri ghood main chali ayi main ne kisi hungry bachay kit ha us ke boobs ko suck karna churoo kar diya who koi response nain de rehi thi par main khan ruknay wala tha main ne 10 min tak us ke boobs ko suck kiya sath hi sath main ne aik finger us ki choot main daal di jis se who abb khuch gharam ho ghi thi.
aur us ne mera saar pakar ke apnay boobs par dubana churoo kar diya tha aur sath sath us ke mhun se moan bhi nikel rah tha hmmmm ahhhhhhhhh main ne abb us ki choot ko full speed se finger fuck karma churoo kar diya tha abb to us ki halat buri thi who apnay mazay ko rook nain sakhti thi aur us ne unchi awaz main moan karma churoo kar diya tha ahhhhhhhhhhh tony hhmmmmmmmmmmm tum kiya kar rehay hoo ahhhhhhhhhhh aur aik min ke bhad hi who jharnay wali thi ahhhhhhhhhhhhh main jharnay wali hoon haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aur I could feel her cum on my finger who jharnay ke bhad meri ghood main dhili par ghi main ne finger us ki choot se nikali aur usay apnay mhun main le kar suck kiya kiya namkeen cum tha us ka khuch time ke bhad us ne saar meray khandoon se uthaya main ne usay kha ke chaloo abb tumari bhari hai mera loura suck karoo who meri ghood se uthi aur zameen par beth ghi bilkul meri tangoon main aur jab us ne ghoor se mera loura dekh to us ki ankhain khul ghain wow kiya loura hai tumara tony bhoot bara size hai laghta hai kisi ghoray ka lund hoo yeah meri bitiyoon ne kesay le liya itna bara loura tab hi sitara shi thara chal nain shakhti thi main ne pucha to who boli thi ke main ghir ghi thi abb pata chala ke tumaray louray lenay ke bhad who chalnay ke kabil nain rehi ho ghi ahhh aunty abb suck karoo mera loura phir tumain bhi choodna hai tumain tab pata chalay ga ke kiya hota hai chaloo aur us ne mera loura hath main liya phalay usay hath se hilati rehi phir us ne mhun khool ke meray louray ko suck karna churoo kar diya ahhhhhhhhh kiya mast sucking kar rehi thi Sali randii ahhhhh aunty kiya maza deti hooo ahhh tum ne to laghta hai ke sucking main masters kiya hoa hai ahhhhhhhhh bilkul randiyoon ki thara sucking karti hoo haaaaaaa aur chusooo ahhhhhhhh Sali randii ahhhhhh main abb ausay aunty nain randhii keh rah tha aur usay mera usay randii bolna aur hot kar rah tha.
main abb usay mazay main aaa ke ghaliyoon bak rah tha aur aur meri har ghali par aur josh se sucking kar rahi thi ahhhhhhh Sali randii ki aulad chusoo ahhhhhhhh Sali randiii bikul apni betiyoon ki thara hai Sali who bhi tum ne randiyaan pedah ki hain ahh tumari bari beti to bilkul randii ki thara chudwati thi abb tumain chood ke pata chalay ga ke maa kesi hai ahhhhhhhhh aur main jharnay lagha tha ahhhhhhhh randiii main jharnay lagha hoon pee ja mera maal ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur main ne apna sara maal us ke mhun main choor diya who kisi randii ki thara mera sara maal pee ghi laikin us ne sucking jharii rakhi khuch 2 min tak phir us ne mera loura apnay mhun se nikala aur meri ankhoon main dekhnay laghi main ne usay bazoo se pakar kar uthaya aur usay apnay sath bedroom main le giya.
usay bed pe lita ke main us ki tangoon main aa giya aur apnay louray ki topi us ki choot ke darwazay par rakhi phir main ne us ki ankhoon main dekhtay hoay aik zoor daar jhatka diya jesay hi meray louray ki topi us ki choot main ghi us ke mhun se aik cheekh nikel ghi sath hi ghaliyaan bhi salay harami kiya apni maa ki choot samaj ke itna zoor ka jhtka mara hai salay harmi yeah teri maa ki choot nain hai ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh main maar ghi ohhhhhhhhhh salay ne meri choot phaar di main ne aik aur zoor ka jhatka diya jis se mera loura half tak us ki choot main chala giya aur sath hi us ki phir se ceekh nikel ghi aur jab us ka dard khuch kam hoa to us ke muj par ghaliyoon ki bhuchaar kar di salay harmi kutay main ne tujay ka tha na ke yeah teri maa ki choot nain hai jisay to chood rah hai kiya maar dalay ga mujay kutay aista aista chood harmi abb ke tu ne jhtka zoor se diya to teri gand main main apna pura hath de doon ghi abb mujay khuch aur maza mil rah tha main ne abb ki baar kha ke beta tony is ki choot ko phaar de Sali haram zadhi aur sath hi main ne non-stop zoor zoor ke jhatkay lagana chaloo kar diya jis se who ceekhnay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhh main maar ghiiiiiiiiiiiiiii salay loura hai ke ghoray ka lund ahhhhhhh meri choot phat ghi haaaaaaa mujay bachooo ahhhhhhhhhh aur main ne aur zoor se usay choodna churoo kar diya.
abb mera loura full us ki choot main tha mera har jhatkay se loura us ki choot ki gharaiyoon main uter jata tha jis se abb usay maza mil rah tha abb who moan pe moan de rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmmmmmm aur zoor se chood ahhhhhhhhh kiya loura hai ahhhhhhhhhhhh ajj mujay sahi louray ka shukh mila hai. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh meray shoor ka loura to tumaray louray ka ahdha bhi nain ahhhhhhhhhh kiya shandaar loura hai tera tony chal aur speed se chood meri piyasi choot ko haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabb main ne apni speed bhara ke full speed kar di mera loura us ki tight choot main asay aa jaa rah tha jesay koi piston aur us ke moan aur zoor paker rehay thay lagh bagh 2 ya 3 min ke bhad hi who jharnay laghi ahhhhh tony beta ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh main jharnay laghi hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha aur us ne apni tanghoon se meri kamer ko kas ke paker liya aur phir jab who jhar chuki to us ki tangain dhilli par ghi par main ruka nain main usay abb bhi full speed se chood rah tha.
khuch time ke bhad who phir se active ho ghi aur us ne phir se moan karma chaloo kar diya ahhhhhhh tony kiya maza hai ajj laghata hai ke mujay tum maar hi daloo gaye ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony bhoot maza aa rah hai aahhhhhhhhhhh aur chodoo ani randiii aunty ko beta ahhhhhhhhhhh aur chodoo par daloo apni aunty ki choot ahhh abb to tumaray uncle kay louray se mujay maza nain aye ga ahhhhhhhhhh tumara loura hi chalay ga abb too ahhhhhhhhh tum mujay rooz randii ki thara choodoo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh main abb tumara hi loura loon ghi ahhhhhhhhhh aur who phir se jhar ghi.
main ne abb usay kha ke meri randii aunty abb main tumain doggie main chodoon ga chaloo abb doggie ban jaoo aur sath hi main ne apna loura us ki choot se nikal liya jesay hi mera loura us ki choot se bhair aya us ne aik zoor daar moan ki ahhhhhhhhhh phir jab who doggie bani to main us ke pichay aya aur apna loura phir se us ki choot main sitkaya aur phir aik jhtkay se pura loura us ki choot main daal diya abb usay dard nain hoo rah tha kiyoon ke who do baar jhar chuki thi aur us ki choot khul chuki thi aur do dafa jharnay ke karan who well lubricated thi jesay hi mera full loura us ki choot main giya us ne aik zoor ki moan ki ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony maza aa giya ahhhhhhhhh aur chodoo ahhhhhhhhhhhhh main ne phir se usay full speed se chodna chaloo kar diya tha main ne us ki kamer apnay dono hathoon se pakri hoi thi aur har jhtkay jo main laghta tha us se us ki gand jelly ki thara hil rehi thi khuch 10 min usay doggie sty… chodnay ke bhad abb main jharnay wala tha aunty main jharnay wala hoon ahhhhh us ne bhi moan kiya tony beta main bhi jharnay wali hoon tum meri choot main hi jharna ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh aunty tum randii hooooo mera maal apni choot se piyoo ghi haaaaaaaaaaaa main tumari choot apnay maal se bhar doon ga ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh meri randiiiiiiiiiiiii yeah le mera malllllllll ahhhhhhhhhhhh apni tight choot se pee jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ahhhhhhhhhhh aur hum dono sath sath hi jhar giya aur main us ke upper ghir giya mera loura abb bhi us ki choot main tha aur hum dono zoor zoor se sansain le rehay thay laghbagh 10 min ke bhad mera loura suker kar us ki choot se bhair nikel aya main us ke upper se uth giya aur main ne kha ke main zara fresh ho ke atta hoon tum bhi meray sath shower le loo who bina khuch bolay meray sath shower lenay chali ghi shower ke dooran na who khuch boli na main shower ke bhad main ne phone pe hi khana manga liya is dooran na who khuch nain boli laghta hai usay abb pachtawa tha ke yeah who kiya kardiya us ne but she had no choise chodna to main ne tha hi usay aghar khuchi se nain to zaberdasti hi choot deta main usay 20 ya 30 min bhad door par bell hoi main ne door khola to who hotel ka adhmi tha khana le kar aya tha main ne usay pe kiya aur khana le kar dinning table par rakh aur usay kha ke aoo khana kha letay hain who chup chap uthi aur khana khanay laghi tab us ne meri taruf dekha aur boli ke tony tum ne asa kiyoon kiya main bola ke chaloo aunty phalay khana kha loo phir bataoon ga

To khana khanay ke bhad who phir muj se boli abb batoo main ne kha ke kiya batoon chaloo choroo is topic ko tumain bhoot jald pata chal jaye ga aur main apni seat se uthe kar us ke pass giya who abb bhi naghi thi main ne usay uthaya aur usay sofay par le giya aur usay apni ghood main bithaya aur sath hi us ke boobs sucking karnay lagha she gave a moan ahhhhhhhhhh as I bite slowly on her nipple phir usay gharam karnay main mujay khuch ziyadah waqat nain lagha who gharm ho ghi thi aur who apnay boobs ko hath main le kar meray mhun main ghusair rehi thi suck them ahhhhhhhhhhhhh chusoo meray mommy ah tony aur chusooo kiya maza aa rah hai ahhhhhhhh aur main ne moka se fidah uthatay hoay apni aik finger us ki gand main ghusair di us ne aik bhoot zoor ki moan diii ahhhhhhhh tony bhoot mazaa aa rah hai main lagh bagh 5 min thak us ke boobs ko suck kiya aur us ki gand ko finger fuck kiya who bhoot gharam hoo chuki thi .
meray ears main boli ahh tony mujay chodoo abb rah nain jata meri choot ko apnay louray se bhar doo mera jawab sunay bag hair who apni jaga se uthi aur apni choot ko meray louray pe rakha aur aista aista meray louray par phir se bhathnay laghi mera loura us ki choot main ghus rah tha main abb bhi sofay par bhetha tha mujay bhoot maza aa rah tha jesay hi mera pura loura us ki choot main ghus chukka.
to us ne meray loura par uchalna churoo kar diya sath hi us ke mhun se moan jarii tha ahhhhhhhhhhhh tony kiya loura hai ahhhhhhh mazaaa aaa giya aur who aur zoor se meray louray par uchalnay laghi phir who aghay ko jhuki jis se abb main us ki gand dekh sakhta tha aur mera loura kesay us ki choot main aa jaa rah tha abb us ne apnay dono hath zameen par rakh diya tha aur apni gand ko meray louray par uchal rehi thi main boot hi mazaa feel kar rah tha aur who bhi mazay main aa ke apni gand ko full speed main meray louray par chala rehi thi jesa phir subah nain ho ghi ya phir usay asa loura naseeb nain ho ga.
phir achanak who peachy ki taruf ayi us ki kamer meray chati par thi main ne us ke boobs ko paker ke dubana chaloo kar diya jis se who aur mast ho ghi who abb bhi apni choot ko hila rehi thi meray louray par who aik dum se apni jhga se uthi meray loura us ki choot se nikel giya laikin dusray hi lahmay who meri taruf ghumi aur sofay par aaa ghi abb us ne apni dono tangain meri kamer side main ki aur phir se mera loura paker ke apni choot main ghusair diya abb us ka badanmeri side pe tha jesay hi us ne phir se uchalna churoo kiya too us ke boobs mari ankhoon ke samnay hilnay laghay main ne us ke boobs ko hathoo main liya aur unhain press karnay lagha jis se who aur ziyadah moan karnay laghi lagh bagh 5 min tak main ne us ke boobs ko zoor zoor se dubaya aur phir who jharnay wali ho ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhh tony main jharnay wali hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur us ne apnay gand ko aur ziyadah uchalna churoo kar diya mujay bhi bhoot maza mil rah tha par main jharnay ke kareeb bhi nain tha aur phir achannak s ne apni choot ko zoor se meray louray par gira diya jis se meray loura us ki choot ki gharaiyoon main uter giya aur sath hi us ne aik zoor daar moan di ahhhhhhhhhh tony main jhar ghi hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kiya maza hai ahhhhhhhhhh tumara loura meri choot ki gharayioon main ghoom rah hai.
main ne us ke lips ko kissing chroo kar di aur kha ke abhi tum ne kiya dekha hai rundii abhi too tumain main asman ki visit bhi karani hai abhi dekhti jaooo meri rendii .
aur main ne usay utha ke carpet pe lita diya aur phir se apna loura us ki choot main daal diya jesay hi mera loura us ki choot main giya to us ne phir se moan churoo kar di main bhoot gharam ho chuka tha sali randhi bhoot maza de rehi thi itna maza to us ki kunwari beti ko chood ke bhi nain aya jitna yeah us ki maa de rehi thi.
main ne full speed se usay chodna churoo kar diya tha kiyoon ke main abb jharnay wala tha sali maza hi itna de rehi thi ke abb 1 ya 2 min main jhar hi jhata phir main ne us ki dono tangain apnay khandoon par raki aur abb phir se usay chodhnay lagha abb usay aur maza aa rah tha kiyoon ke mera full loura us ki choot main aa jaa rah tha who pleasure main chilanay laghi ahhhhhhhhh tony kiya maza hai beta ahhhhhhhh bhoot maza aa rah hai ahhhhhhh tumara loura full mari choot main jaa rah hai ahhhhhhhh haan sali randii mujay bhi maza mil rah hai sali tu to apni betiyoon se bhi ziyadah mast maal hai .
sali pata hota to phalay teray ko main chodta chaloo abb to tu meray nichay hai hi ajj ka din main teri khoob man laga ke chudaii karoon ga sali tujay chalnay ke kabhil bhi nain choroon ga ahhhhhhhh tony chalnay ke kabhil to abb bhi main nain ajj phali baar itnay baray louray se pala para hai ahhhhhhhh kiya mast loura hai ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ajjj ka din to main teri randiii hoon meri choot ko phar dal is ko ahhhhhhhh aur sath hi who phir se jhar rehi thi abb main bhi rook nain sakhta tha main bola aaaaaa aunty ahhhhhhh meri randiiiiii main jharnay wala hoon ahhhhhhhh main teri choot apnay maal se phir se bharnay wala hoon tumain apnay bachay ki maa banaoon ga ahhhhhhhhhhhhh aur sath hi main ne aik zoor ka jhatka diya jis se mera loura pura us ki choot main ghus giya aur phir apna sara maal main ne us ki choot main choor diya us ne mujay apnay badan se dabah ke paker liya jab tak meray louray ka akhri katra tak us ki choot main nain ghir giya phir main us ke uper hi ghir giya hum donoo lambhi lambhi sansain le rehay thay humarai sanshoon ko normal honay main khuch min lagay phir us ne meray lips ko chooma aur boli tony teray louray ne itna maza diya hai ke bata main tumain batha nain sakhti main ne kha ke aunty abhi kiya dekha ahi main ne bhoot khuch app ke liya bacha ke rakha hai .
phir us ne uth kar towel liya aur mera loura saaf kiya phir us ne apni choot ko saaf kiya phir who meray pass beth ghi 2 ya teen min ke bhad hi door par bell hoi hum dono ne aik dusray ko dekha main kisi ko bhi expect nain kar rah tha main whan se utha aur tawel liya jis se us ne mera loura aur apni choot saaf ki thi aur main ne usay apni kamer par bhanda aur door par dekhnay giya ke kon hai main ne time dekha din ke doo baj rahay thay is waqat kon aa sakhta hai jab main ne door khola to.
main hairaan ho giya who komal aur sitara thain tum dono is waqat yhan kiya kar rehi hoo to komal boli humain ander to anay doo phir batati hain main ne mur kar dekha kiyoon ke sitting room main us ki maa nanghi mera intezaar kar rehi thi main ne socha ke chaloo jo plan main ne kisi aur din ke liya rakha tha ajj hi pura kar detay hain who plan kiya tha main app ko batata hoon who yeah ke main apnay dostoon ke sath mil ke is puri family ko aik sath chodoon ga maa ko to main ne khud bulaya tha bitiyaan khud aa ghiyen abb rah un ka bhai usay to meray dost meri phone karnay par sath hi le again gay chaloo acha hoa main ne dono ko ander laya aur door band kar diya phir bola haan batoo kiyoon ayi hoo tum dono cassette to main ne tumain de diya tha abb kiya lenay ayi hoo tony jab se tum ne hum dono ko chudah hai hum dono tumaray louray ki tumana kiya hoa hain kiya ajj akhri baar humain nain chodoo gay please ajj hi phir hum tumain kabhi bhi tang nain karain gi please sirf ajj ke din humain chodoo.
main ne sitting room ki taruf dekha meray khiyaal main us ki maa ko abhi nain pata chala tha ke us ki dono betiyaan bhair hall main muj se cudhaii ki batain kar rehi hain main ne kha ke chaloo ajj ka din tumari family ke naam chaloo sitting room main tumain kisi se milwata hoon komal foran boli kiya tum kisi ke sath ho kon hai who main ne usay bazoo se paker kar sitting room main le giya sitara chup chap humaray pichay chali ayi jab hum sitting room main phonchay to aunty ne sofay se uth kar boli kon tha tony kiya who chala giya main bola nain aunty dekh loo kon hai komal ki aur sitara ki halat khrab thi unhoon ne apni maa ki awaz pechan li thi aur jab who naghi hi sofay se uthi aur mujay apni donoon betiyoon ke sath dekh to us ki bhi halat khrab ho ghi who sirf yeah hi bool sakhi tum dono yahan kesay aii aur who itnay shook main thi ke usay pata hi nain chala ke who apni betiyoon ke samnay naghi khari hai main ne komal ko bazooo se pakray hoa us ki maa ke pass chora aur phir sitara ko bhi aur un ki maa se bola ke yeah ajj phir muj se chodwanay ayi hain aunty ne meray ko dekha phir apni betiyoon ko.
komal tum ne to kha tha ke tum apnay susral ja rahi hoo khuch dinoon ke liya aur abb my god main tum dono ki khatir yeah khuch kar rehi thi whi dono bhanain chup thain abb maa se kiya bolti who main ne kha ke chaloo aunty koi baat nain hum tinoon hi maza kartay hain phir tum sab chali jana.
to foraan who tinoon boli nain asa nain ho sakhta main bola ke kiyoon nain ho sakhta tum dono bhanoon ko main aik sath chooda hai tumari maa ko bhi chood chuka hoon aur who abb bhi tum dono ke samnay naghi khari hai tab aunty ko hoosh aya aur us ne apnay hathoon se apnay boobs aur choot ko chupanay ki nakam koshish ki main ne aunty ka hath pakra aur kha ke chaloo main hi tumari jhijak nikalta hoon main ne aunty ko sofy pe dhekela who na na karti rehi jab ke komal aur sitara apni jagha pe hi khari rehain main ne us ki tangoon ke beech main ho giya aur apna loura us ki choot main ghusair diya who na na hi karti rehi laikin loura jab us ki choot main giya to us ke mhun se aik zoor ki moan nikli ahhhhhhhhh aur main ne full speed se usay us ki betiyoon ke samnay hi chodna churoo kar diya.
khuch dair tak to who na na karti rehi laikin phir who mast ho ghi ahhhh tony ahhhhhhh bhoot maza aa rah hai ahhhhhhh aur chodoo ahhhhhhhhhh tab komal aur sitara ne aik dusray ko dekha aur phir un ki nazrain hum logoon par jam ghi abb main un ki maa ki jam ke chudaii kar rah tha aur who moan kar rehi thi aur sath sath mujay aur zoor se choodnay ko bool rehi thi ahhh tony aur teej ahhhhhhh bhoot maza aa rah hai ahhhhhhhhhh dekhoo meri dono randiyaan betiyaan apni maa ki chudaii dekh rehi hain ahhhhhhhhhhhh dekhoo randiyoo apni maa ki chudaii ahhhhhh tony dekhoo meri bityiaan phir se choodwanay aii hain ahhhhhhhhh tony tumaray loura ki who bhi ashiq ho ghi hain jesay ke tum ne mujay bana diya hai ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh meri randiiiiiiiii lakin tum in dono se achi hooo tumain chodnay main ziyadah maza hai tumari choot ne mujay teri kunwari beti ki choot se bhi ziyadah maza diya hai ahhhhhhhhhhh AUR main ne apni speed aur bhra diii .
who phir se mazay main chilanay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhhh tony kiya mighty loura hai re ahhhhhhhhhhh deko randioo tumara baap to kisi kaam ka nain na hi us ka loura laikin tony ka loura ahhhhhhhhhhhh kiya mast loura hai dekh kiya rehi hoo chaloo kapray utaroo aur tony ke louray ka sawad looo jesay main le rehi hoon phir dono bhanoon ne aik dusray ko dekha aur socha ho ga jab maa hi keh rehi hai to humain kiya un donoon ne apnay kapray nikal diya aur hum loogoon ke pass aa ghi main abb bhi un ki maa ki choot chood rah tha komal ki nazar meray louray par thi kesay us ki maa ko chood rah tha us ne apnay lips par zubaan pheri.
main ne sitara ko baloon se pakra aur us ke lips ko apnay honthoon main kas liya aur us ke lips ko suck karnay lagha komal meri back main ayi aur us ne meri kamer par hath pherna churoo kar diya aur kabhi who meri ass par hath pharti rehi aur main un ki maa ko aur josh se chood rah tha ahhhhhhh tony beta dekh meri dono beti apni maa ki chodhaii dekh rehi hain ahhhhhhhhhh tonay main jharnay wali hoon haaa dekhoo meri randaii betiyoo tumari maa jharnay wali hai ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur phir who jharnay laghi aik min tak who jharti rehi jab who jhar chuki to us ki tangain nichay ghir ghi abb main ne bhi us ki choot se apna loura nikala aur sitara ke mhun main de diya yeah le sali suck kar teri maa ka maal lagha hai is par test kar chal suck it aur who mera louray ko sucking karti rehi uper se le kar meray ball tak us ne mera loura se apni maa ka sara maal saaf kar diya tha aunty ki tangain abb bhi meray dono taruf thain aur who apni beti ko mera loura suck kartay hoay dekh rehi thi jab ke komal meray back pe thi aur who abb back se hi dono hath meray dono taruf se chati to shela rehi thi jab us ne mera loura saaf kar diya to main ne komal ko pichay se paker kar agay laya aur usay doggie main kiya abb komal apni maa ke bajoo main doggie main bethi thi.
main ne us ke maa ki tangoon se bhair aya aur komal ke pichay ho giya abb mera loura komal ki gand ke pass tha main ne sitara se kha ke table se makhan laoo who samaj ghi ke main komal ki gand maroon ga who foran makhan le ayi komal ne kha ke tony meri gand maroo gaye ah kiya maza aye ga main ne sitara se kha ke meray louray par aur komal ki gand ke cheed par makhan lagoo us ne wasa hi kiya aunty abb bhi apni beti ko doggie bani dekh rehi thi jab sitara ne mera loura aur komal ki gand ko makhan laga diya to main bola abb mera loura apni bhan ke gand ke cheed par rakh who kisi dasi ki thara mera har hukam maan rehi thi aur un ki maa dekh rehi thi.
ke abb kiya ho ga jab mera loura komal ki gand par who rakh chuki to us ne meri taruf dekha main ne sitara ki ankhoon main dekhtay hoay apna loura komal ki gand main dalna churoo kiya jesay hi meray louray ki topi us ki gand ke hole main ghi us ne aik zoor ki dard bhari maon de oouuuuuuuuiiiiiii ahhhhhhhhhh main ruka nain apnay loura ko end tak us ki gand main dekhal diya jab mera pura loura us ki gand main chala giya to main ne halkay halkay jhatkay laganay churoo kiya us ki maa abb bhi apni beti ko gand marwati dekh rehi thi komal ko abb muj se gand marwanay main itna dard nain ho rah tha kiyoon ke main us ki gand kiyi baar le chuka tha sitara abb bhi mera pass bethi thi who apni bhan ke butts par hath phair rehi thi aur komal mujay abb tej chodnay ko bool rehi thi ahhhhhhhh tony aur chodoo meri gand haann aur tej ahhhhhhhh maza aa rah hai aaaaaaaaaaaaa sitara ne abb apnay hath us ki choot par le ghi nichay se aur us ki clit ko masal rehi thi jis se komal ko aur josh aa giya tha .
abb who meray har jhatkay ke sath hi apni gand ko pichay ki taruf dhakeel rehi thi to who abb josh main auool fool bak rehi thi ahhhhhhhhh tony dekh meri maa ko.
kesay randii ki thara apni beti ki chudaii dekh rehi hai ahhhhhhhhhhhh dekh maa teri beti ki gand main tony ka loura hai ahhhhhhh tony kiya maa ki gand mari thi tum ne ahhhhhhhh aur tej haaaaaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaa kiya tony se gand marwai hai ke nain.
hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony aur tejjjj ahhhhhhh kiya maza hai re teray louray main dekh na meri maa bhi teray louray ki ashiq ho ghi hai kesay choot utha utha ke chudwa rehi thi tum se ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur 2 ya 3 min bhad hi who jhar ghi .
aur phir apni maa ke pass hi pait ke bal ghir ghi aur tej tej sansain le rehi thi mera loura abhi jharnay main bhoot time tha main ne sitara ko pakar ke apnay nichay lita diya aur us ki tangoon main aa giya meray loura par abb bhi makhna lagh tha main ne sitara ki tangoon ko apnay khandoon par rakha aur louray ko us ki choot ke cheed par aur aik hi jhatkay main pura loura us ki choot main chala giya us ke mhun se cheekh nikel ghi.
main ne abb usay full speed se chodna chaloo kar diya tha who aik min tak to dard se chilati rehi phir usay bhi maza milna churoo ho giya abb who dard se nain pleasure se moan kar rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhhh tony aur chood mujay ahhhhhhhhhhhhh phar daal meri choot koo ahhhhhhhhhhhh abb maaaaa ko meray liya kisi baray louray wala ka rishta dekhna ho ga kiyoon ke abb chotay louray ka mujay maza nain milay ga ahhhhhhhhhhhh tony kash tum meray pati hotay haaaaaaaaaaaaaa main sari zindghi tumaray kadmoon main ghuzaar deti haaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
tony maar meri choot aur zoor se ahhhhhhhhhh maaaaaaa dekh ahhhhhhhh tony jesa hi pati dekhna meray liya ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh loura bhi tony jesa hoooooooooooooo aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dekh na kitna maza de rah hai teri beti ko ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur abb komal bhi sihdhi ho ghi thi aur dono maa beti dekh rehi thain sitara ki chudaii aunty abb phir se gharamm ho ghi thi kiyoon ke who apni choot ko rub kar rehi thi main ne sitara ko aur josh se chodna churoo kar diya jis se who zoor zoor ke moan de rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh tony kiya loura haiiiiiiiiiiiii main paghil ho jaoon ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaaaa .
dekh apni beti ko ahhhhhhhhhhh kesay chudwa rehi hai ahhhhhhhhhhhh tony main jharnay wali hoon khuch 10 min hi chodaiii ke bhad who jharnay laghi haaaaaaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa main jhar rehi hoon ahhhhhhhhhh dekh teri beti jhar rehi hai ahhhhhhhhhhh aur who shant ho ghi jharnay ke bhad main abb bhi nain jhara tha abb main ne aunty par twaja di main ne sitara ki choot se loura nikala aur aunty ke pass giya main ne aunty ko doggie main honay ko bola who foran hi doggie main ho ghi main ne komal se makhan manga us ne mujay makhan diya aur boli laghta hai maa ki gand ajj louray ka maza le ghi aur us ne apnay hi hathoon se apni maa ki gand ke hole par makhan laghaya aur mera loura to already sitara ki choot ke maal se bhara tha main ne aunty ki gand ke cheed par loura rakh aur aik jhatka mara.
who dard se chila uthi ahhhhhhhh main mar ghi ahhhhhhhhh main ne dusra jhatka diya jis se who phir chilanay laghi ahhhhhhhhhhhh tonyyyyyyyyyyy please nikaloo ahhhhhhh bhoot dard ho rah hai ouiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa main ne aik aur jhatka diya jis se mera loura aunty ki tight gand main half tak uter giya aur anty ki chikhain nikel ghain who chila rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhhh main maaarrrrrrrr ghiiiiiiiiiiii ahhhhhhhhhhhhh meri gand phat ghi ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii main mar jaoon ghi please tony meray par reham karooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
main to us ki dard bhari chaikahin sun ke aur mazaay main aa giya main ne jhatkay pe jhatkay diya jab tak mera full loura us ki gand main nain chala giya aunty ki ankhaoon main ansoo thay who dard ke maray rooooo rehi thi main ne usay bina rukay ass fucking karta rah aur who dard se chilati rehi phir main ne komal ko kha ke randii apni maa ki choot ko sehla usay finger fuck kar us ne apni maa ko finger fucking karni chaloo kar di aik ya do min ke bhad hi usay mazza anay lagha abb aunty apni gand ko pichay ko mar rehi thi jis se mera loura full us ki gand main ghus rah tha aur who pleasure main moan kar rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhh tony abb maza aa rah hai please aur tej chood meri gand ko ahhhhhh komal bethi dekh main ne bhi ajj apni gand main loura le liya hai ahhhhhhhhhh who bhi ghoray ka loura ahhhhhhh kitna bara loura hai ahhhhhhhhh .
iss doran sitara humain dekh rehi thi aur main puray josh se aunty ki gand mar rah tha phir khuch time ke bhad hi aunty jharnay laghi ahhhhhhhhhh tony main jhar rehi hoon ahhhhhhhh aur tejj mar ahhhhh dekh komal beti teri maaa jhar rehi hai aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur who jhar ghi kiyoon ke us ki gand bhoot tight thi mujay bhi full maza mil rah tha abb main bhi jharnay ke kareeb tha main ne kha ke aunty main bhi jharnay wala hoon ahhhhhhh laikin teri gand main nain jharoon ga ahhhhhhh main to apni rani komal ke mhun main jharoon ga ahhhhhhh komal ahh meray louray ko choos aur main ne apna loura aunty ki gand se nikal ke komal ke mhun main de diya.
aur us ne meray louray ko full upper se nichay tak apni zuban se chatna shuroo kiya mujay bhoot maza aa rah tha phir us ne apna mhun khola aur meray louray ko apnay muhn main le kar suck karnay laghi ahhhhhhh komal apni maa ke gand se nikala hoa loura kesay lagha tumain test main ahhhhhhhhhhhh suck it ahhhhhhhhhh randiiii suck it ahhhhhhhhhhh teri maa ki gand se nikala hoa loura hai aur main jharnay lagha who aur josh se sucking kar rehhi thi meray sara maal us ke mhun main ghaib ho rah tha us ne aik drop bhi ziya nain kiya sara pee ghi jab main jhar chuka to us ne mera loura apnay mhun se nikala aur apnay honthon par zuban pharnay laghi sath hi apni maa aur bhan ko dekh rehi thi main abb nichay leta tha aur us teenoo ne mujay ghara tha aur main sooch rah tha ke ajj to maa aur betiyoon ki khoob li main ne laikin abhi to start hai main apni jagha se utha aur bedroom main chala giya mujay apnay dostoon ko phon bhi to karna tha plan ke mutabik aur phir dono aunty ke ghar ja ke kamal ko bhi sath lana tha paker ke kiyoon ke who to abhi rehta tha usay toooooooooooooo ah yeah main app ko apni next story main bataoon ga .

Chaloo story ki taruf chaltay hain jab main apnay dostoon ko phone karkey wapis sitting room main aya to maa aur betiyaan whain leti hoi thain main ja ke sofay pe bath giya who meray kadmoon main leti hoi thain main ne sitara ko apnay pass bulaya who apni jagha se uth kar meray pass ayi main ne usay apni ghood main bithaya aur us ke boobs se khalnay lagha jab ke us ki maa aur bahan dono humain dekh rehi thain main ne komal se kha ke komal chaloo humain coffee bana ke pilaoo who apni jhaga se uthi aur kitchen main chali ghi jab ke main sitara ke boobs ko abb sucking kar rah tha aur who moan kar rehi thi aur aunty humaray kadmoon main bhathi hoi humain dekh rehi thi main ne sitara ke tanghain kholi aur us ki choot par hath pharnay lagha abb aunty apni jagha se uthi aur humari tanghoon ke pass aa ghi aur meri finger ko apni choti bethi ki choot main jata dekh rehi thi aunty ko gharam honay main aik min bhi nain lagha us ne foran apni choot ko finger fuck karnay laghi jab ke sitara mazaay main moan kar rehi thi main ne sitara ki tangoon ko aur khola aur aunty se kha ke chaloo randii aoo meray louray ko aur sath hi sitara ki choot ko suck karoo.
who to jesay isi ke liya behthi thi mera kahanay ki deer thi who foran hi humari tangoon main chali ayi aur mera loura jo ke sitara ki choot par tha usay hathoon main le kar sucking chaloo kar di aur sath hi who apni zubaan sitara ki choot par bhi challa rehi thi jis ke karan sitara sur mazay main aa ghi aur main bhi.
ahhhhhhhh aunty kiya suck karti hoo ahhhh aur karoooo ahhhhhah sitara dekh apni randii maa ko kesay sucking kar rehi hai ahhhhhhhhh aur sitara ne nichay apni maa ko meray louray ki sucking kartay hoa dekhti rehi main bhoot hi mazay main aaa giya tha jis ke karan main usay randii aur kuttiya ke namoon se pukaar rah tha jab ke us ki choti behti meri ghood main thi phir main ne sitara se kha ke apni maa ke mhun ko apni choot par rakhoo tumain bhi apni randii maa ki zuban ka maaz milay ahhhhhhhh aur sitara ne apni maa ko saar ke baloon se paker kar apni choot par us ka mhun dabana churoo kar diya ahhhhh jesay hi us ki maa ki zuban phir us ki choot main ghi us ne moan kiya ahhhhhhhhh maaaaa ahhhh aur chusoo ahhhhhh tony abb tum dekhoo meri maa meri choot chat rehi hai ahhhhhhhhaur usi doran komal coffee ki try le kar sitting room main ayi jab us ne apni maa ko sitara ki choot chustay hoay dekha to us ne try table par rakh di aur humain dekhnay laghi main ne komal ko bhi game main shamil kiya usay apnay pass bulaya aur usay kha ke chaloo tum aunty ki choot ko suck karoo aur who whain pe bath ghi aur apni maa ki choot ko suck karna chaloo kiya jis se us ne sitara ki choot se mhun hataya aur aik zoor dar moan diii ahhhhhhhhhh komal ahhhhhhhhh aur phir apnay kaam main lagh ghi main teenoo ko dekh rah tha mera loura full tana hoa tha khuch 5 min ke bhad hi door khula aur meray dostoon ne kamal ko pakra hoa tha aur usay kuttay ki thara ghasittay hoay sitting room main laa rehay thay chal be salay yeahan tak to aa giya hai abb chand khadmoon ke faslay par tera baap tera intezaar kar rah hai lekin yeah to tony ka ghar hai tum mujay pakar ke yeahan kiyoon laye hoo chal be salay bhoot bolta hai mujay meray dostoon ki awaz ayi aur sath hi aik ne usay itni zoor ka Dhaka diya ke shidah sitting room main aa ke ghira jabkay aunty aur sitara aur komal ne awazain suntay hi aik duaray ko choor ke door par nazrain ki hoi thain.
jesy hi kamal sitting room main ghira teenoon ne aik dusray ko dekha phir mujay aur phir un ki nazrain kamal par ghi abb charoo aik dusray ko dekh rahay tha jab ke meray dost darwazay main kharay unhain dekh rehay thay tab hi aik jhatkay se kamal apni jagha se utha aur usay abb bhi apni aankhoon par itebaar nain aa rah tha us ki maa aur bari bhan meray kadoom main nanghi bethi hain aur choti sister meri ghodii main bhathi hai aur phir us ne mujay dekha jab who shook se bhair nikla.
to who ghusay main meri taruf bhara laikin muj tak phonchnay se phalay hi meray dostoon ne usay kaboo kar liya tha jab who meri taruf bhara to sitara meri ghood se bhag jana chati thi main ne usay paker ke apni ghood main bithaya who phir bath ghi app kamal mujay aur apni maa aur bhanoon ko ghali pe ghali de rah tha sali randiyoo tum tenoo yeah kiya kar rehi hoo ahh main tum sab ko maar doon ga meray dost ne usay paker kar us ke saray kapray utar diya aur usay sofay par bhand diya who abb nangha betha tha aur hill bhi nain sakhta tha main ne apna dostoon ko kha ke tum zara bhair jaoo 5 min ke liya main zaara kamal ko thanda karoon aur donoo bhair chalay ghay main ne kamal se kha kiyoon beta kiya hall hain tum ne mujay kiyoon pakar ke laya hai batatta hoon teri maa bhi puch rehi thi ke main ne yeah sab kiyoon kiya to beta tum ne jo naghma ke sath kiya tha na yeah us ka jawab tha kiya tumain kesay pata chala jo main ne naghma ke sath kiya tha aur is main meray ghar waloon ka kiya kasoor hai beta batata hoon .
phir main ne usay jo khuch main ne us din dekha aur suna tha sab bata diya aur kiyoon ke us ke ghar walay bhi kisi na kisi thara us ka sath diya tha is liya yeah bhi meay badlay ka nishana banay phir kamal ne kha ke abb tum kiya chatay hoo main ne kha ke sabar karoo tumain sab pata chal jaye gha aur main ne sitara ko kha ke chaloo bhai ke pass jaoo aur us ke tatoon ko hath main le kar itni zoor se dabaoo ke mujay us ki dard bhari chikhain sunai dain sitara kabhi mujay dekh rehi thi to kabhi maa aur bhan ko aur kabhi bhai koo main ne sitara se kha ke sali randii ki aulad main ne tum se kiya kha hai chaloo jaldi karoo who dartay dartay kamal ke pass ghi.
kamal usay dhamikiyaan de rah tha ke who usay maar de ga aghar us ne mera kha mana to par sitara meri ghulam ho chuki thi us ne apnay bhai ke tatoon ko hath main liya aur sath hi hum sab ko dekha aur phir.
us ne zoor lagaya jesa jesay who zoor lagha rehi thi wasay wasay hi kamal ki chikhain nikal rehi thi phir us ne us ke ball ko hathoon se choor diya kamal ki ankhoon main ansoo thay aur who dard ke maray chila rah tha main ne sitara ko wapis apni ghood main bitha diya aur us ke lips ko choom liya.
phir main ne kamal se kha ke beta kesa lag rah hai tumain asa sabak doon ga ke tum sari zindghi phir kisi larki ka rape nain kar sakhoo ghay main ne aunty se kha ke chaloo aunty suck my loura tumara betha bhi to dekhay apni maa ko sucking kartay hoay chal randii ban ja phir se who meray louray ko hathoon main pakra aur phir apmany mhun khool ke mera pura loura le liya aur kisi janm se bhukhi aurat ki thara mera loura suck kar rehi thi main ne dostoon ko awaz di who andar aye main ne uhain kha ke tumara ihnaam sitara aur komal chaloo mazay karoo who to jesay meray khanay ka intezaar kar rehay thay donoo ny kapray utarnay main aik min bhi nain laghaya main to app ko apnay dostoon ke name batana bhool giya aik muna aur dusray ka name jony un ke real name nain hain just given by me to jony aur muna abb nanghay kharay thay laikin jab hum sab ki nazrain muna ke louray par ghi to hum sab aik min tak to shook main hi rehay aur mujay apna 9.5’’ louray ko dekh kar bhi ihsassay kamtri ho rehi thi salay ka loura tha ke waqi ghoray ka loura 12’’ se kam ka nain ho ga .
komal aur sitara ki nazrain to us ke louray se hat hi nain rehi thain jab ke maa ke mhun main pani aa giya tha itna bara loura dekh ke jony ke louray ka size bhi acha tha 9’’ ka to ho ga hi par munay ka loura awesome main ne kha ke salay name muna aur loura ghoray ka hai who bola kiya karoon yaar kabhi kabhi hota hai asay bhi phir dono komal aur sitara ki taruf bharay jonay ne sitara ko pakra aur muna ne komal ko aur donoo ne uhain whain pe lita diya muna ne komal ki choot ko sucking karni shuroo kar di jab ke jony ne apna loura sitara ke mhun main de diya.
kamal apni bhanoon ko dekh rah tha aur khud ko azad karnay ki hashish kar rah tha aunty abb bhi meray kadoom main behthi thi aur apni betiyoon kp dekh rehi thi jab ke komal abb moan kar rehi thi aur muna se keh rehi thi ahhhhhhhh aur suck karoo meri choot ahhhhhhh bhoot maza aa rah hai ouiiiiiiiiiii aur sitara kisi kutiya ki thara jony ke louray ko suck kar rehi thi yeah sab dekh kar aunty bhi gharam ho ghi aur us ne mera loura apnay mhun main le liya aur sucking chaloo kar di sali apni betiyoon ke muqablay main thi mujay bhoot mazaa aa rah tha main ne aunty ka sar apnay hathoon main liya aur apnay louray ko us ke mhun main ghusairnay lagha abb main usay mouth ficking kar rah tha main apnay louray ko jitna ho sakhay us ke mhun main de rah tha she was enjoying her mouth fucking main ne muna ko dekha us ne abb komal ki choot main apni zuban di aur usay apni zuban se fuck kar rah tha jab ke komal ke mhun se moan jarii tha who usay aur jor se karnay ka keh rehi thi aur jony sitara ke mhun main loura diya hoa tha aur sath hi us ki choot ko finger fuck kar rah tha sitara bhi josh main thi.
main ne aunty ke mhun se loura nikala aur usay whain doggie main honay ko kha aur main us ke pichay aa giya aur apnay louray ko us ki choot ke lips par rakh ke aik zoor ka jhatka diya aur mera loura adhay tak us ki choot main chala giya aur us ne aik zoor ki cheekh mari sab huamri taruf dekhnay lag hay jab ke jony bola ke yaar kiya maa ki choot phar ke choray ga sali ko dard kar rah hai main to josh main tha main ne aik aur jhatka diya mera full loura us ki choot main ghus giya us ne aik aur cheekh mari abb main us ki choot full speed se chood rah tha aur abb who moan kar rehi thi dard se nain yaroo abb usay maza mil rah tha aur sath hi usay apni betiyoon ko bhi action main dekh rehi thi jab ke abb jony ne sitara ke mhun se loura nikala aur usay 69 position main le giya abb who aik dusray ko sucking kar rehay thay.

jab ke muna abb bhi komal ki choot chaat rah tha kamal bichara apni maa aur bhanoon ko dekh rah tha main aunty ko full speed se chood rah tha aur khuch 5 min bhad hi who jharnay laghi kiyoon ke orgy dekh ke main bhi bhoot gharam ho chuka tha main bhi jharnay ke kareeb tha aur 5 ya 6 jhatkoon ke bhad main ne aunty se kha ke aaaaahhhhhhhhh aunty meri rundii aunty main jhaar rah hoon le mera maal apni choot se pee jaa ahhhh aur hum dono whain ghir giya mera loura abb bhi aunty ki choot main tha aur main us ke uper leta tha phir main ne loura us ki choot se nikala aur sofay pe beth giya aur aunty ko bhi utha ke sofay pe lita diya aur us ka saar apni ghood main rakh diya hum dono charoon ko dekhnay laghay.
muna ne abb komal ki choot choor dii aur apna loura komal ke hath main diya chal sali choos is ko komal ne jitna mhun kohl sakhti thi khola aur muna ke louray ko mhun main liya par sirf muna ki topi hi le sakhi kiyoon ke muna ke louray ka size bhoot bara tha aur us ne us ki topi ko suck karnay laghi aur muna abb moan kar rah tha jony ne bhi abb sitara ki choot ko mhun se nikala aur us ki tangoon main aaa giya us ne sitara ki tangoon ko apnay khandoon par rakha aur sitara kiyoon ke full gharam thi us ne jony ke louray ko hath main le kar apni ghilli choot ke lips par rakha aur jony ne aik hi jhatkay main apna full loura us ki choot main utar diya sitara ne aik moan diya ahhhhhhhhh jonay ne abb usay slow jhatkoon se choodna chaloo kar diya aur who maon de rehi thi jony sitara ko kamal ke kadmoom ke pass hi 2 ya 3 foot ki duri par chood rah tha sitara abb apni gand ko utha utha ke chudwa rehi thi.
aur jony ko zoor zoor ke jhatkay denay ko keh rehi thi jony se apni speed bhara diii aur sitara abb non stop moan kar rehi thi main ne muna ko dekha us ne komal ka sar hathoon main pakra hoa tha aur apnay louray ko us ke mhun main aur ziyadah gusairnay ki koshish kar rah tha jab ke komal ke mhun se uhnnnnnnnnnnuhnnnnnnn ki awazain nikel rehi thi khuch time ke bhad us ne apna loura komal ke mhun se nikala aur usay nichay letnay ko bola komal nichay leti to who us ki tangoon main aya aur apnay louray ki topi se us ki choot ko ragerna chaloo kiya phir komal ne apni choot ke lips ko apnay hathoon se khola abb munay ka loura us ki clit ko rub kar rah tha aur who josh main hi main moan de rehi thi.
main aur aunty dekh rehay thay sab jab ke jony sitara ki choot full speed se chood rah tha aur who moan kar rehi thi room siskariyoon se bhara hoa tha har taruf se siskariyaan sunai de rehi thi udhar komal aur muna ki adhar sitara aur jony ki jab ke kamal tamashai bana betha thaa main ne dekha ke komal ki choot se pani nikalna chaloo ho giya tha aur who munay se keh rehi thi please muna fuck me with your mighty penis ahhhhhhh mujay chodoo ahhhh apna loura meri choot main daal doo please abb sabar nain hota please chodoo mujay abb muna ne apnay louray ko asista aista us ki choot main denay chaloo kiya aunty meri
ghood se abb uth ghi thi.
who mera khaiyaal hai dekhna chati thi ke komal itna bara loura kesay apni choot main le sakhay ghi jesay hi muna ne louray us ki choot main dehkelana chaloo kiya komal ki ankhain bhair ko aa ghain aur us ke mhun se chaikh nikel ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhmain mar ghi muna ne us ki chikhoon ki parwa nain ki aur us pe let giya abb komal ki body muna ke nichay thi who abb hil nain sakhti thi muna ne apnay louray par pressure dalna shuroo kiya aur komal ki chikhoon se room bhar giya who chila rehi thi aur muna se keh rehi thi ke bas karoo meri choot phat ghi hai please bhoot dard ho rah hai main bardasht nain kar paoon ghi ahhhhhhhhhh.
muna ne apnay louray par pressure aur ziyadah kar diya abb muna ke louray ki topi us ki choot main ja chuki thi aunty ne kha ke ahhhhhhh muna bas karoo meri beti mar jaye ghi jony aur sitara bhi abb apni chudaii bhool ke komal ki chudaii dekh rehay thay aur kamal bhi bhan ki choot phatti dekh rah tha.
komal abb ronay laghi thi us ki ankhoon main ansoo thay jab ke muna ko reham karna to laghta hai atta hi nain tha us ne apna half loura to komal ki choot main ghusair chuka tha abb mujay bhi komal par reham aa rah tha main ne muna se kha ke yaar bas kar larki ko mar dega kiya abhi itna hi kafi hai aur mat dalna us ne meri baat maan li aur us ne apna loura komal ki choot main asay hi rehanay diya main ne komal ki choot ko dekha isay laghta tha ke kisi sui main se dhagay ki jaga rasi gusairnay ki koshish kar rah hoo us ki choot phool chuki thi aur muna ke louray ko kas ke pakra hoa tha .
khuch 5 min bhad hi usay aram mil giya tha abb usay dard bhoot kam ho giya tha ya na ke baraber reh giya tha muna ne apna loura slowly zara bhair nikala komal ke mhun se dard bhari moan nikli aur phir muna ne usay wapis komal ki choot main dhakel diya aur komal ne phir aik dard main dhubhi moan di aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh muna ne kai bhar asay kiya jis se abb us ka loura komal ki choot main abb aa jaa rah tha aur usay dard bhi bhoot kam hoo rah tha us ki choot ne muna ke louray ko accommodate kar liya tha jony phir abb apnay kaam main chaloo ho giya aur us ne sitara ko doggie main honay ko bola aur phir who sitara ki gand ki taruf ghuma sitara ki gand jony ke loura ki taruf thi jony laghta hai sitara ki gand dekh kar abb choot nain us ki gand marna chata tha kiyoon ke mujay pata tha ke jony ko gand marnay ka bhoot shook hai.
isi liya us ke kai larkoon se bhi jhan phanchan thi who un ki gand bhoot shook se marta tha abb jab ke us ne sitara ki ghulabhi gand dekhi to us ne dair nain laghi kiyoon ke us ka loura sitara ki choot ke cum se well lubricated tha us ne sitara ki gand ke hole par loura rakha aur aik jhatka diya loura sitara ki gand main adah ghus giya us ne moan ki ahhhhhhhhh moor in pleasure then pain kiyoon ke main us ki gand bhoot baar mar chuka tha jony ne meri taruf dekha tony yaar laghta hai tu ne sali ki gand khool chuka hai isay to maza aa rah hai chaloo koi baat nain kaam chal jaye ga .
main jony se bola yaar fikar na karoo tumain ajj main aik kunwari gand bhi milay ghi ohhhhhhhhh you are great tony aur us ne aik aur khatkay se apna full loura sitara ki gand main utar diya aur usay full speed se fuck karna shuroo kar diya aur sitara mazay main moan de rehi thi aur jony ko aur teej chodnay ko bol rehi thi dusri taruf komal abb moan kar rehi thi us ki choot ne abb muna ke louray ko welcome bol diya tha.
muna abb bhi ausay slowly chood rah tha abb us ka loura half se ziyadah us ki choot main ja chuka tha muna apnay louray ko aista aista us ki choot mian dhakeel rah tha jis se komal ko dard nain ho rah tha aunty apni donoo betiyoon ko chutwata dekh kar phir se gharm ho ghi thi us ne meray louray ko mhun main le kar sucking start kar di kamal hum sab ko bebasi se dekh rah tha bechara hil bhi nain shakhta tha laghta hai jony aur muna ne kas ke bhandah hai usay sofay par aunty sofay pe leti thi aur mera loura us ke mhun main aur main ne apni finger us ki choot main de di aur usay finger fuck karnay lagha who josh main aa ke meray louray ko full uper se nichay tak apni zuban se chat rehi thi aur sath hi moan bhi kar rehi thi hmmmmmhhhmmmmmmmmmmain to komal ki chudaii dekhnay main masroof tha muna ne ab apni speed ko thora bhara diya tha komal ko phir se dard ho rah tha us ne apnay nakhun muna ki kamer main dhkail diya jis se muna ki kamer se khoon beh rah tha laikin usay koi parwa nain thi who to bas maza le rah tha komal abb dard se moan kar rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhh ouiiiiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaa main mar ghi ahhh muna aista karoo na please ahhhhh meri choot phat jaye ghi isi doran jony aur sitara jharnay walay tha sitara ahhhhhhhhhhh jonay main jhar rehi hoon ahhhhhhhh aur aik min bhad hi jony bhi jharnay lagha ahhhhhhhhh sitara main jhar rah hoon teri gand main ahhhhhhhhh le mera cum ahhhhhhhhh aur us ne sitara ki gand apnay maal se bhar di aur us pe ghir giya.
Jab ke muna komal ki abb full speed se chudaii kar rah tha aur komal bhi full chudaii ka maza le rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhhh muna fuck me ahhhhhhhhhhhhh jor se chodoo ahhhhhhhhhh bhoot maza aa rah hai abb muna ka loura full us ki choot main aa jaa rah tha aur usay abb dard nain ho rah tha who moan kar rahi thi sitara aur jony abb bhi aik dusray se chipkay hoay leta tha zameen par khuch 5 min ke bhad hi komal jharnay wali thi aur muna bhi ahhhhhhhhh muna main jharnay wali hoon ahhhhhhhhh muna ne apni speed aur barah diii ahhhhhhh fuck muna ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh meri choot phaar dooo ahhhhhhhh kiya loura hai ahhhhhhhhhhhhh aur who jhar ghi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur khuch jhatkoon ke bhad muna ne us ki choot apnay maal se bhar di aur us pe ghir giya komal ne muna ko apni bhaoon main kas liya aur usay kissing kar rehi thi ahhhhhhh muna kiya mast chudaii ki hai tum ne maza aa giya ahhh kiya maza mila hai ajj meray husband ne mujay phalli raat bhi nain diya jitna tum ne mujay ajj diya hai muna abb mujay tum asa maza diya karna main tum se evry week chudwaoon ghi .
Kamal apni bhan ko dekh rah tha jab main ne ghoor kiya to kamal ka loura full tana hoa tha sala apni bhaoon aur maa ki chudaii dekh ke gharam hoo giya tha main ne aunty ko sar se pakar ke usay us ke betay ka loura dikhaya aunty tera beta to gharam ho giya hai is ka kiya karna hai chall tu hi us ka khuch kar day ja ja ke us ki gharmi nikal aunty to aabb randii ban chuki thi Sali ne foran ja ke apnay betay ka loura hath main liya aur usay shake karnay laghi kamal ke mhun se aik siski nikli ahhhhhhhh nain maa asa na kar main tera beta hoon aunty boli chup be bharway na tu who sab khuch karta na teray ko yeah din dekhna parta sala apnay baap ki thara hai who chutiya sala kabhi mujay asli maza nain de sakha .
Dekh ajj humain tony ne kitna maza diya salay abb ziyadah natak na kar dekh tera loura tana hoa hai salay apni bhanoon ki aur maa ki chudaii dekh ke ajj main tumain maza doon ghi aur sath hi aunty ne kamal ka loura mhun main le ke sucking shuroo kar di kamal ne moan di ahhhhhhhh maa aur aunty ne us ka loura jo ke 8`` ka tha mhun main full le liya aur kisi randii ki thara usay suck kar rehi thi khuch 5 min ke bhad aunty apni jagha se uthi aur kamal ke louray par bethna chaloo kiya Sali bhoot gharam hoo ghi thi abb us ne apnay betay ke louray se apni gharmi door karni thi jab ke kamal sofay par bandha hoa tha aunty ne us ka loura apnay hath main liya aur usay choot ke lips main pansaya aur phir apni gand ko louray pe aista aista nichay ko dekhalna chaloo kiya kamal ka loura aunty ki choot ko chirta hoa gusta chala ja rah tha jab full loura aunty ki choot main chala giya to aunty ne upper nichay hona chaloo kar diya aur apnay betay ke louray se mazay lena chaloo kar diya ahhhhhhhh who moan kar rehi thi aur kamal bhi apni maa ki choot ka maza le rah tha aur who bhi moan kar rah tha hum sab dekh rehay thay aunty aur kamal full gharam ho chukka tha sitara apni jagha se uthi aur kamal ke hath khool diya kamal ke hath jesay hi khulay us ne foran maa ko pakra hum sab samjay ke who abhi maa ko apnay upper se nichay phankay ga aur hum logoon ko marnay ki koshish karay ga laikin hum sab yeah dekh se dhang reh giya ke us ne apni maa ko pakar liya aur usay kissing karna shuroo kar diya aur sath hi us ke boobs ko masalna chaloo kar diya phir us ne aunty ke boobs ko sucking karna chaloo kiya jis se aunty ne moan ki ahhhhhhhhh kamal pee ja apni maa ka dhood jesay tum bachpan main pita tha ahhhhhhhhhhh suck karoo ahhh aur dabaoo meray boobs ko abb aunty josh main thi aur kamal bhi aunty ne aur zoor zoor se kamal ke louray pe uchalna chaloo kar diya khuch 2 ya 3 min ke bhad kamal ne aunty ko utha ke zameen par dala aur phir us ke upper aya aur apna loura us ki choot main ghurair diya.
Aunty moan kar rehi thi aur sath sath kamal ko aur zoor zoor se chodnay ko bol rehi thi ahhhhhhhhhh kamal beta maar apni maa ko choot ahhhhhh phar dal ahhhh le meray boobs ko suck karoo ahhhhhhh aur kamala abb aunty ko deep strokes se chood rah tha hum sab maa betay ki chudhaii dekh rehay thay jab ke sitara jony ke nichay leti thi aur komal muna ke phir aunty ne zoor zoor se moan karna chaloo kar diya tha ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kamal main jhar rehi hoon haaaaaaaaaa aur tej aur tej maar apni maa ki choot ahhhhhhhhh randii ki thara chood mujay ahan maa tu randii hi to hai pata nain kis kis se chudwati phirti hai Sali main teri choot phar doon da ahhhhhhhhh aur aunty jharnay wali thi ahhhhhhhh beta main jhar rehi hoon ahhhhhhhhhhh chood mujay ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh chood mujay main teri randii hoon ahhhhhhhhh main teri kutiya hoon.
phar de meri choot ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur is ke sath hi aunty jhar ghi jab ke kamal ne apnay strokes jari rakhay aur who aunty ko full speed se deep strokes de rah tha aur do ya 3 min ke bhad hi who jharnay wala tha ahhhhhhh maaa main teri choot main apna maal daal doon ahhhhhhhhhh randii mera maal apni choot se pee ja ahhhhhhhhh aur us ne aik zoor daar deep stroke diya aur apna loura aunty ki choot main deep tak le ja ke apna sara maal apni maa ke account main jama kra diya ahhhhhhhh sath hi who apni maa ke upper ghir giya aunty ne usay apnay sath chipka liya aur us ke balloon main hath pharnay laghi.
jab ke hum sab unhain dekh rehay thay jony pass hi leta tha us ne apna loura sitara ki choot se nikala salay ka loura phir se tan giya tha sitara ki choot main main ne ghoor se jony ko dekha who kamal ki gand ko dekh rah tha main samaj giya ke us ka loura kamal ki gand dekh ke tan giya tha main jony se bola jony kiya baat hai salay .
who bola yaar khuch nain bas gand marnay ko dil kar rah hai main ne kha ke jony main ne teray ko promise kiya tha na ajj tujay aik kunwari gand milay ghi chodaii ke liya haan yaar laikin tum ne to maa bitiyoon ki gand mar di hai abb who kunwari to nain rehi abay salay tu ghada hai main tumain teri pasand ka gift doon ga salay mujay pata hai tumain boys ki gand marnay main maja milta hai ajj tumain kunwari gand milay ghi yaar kis ki sab hum dono ki batain sun rehay thay sitara boli tony hum sab ki gand tum ne mar di hai abb kon hai jo kunwari gand ka malik hai to main ne kamal ki taruf dekha yaar jony who teray pass hi leta hai kiya kamal uchal giya kiya bolay meri gand nain main gand nain doon ga.
Abb jony ke mhun main pani aa giya tha who muj se bola yaar tu to diloon ke haal janta hai main salay ki gand dekhtay hi us main loura ghusairnay ko betab tha abb maza aye ga jab ke kamal abb nain nain kar rah tha to main kamal se bola salay natik nain chalay gag and marwa le jony se warna teri gand to zaberdasti bhi mar lega who aur agar tu ne anakani ki to muna bhi teri gand phaar de ga abb sooch le jony se marwaye ga ke muna se.
Abb kamal ke pass koi rasta nain tha usay pata tha keg and to abb deni hai muna se to acha hai jony ko de doon to who bola theek hai jony ne sitara ko choor diya aur kamal ke pass giya aur usay doggie main honay ko bola kamal doggie main ho giya aur jony us ke pichay aa giya abb us ne aunty se bola Sali randii oil le ke aaa warna teray betay ki gand asay hi maar doon ga call jaldi kar teray betay ki gand dekh ke muj se rah nain jata aunty ne foran bathroom se oil ki bottle le ayi aur jony ko de di.
jony ne kamal ki gand par oil lagaya aur khuch apnay louray par phir us ne louray ki topi kamal ki gand par rakhi aur us ki kamer ko pakar ke Dhaka diya loura slip ho giya us ne dobara try ki aur phir loura slip ho giya us ne aunty se bola mera loura is ki gand ke hole pe rakh aunty ne jony ke louray ko kamal ki gand ke hole par pakray rakh aur jony ne aik zoor ka Dhaka diya louray ki topi kamal ki gand main chali ghi aur sath hi kamal ki cheekh sunai di ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mar dala meray ko haaaaaaaameri gand phat ghi nikal be gandoo.
jony ne us ki cheekh ki parwa nain ki aur sath hi do teen Dhaka laga diya jis se jony ka loura full us ki gand main chala giya tha abb to kamal dard se tarap rah tha aur sath hi ghaliyaan de rag tha ahhh haramzaday nikal apnay louray ko meri gand se ahhhhhhhhhhh bhoot dard ho rah hai jony bina rukay kamal ki gand mar rah tha.
Aur kamal dard ke maray chila rah tha aunty se apnay betay ki yeah halat dekhi na ghi us ki ankhoon main ansoo aa giya main ne sitara se bola jake apnay bhai ke nichay let ja aur us ke louray ko suck karoo is se kamal ka dard khatam ho jaye ga who ja ke kamal ke nichay let ghi aur kamal ke louray ko sak karnay laghi 5 ya 7 minute main hi kamal ka dard khatam ho giya aur us ka loura sitara ke mhun main tan giya jony abb kamal ko doggie main full speed se chood rah tha sitara ko jony ka loura kamal ki gand main ata jata nazaar aa rah tha jabke us ke mhun main kamal ka loura tha.
muna apni jagha se utha aur us ne aunty ko paker ke lita diya aur pass pari bottle se oil liya aur aunty ki choot main laga diya aur khuch apnay louray par aunty munay ko louray pe oil laghta dekh rehi thi usay daar bhi lag rah tha aur excited bhi thi us ka loura dekh ke muna ne us ki tangoon ko V shape main phela diya aur apnay louray ko aunty ki choot ke lips main phansa ke aik zoor ka Dhaka diya.
Aunty ke mhun se kamal se bhi ziyadah zoor ki cheekh nikli ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmardala reay ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhouuuuuuuuiiiiiiimaaa main mar ghi meri choot phar di harmi ne koi mujay bachoo hum sab aunty aur muna ka tamacha dekhnay laghay sitara ne bhi aik min ke liya kamal ka loura apnay mhun se bhair nikal ke apni maa ki chudhaii dekhnay laghi aunty dard ke maray chila rehi thi aur munay ko ghli de rehi thi ke harmi ne meri choot phar dali muna apnay kaam main mast rah who apnay louray ko aunty ki choot main full dal chukka tha sitara ne phir se kamal ka loura pe sucking chaloo kar di jab ke muna aunty ki chudahii kar rah tha main aur komal dekh rehay thay main ne komal ko apnay pass bulaya aur usay sucking ke liya bola us ne time waste nain kiya meray louray ko apnay mhun main le kar sucking chaloo kar di room main sex main dhobhi siskariyaan ghoonj rehi thi har har koi enjoy kar rah tha main ne jony ko dekha who abb jharnay wala tha us ne aik zoor daar jhatka diya aur sath hi apna sara maal kamal ki gand main choor diya aur kamal ne apni sara maal sitara ke mhun main choor diya sitara apnay bhai kaa sara maal pee lenay ke bhad us ke nichay ghoom ke let ghi.
abb us ki choot kamal ke louray ke nichay thi us ne kamal se kha bhai loura meri choot main daal doo kamal ne wasa hi kiya abb sitara nichay thi jabke kamal us ke upper aur kamal ke upper jony tha who asay hi let giya koi bhi hil nain rah tha.
Main ne komal se kha ke chal abb main teri choot maroon ga who apni jagha se uthi aur aa ke meray louray pe bhath ghi mera loura us ki choot main asay chala giya jesay kisi baray surakh main us ki choot muna ki chudhaii se khul ghi thi mujay us ki choot chudnay main maza nain mil rah tha main ne usay kha ke teri choot to bhosra ban ghi hai maza nain aa rah chal gand mar leta hoon who meray louray se uthi.
aur apni gand meri side pe kar ke meray louray pe beth ghi gand choot se khuch tight thi who meray louray pe uchal rehi thi jab ke muna aunty ko full speed se chood rah tha aunty abb full munay ke louray ka maza le rehi thi aur usay deep strokes laganay ko bol rehi thi ahhhhhhhhh aur tej choot muna ahhhhhhhh main teri dewani hoo ghi hoon ahhh meri choot ko phaar dal ahhh kuttiya ki thara chood meray ko ahhh bhoot maza hai re teray louray main haan aunty main teri choot phar doon ga tujay chalnay ke kabil bhi na choroon ga tu to randii hai Sali betay se chudwai meray se pata nain kis kis ka loura liya hai tu ne Sali randii hai ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur aunty aur muna dono sath hi jhar giya ahhhhhhhhh muna meri choot bhar de apnay maal se ahhhhhhh mujay apnay bachay ki maa bana daal re ahhh meray choot bhar de ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur sath hi muna bhi jhar rah tha munay ka maal aunty ki choot se nikal rah tha aur aunty ki gand se hota hoa carpet pe ghir rah tha .
main ne komal pe dhiyaan diya who meray louray pe uchal rehi thi main jharnay wala tha main ne komal se bola ahhhhhh komal main jharnay wala hoon ahhhhhhhhh aur who aur teji se uchalnay laghi abhi nain tony main bhi jharoon ghi sath hi jharain ge aur us ne apni gand full peed se meray louray pe uchalnay laghi jis se who bhi jharnay wali thi ahhhhhhhhhhh toni abb bhar doo meri gand main bhi jharnay wali hoon ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur main ne usay apnay sath laga liya aur us ke boobs ko kas ke pakar liya aur apna sara maal us ki gand main gira diya aur who bhi jhar ghi who meray upper wasay hi bethi rehi hum sab thak giya tha main to wasay hi soo giya mera loura komal ki gand main hi reh giya aur who bhi soo ghi dusroon ka mujay pata nain jab meri ankh khuli to whan phir se chudaii ho rehi thi.
muna sitara ko chood rah tha jony aunty ko aur kamal ne komal ko doggie main chudaii kar rah tha main whan se uth giya aur bathroom chala giya main ne shower liya aur main ne safe main se sab cassettes le aya jab main sitting room main wapis aya to sab jhar chukay thay main ne who cassettes aunty ko diya aur un sab ko janay ke liya bola.
sab ke sab abhi maza karna chatay thay par main abb unhain bardashat nain kar sakhta tha main ne sab ko chalta kiya jab ke muna ne unhain idea diya ke who sab muna ke ghar chaltay hain whan maza karain gaye sab ne us ke idea ko passand kiya aur who sab us ke ghar chalay geay jis se mujay abb koi dilchaspi nain thi main bhi restaurant chala giya khuch kha pee loon.
Main naghma ke visa tak whain rah is dooran main ne kisi ko bhi nain dekha who sab abb muna aur jony se maza le rehi thi jo ke meray liya acha tha hum loog jald hi Switzerland wapis aa giya main ne naghma se kabhi bhi is baat ka zikar nain kiya hum abb khuchhal zindghi guzaar reay hain laikin aik hi khana khanay se insaan bore ho jata hai iss liya main kabhi kabhi bhair bhi mhun mar keta hoon .
Humaray swiss aye do month hi hoa tha ke naghma muj se boli ke aunty maa bananay wali hai at the age of 40 main sooch rah tha ke bacha kis ka hai chaloo jis ka bhi hoo aunty ke to mazay ho giya hai phir sath hi aik aur khabar ayi ke jony ne sitara se shadhi kar li aur who bhi maa bananay wali hai jab ke komal ne apnay husband se divorce le liya aur muna se shadhi kar li mujay pata tha sab maa beti maza karma chati thi jab ke kamala bb bhi kanwara tha.

Tags: Hindi Stories, Indian Sex Stories, Stories In Hindi, Erotic Stories, Urdu Stories, Desi Stories, Hindi Kahani